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/* Copyright (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
#include "sh.h"

 * C shell

 * System level search and execute of a command.
 * We look in each directory for the specified command name.
 * If the name contains a '/' then we execute only the full path name.
 * If there is no search path then we execute only full path names.

 * As we search for the command we note the first non-trivial error
 * message for presentation to the user.  This allows us often
 * to show that a file has the wrong mode/no access when the file
 * is not in the last component of the search path, so we must
 * go on after first detecting the error.
char	*exerr;			/* Execution error message */
char	*expath;		/* Path for exerr */

/* Dummy search path for just absolute search when no path */
char	*justabs[] =	{ "", 0 };

	register struct command *t;
	char *sav;
	register char *dp, **pv, **av;
	register struct varent *v;
	bool slash = any('/', t->t_dcom[0]);
	char *blk[2];

	 * Glob the command name.  If this does anything, then we
	 * will execute the command only relative to ".".  One special
	 * case: if there is no PATH, then we execute only commands
	 * which start with '/'.
	dp = globone(t->t_dcom[0]);
	exerr = 0; expath = t->t_dcom[0] = dp;
	v = adrof("path");
	if (v == 0 && expath[0] != '/')
	slash |= gflag;

	 * Glob the argument list, if necessary.
	 * Otherwise trim off the quote bits.
	gflag = 0; av = &t->t_dcom[1];
	rscan(av, tglob);
	if (gflag) {
		av = glob(av);
		if (av == 0)
			error("No match");
	blk[0] = t->t_dcom[0];
	blk[1] = 0;
	av = blkspl(blk, av);
	scan(av, trim);

	xechoit(av);		/* Echo command if -x */
	closech();		/* Close random fd's */

	 * If no path, no words in path, or a / in the filename
	 * then restrict the command search.
	if (v == 0 || v->vec[0] == 0 || slash)
		pv = justabs;
		pv = v->vec;
	sav = strspl("/", *av);		/* / command name for postpending */
	do {
		if (pv[0][0] == 0 || eq(pv[0], "."))	/* don't make ./xxx */
			texec(*av, av);
		else {
			dp = strspl(*pv, sav);
			texec(dp, av);
	} while (*pv);


	/* Couldn't find the damn thing */
	if (exerr)
	bferr("Command not found");

/* Last resort shell */
char	*lastsh[] =	{ SHELLPATH, 0 };

 * Execute command f, arg list t.
 * Record error message if not found.
 * Also do shell scripts here.
texec(f, t)
	char *f;
	register char **t;
	register struct varent *v;
	register char **vp;
	extern char *sys_errlist[];

	execv(f, t);
	switch (errno) {

	case ENOEXEC:
		 * If there is an alias for shell, then
		 * put the words of the alias in front of the
		 * argument list replacing the command name.
		 * Note no interpretation of the words at this point.
		v = adrof1("shell", &aliases);
		if (v == 0) {
#ifdef OTHERSH
			register int ff = open(f, 0);
			char ch;

			vp = lastsh;
			vp[0] = adrof("shell") ? value("shell") : SHELLPATH;
#ifdef OTHERSH
			if (ff != -1 && read(ff, &ch, 1) == 1 && ch != '#')
				vp[0] = OTHERSH;
		} else
			vp = v->vec;
		t[0] = f;
		t = blkspl(vp, t);		/* Splice up the new arglst */
		f = *t;
		execv(f, t);
		/* The sky is falling, the sky is falling! */

	case ENOMEM:

	case ENOENT:

		if (exerr == 0) {
			exerr = sys_errlist[errno];
			expath = savestr(f);

execash(t, kp)
	register struct command *kp;

	lshift(kp->t_dcom, 1);

	char **t;

	if (adrof("echo")) {
		haderr = 1;
		blkpr(t), printf("\n");
		haderr = 0;