
PLOT(3X)            UNIX Programmer's Manual             PLOT(3X)

     plot: openpl et al. - graphics interface

     openpl( )

     erase( )

     label(s) char s[ ];

     line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

     circle(x, y, r)

     arc(x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1)

     move(x, y)

     cont(x, y)

     point(x, y)

     linemod(s) char s[ ];

     space(x0, y0, x1, y1)

     closepl( )

     cc ... -lplot

     These subroutines generate graphic output in a relatively
     device-independent manner.  See _p_l_o_t(5) for a description of
     their effect.  _O_p_e_n_p_l must be used before any of the others
     to open the device for writing.  _C_l_o_s_e_p_l flushes the output.

     String arguments to _l_a_b_e_l and _l_i_n_e_m_o_d are null-terminated,
     and do not contain newlines.

     Various flavors of these functions exist for different out-
     put devices. They are obtained by the following _l_d(1)

     -lplot  device-independent graphics stream on standard out-
             put for _p_l_o_t(1G) filters
     -l300   GSI 300 terminal
     -l300s  GSI 300S terminal
     -l450   DASI 450 terminal
     -l4014  Tektronix 4014 terminal

     graph(1G), plot(1G), plot(5)

Printed 8/5/83                                                  1