/* @(#)fstab.c 4.1 (Berkeley) 12/21/80 */ #include <fstab.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> static struct fstab fs; static FILE *fs_file = 0; static char *fs_string(back, string, lg, end) char *string, *back; int lg; /* length of field to stuff into */ char end; { register char *cp; for (cp = string; *cp && *cp != end; cp++) continue; if (*cp == '\0') return(0); *cp = '\0'; strncpy(back, string, lg-1); return(cp+1); } static char *fs_digit(backp, string, end) int *backp; char *string; char end; { register int value = 0; register char *cp; for (cp = string; *cp && isdigit(*cp); cp++){ value *= 10; value += *cp - '0'; } if (*cp == '\0') return(0); *backp = value; while ( *cp && *cp != end) cp++; if (*cp == '\0') return(0); return(cp+1); } static int fstabscan(fsp) struct fstab *fsp; { register char *cp; char buf[256]; if (fgets(buf, 256, fs_file) == NULL) return(EOF); cp = buf; cp = fs_string(&fsp->fs_spec[0], cp, FSNMLG, ':'); if (cp == 0) return(0); cp = fs_string(&fsp->fs_file[0], cp, FSNMLG, ':'); if (cp == 0) return(1); cp = fs_string(&fsp->fs_type[0], cp, 3, ':'); if (cp == 0) return(2); cp = fs_digit(&fsp->fs_freq, cp, ':'); if (cp == 0) return(3); cp = fs_digit(&fsp->fs_passno, cp, '\n'); if (cp == 0) return(4); return(5); } int setfsent() { if (fs_file) endfsent(); if ( (fs_file = fopen(FSTAB, "r")) == NULL){ fs_file = 0; return(0); } return(1); } int endfsent() { if (fs_file){ fclose(fs_file); } return(1); } struct fstab *getfsent() { int nfields; if ( (fs_file == 0) && (setfsent() == 0) ) return(0); nfields = fstabscan(&fs); if (nfields == EOF || nfields != FSTABNARGS) return(0); return(&fs); } struct fstab *getfsspec(name) char *name; { register struct fstab *fsp; if (setfsent() == 0) /* start from the beginning */ return(0); while( (fsp = getfsent()) != 0){ if (strncmp(fsp->fs_spec, name, sizeof(fsp->fs_spec)) == 0) return(fsp); } return(0); } struct fstab *getfsfile(name) char *name; { register struct fstab *fsp; if (setfsent() == 0) /* start from the beginning */ return(0); while ( (fsp = getfsent()) != 0){ if (strncmp(fsp->fs_file, name, sizeof(fsp->fs_spec)) == 0) return(fsp); } return(0); }