
.xx "intro" "introduction to commands"
.xx "ac" "login accounting"
.xx "adb" "debugger"
.xx "ar" "archive and library maintainer"
.xx "ar11" "PDP-11 compatible archive and library maintainer"
.xx "arcv" "convert archives to new format"
.xx "as" "assembler"
.xx "at" "execute commands at a later time"
.xx "awk" "pattern scanning and processing language"
.xx "basename" "strip filename affixes"
.xx "bc" "arbitrary-precision arithmetic language"
.xx "cal" "print calendar"
.xx "calendar" "reminder service"
.xx "call" "ring a telephone"
.xx "cat" "catenate and print"
.xx "cb" "C program beautifier"
.xx "cc" "C compiler"
.xx "cd" "change working directory"
.xx "chmod" "change mode"
.xx "chown" "change owner or group"
.xx "clri" "clear i-node"
.xx "cmp" "compare two files"
.xx "col" "filter reverse line feeds"
.xx "comm" "select or reject lines common to two sorted files"
.xx "cp" "copy"
.xx "cron" "clock daemon"
.xx "crypt" "encode/decode"
.xx "cu" "call UNIX"
.xx "date" "print and set the date"
.xx "dc" "desk calculator"
.xx "dcheck" "file system directory consistency check"
.xx "dd" "convert and copy a file"
.xx "deroff" "remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs"
.xx "df" "disk free"
.xx "diff" "differential file comparator"
.xx "diff3" "3-way differential file comparison"
.xx "du" "summarize disk usage"
.xx "dump" "incremental file system dump"
.xx "dumpdir" "print the names of files on a dump tape"
.xx "echo" "echo arguments"
.xx "ed" "text editor"
.xx "eqn" "typeset mathematics"
.xx "expr" "evaluate arguments as an expression"
.xx "f77" "Fortran 77 compiler"
.xx "file" "determine file type"
.xx "find" "find files"
.xx "graph" "draw a graph"
.xx "grep" "search a file for a pattern"
.xx "icheck" "file system storage consistency check"
.xx "iostat" "report I/O statistics"
.xx "join" "relational database operator"
.xx "kill" "terminate a process with extreme prejudice"
.xx "ld" "link editor"
.xx "learn" "computer aided instruction about UNIX"
.xx "lex" "generator of lexical analysis programs"
.xx "lint" "a C program verifier"
.xx "ln" "make a link"
.xx "login" "sign on"
.xx "look" "find lines in a sorted list"
.xx "lorder" "find ordering relation for an object library"
.xx "lpr" "line printer spooler"
.xx "ls" "list contents of directory"
.xx "m4" "macro processor"
.xx "mail" "send or receive mail among users"
.xx "make" "maintain program groups"
.xx "man" "print sections of this manual"
.xx "mesg" "permit or deny messages"
.xx "mkdir" "make a directory"
.xx "mkfs" "construct a file system"
.xx "mknod" "build special file"
.xx "mount" "mount and dismount file system"
.xx "mv" "move or rename files"
.xx "ncheck" "generate names from i-numbers"
.xx "newgrp" "log in to a new group"
.xx "nice" "run a command at low priority"
.xx "nm" "print name list"
.xx "nohup" "run a command immune to hangups"
.xx "number" "convert Arabic numerals to English"
.xx "od" "octal dump"
.xx "passwd" "change login password"
.xx "plot" "graphics filters"
.xx "pr" "print file"
.xx "prof" "display profile data"
.xx "ps" "process status"
.xx "pstat" "print system facts"
.xx "ptx" "permuted index"
.xx "pwd" "working directory name"
.xx "quot" "summarize file system ownership"
.xx "ratfor" "rational Fortran dialect"
.xx "rc" "Ratfor compiler"
.xx "refer" "find and insert literature references in documents"
.xx "restor" "incremental file system restore"
.xx "rev" "reverse lines of a file"
.xx "rm" "files"
.xx "sa" "system accounting"
.xx "sdb" "C symbolic debugger"
.xx "sed" "stream editor"
.xx "sh" "command language"
.xx "size" "size of an object file"
.xx "sleep" "suspend execution for an interval"
.xx "sort" "sort or merge files"
.xx "spell" "find spelling errors"
.xx "spline" "interpolate smooth curve"
.xx "split" "split a file into pieces"
.xx "strip" "remove symbols and relocation bits"
.xx "struct" "structure Fortran programs"
.xx "stty" "set terminal options"
.xx "su" "substitute user id temporarily"
.xx "sum" "sum and count blocks in a file"
.xx "sync" "update the super block"
.xx "tabs" "set terminal tabs"
.xx "tail" "deliver the last part of a file"
.xx "tar" "tape archiver"
.xx "tbl" "format tables for nroff or troff"
.xx "tc" "photypesetter simulator"
.xx "tee" "pipe fitting"
.xx "test" "condition command"
.xx "time" "time a command"
.xx "tk" "paginator for the Tektronix 4014"
.xx "touch" "update date last modified of a file"
.xx "tp" "manipulate tape archive"
.xx "tr" "translate characters"
.xx "troff" "text formatting and typesetting"
.xx "true" "provide truth values"
.xx "tsort" "topological sort"
.xx "tty" "get terminal name"
.xx "uniq" "report repeated lines in a file"
.xx "units" "conversion program"
.xx "uucp" "unix to unix copy"
.xx "uudiff" "directory comparison between machines"
.xx "uulog" "uucp user log inquiry"
.xx "uux" "unix to unix command execution"
.xx "wait" "await completion of process"
.xx "wall" "write to all users"
.xx "wc" "word count"
.xx "who" "who is on the system"
.xx "write" "write to another user"
.xx "xsend" "secret mail"
.xx "yacc" "yet another compiler-compiler"