#include "../h/param.h" #include "../h/systm.h" #include "../h/uba.h" #include "../h/map.h" #include "../h/dir.h" #include "../h/user.h" #include "../h/proc.h" #include "../h/buf.h" #include "../h/reg.h" #include "../h/inode.h" #include "../h/seg.h" #include "../h/acct.h" #include "../h/page.h" /* * exec system call, with and without environments. */ struct execa { char *fname; char **argp; char **envp; }; exec() { ((struct execa *)u.u_ap)->envp = NULL; exece(); } exece() { register nc; register char *cp; register struct buf *bp; register struct execa *uap; int na, ne, bno, ucp, ap, c; struct inode *ip; if ((ip = namei(uchar, 0)) == NULL) return; bno = 0; bp = 0; if(access(ip, IEXEC)) goto bad; if((ip->i_mode & IFMT) != IFREG || (ip->i_mode & (IEXEC|(IEXEC>>3)|(IEXEC>>6))) == 0) { u.u_error = EACCES; goto bad; } /* * Collect arguments on "file" in swap space. */ na = 0; ne = 0; nc = 0; uap = (struct execa *)u.u_ap; if ((bno = malloc(swapmap,(NCARGS+BSIZE-1)/BSIZE)) == 0) panic("Out of swap"); if (uap->argp) for (;;) { ap = NULL; if (uap->argp) { ap = fuword((caddr_t)uap->argp); uap->argp++; } if (ap==NULL && uap->envp) { uap->argp = NULL; if ((ap = fuword((caddr_t)uap->envp)) == NULL) break; uap->envp++; ne++; } if (ap==NULL) break; na++; if(ap == -1) u.u_error = EFAULT; do { if (nc >= NCARGS-1) u.u_error = E2BIG; if ((c = fubyte((caddr_t)ap++)) < 0) u.u_error = EFAULT; if (u.u_error) goto bad; if ((nc&BMASK) == 0) { if (bp) bawrite(bp); bp = getblk(swapdev, swplo+bno+(nc>>BSHIFT)); cp = bp->b_un.b_addr; } nc++; *cp++ = c; } while (c>0); } if (bp) bawrite(bp); bp = 0; nc = (nc + NBPW-1) & ~(NBPW-1); if (getxfile(ip, nc) || u.u_error) goto bad; /* * copy back arglist */ ucp = USRSTACK - nc - NBPW; ap = ucp - na*NBPW - 3*NBPW; u.u_ar0[SP] = ap; suword((caddr_t)ap, na-ne); nc = 0; for (;;) { ap += NBPW; if (na==ne) { suword((caddr_t)ap, 0); ap += NBPW; } if (--na < 0) break; suword((caddr_t)ap, ucp); do { if ((nc&BMASK) == 0) { if (bp) brelse(bp); bp = bread(swapdev, swplo+bno+(nc>>BSHIFT)); cp = bp->b_un.b_addr; } subyte((caddr_t)ucp++, (c = *cp++)); nc++; } while(c&0377); } suword((caddr_t)ap, 0); suword((caddr_t)ucp, 0); setregs(); bad: if (bp) brelse(bp); if(bno) mfree(swapmap, (NCARGS+BSIZE-1)/BSIZE, bno); iput(ip); } /* * Read in and set up memory for executed file. * Zero return is normal; * non-zero means only the text is being replaced */ getxfile(ip, nargc) register struct inode *ip; { register unsigned ds; register sep; register unsigned ts, ss; register i, overlay; /* * read in first few bytes * of file for segment * sizes: * ux_mag = 407/410/411/405 * 407 is plain executable * 410 is RO text * 411 is separated ID * 405 is overlaid text */ u.u_base = (caddr_t)&u.u_exdata; u.u_count = sizeof(u.u_exdata); u.u_offset = 0; u.u_segflg = 1; readi(ip); u.u_segflg = 0; if(u.u_error) goto bad; if (u.u_count!=0) { u.u_error = ENOEXEC; goto bad; } sep = 0; overlay = 0; if(u.u_exdata.ux_mag == 0407) { u.u_exdata.ux_dsize += u.u_exdata.ux_tsize; u.u_exdata.ux_tsize = 0; } else if (u.u_exdata.ux_mag == 0411) sep++; else if (u.u_exdata.ux_mag == 0405) overlay++; else if (u.u_exdata.ux_mag != 0410) { u.u_error = ENOEXEC; goto bad; } if(u.u_exdata.ux_tsize!=0 && (ip->i_flag&ITEXT)==0 && ip->i_count!=1) { u.u_error = ETXTBSY; goto bad; } /* * find text and data sizes * try them out for possible * exceed of max sizes */ ts = btoc(u.u_exdata.ux_tsize); ds = btoc(u.u_exdata.ux_dsize + u.u_exdata.ux_bsize); ss = SSIZE + btoc(nargc); if (overlay) { if (u.u_sep==0 && ctos(ts) != ctos(u.u_tsize) || nargc) { u.u_error = ENOMEM; goto bad; } ds = u.u_dsize; ss = u.u_ssize; sep = u.u_sep; xfree(); xalloc(ip); u.u_ar0[PC] = u.u_exdata.ux_entloc + 2; /* skip over entry mask */ } else { if(estabur(ts, ds, ss, sep, RO)) goto bad; /* * allocate and clear core * at this point, committed * to the new image */ u.u_prof.pr_scale = 0; xfree(); i = USIZE+ds+ss; expand(i); while(--i >= USIZE) clearseg(u.u_procp->p_addr+i); xalloc(ip); /* * read in data segment */ estabur((unsigned)0, ds, (unsigned)0, 0, RO); u.u_base = 0; u.u_offset = sizeof(u.u_exdata)+u.u_exdata.ux_tsize; u.u_count = u.u_exdata.ux_dsize; readi(ip); /* * set SUID/SGID protections, if no tracing */ if ((u.u_procp->p_flag&STRC)==0) { if(ip->i_mode&ISUID) if(u.u_uid != 0) { u.u_uid = ip->i_uid; u.u_procp->p_uid = ip->i_uid; } if(ip->i_mode&ISGID) u.u_gid = ip->i_gid; } else psignal(u.u_procp, SIGTRC); } u.u_tsize = ts; u.u_dsize = ds; u.u_ssize = ss; u.u_sep = sep; estabur(ts, ds, ss, sep, RO); bad: return(overlay); } /* * Clear registers on exec */ setregs() { register int *rp; register char *cp; register i; for(rp = &u.u_signal[0]; rp < &u.u_signal[NSIG]; rp++) if((*rp & 1) == 0) *rp = 0; /* for(rp = &u.u_ar0[0]; rp < &u.u_ar0[16];) *rp++ = 0; */ u.u_ar0[PC] = u.u_exdata.ux_entloc + 2; /* skip over entry mask */ for(i=0; i<NOFILE; i++) { if (u.u_pofile[i]&EXCLOSE) { closef(u.u_ofile[i]); u.u_ofile[i] = NULL; } } /* * Remember file name for accounting. */ u.u_acflag &= ~AFORK; bcopy((caddr_t)u.u_dbuf, (caddr_t)u.u_comm, DIRSIZ); } /* * exit system call: * pass back caller's arg */ rexit() { register struct a { int rval; } *uap; uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; exit((uap->rval & 0377) << 8); } /* * Release resources. * Save u. area for parent to look at. * Enter zombie state. * Wake up parent and init processes, * and dispose of children. */ exit(rv) { register int i; register struct proc *p, *q; register struct file *f; p = u.u_procp; p->p_flag &= ~(STRC|SULOCK); p->p_clktim = 0; for(i=0; i<NSIG; i++) u.u_signal[i] = 1; for(i=0; i<NOFILE; i++) { f = u.u_ofile[i]; u.u_ofile[i] = NULL; closef(f); } plock(u.u_cdir); iput(u.u_cdir); if (u.u_rdir) { plock(u.u_rdir); iput(u.u_rdir); } xfree(); acct(); mfree(coremap, p->p_size, p->p_addr); p->p_stat = SZOMB; ((struct xproc *)p)->xp_xstat = rv; ((struct xproc *)p)->xp_utime = u.u_cutime + u.u_utime; ((struct xproc *)p)->xp_stime = u.u_cstime + u.u_stime; for(q = &proc[0]; q < &proc[NPROC]; q++) if(q->p_ppid == p->p_pid) { wakeup((caddr_t)&proc[1]); q->p_ppid = 1; if (q->p_stat==SSTOP) setrun(q); } for(q = &proc[0]; q < &proc[NPROC]; q++) if(p->p_ppid == q->p_pid) { wakeup((caddr_t)q); swtch(); /* no return */ } swtch(); } /* * Wait system call. * Search for a terminated (zombie) child, * finally lay it to rest, and collect its status. * Look also for stopped (traced) children, * and pass back status from them. */ wait() { register f; register struct proc *p; f = 0; loop: for(p = &proc[0]; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++) if(p->p_ppid == u.u_procp->p_pid) { f++; if(p->p_stat == SZOMB) { u.u_r.r_val1 = p->p_pid; u.u_r.r_val2 = ((struct xproc *)p)->xp_xstat; u.u_cutime += ((struct xproc *)p)->xp_utime; u.u_cstime += ((struct xproc *)p)->xp_stime; p->p_stat = NULL; p->p_pid = 0; p->p_ppid = 0; p->p_sig = 0; p->p_pgrp = 0; p->p_flag = 0; p->p_wchan = 0; return; } if(p->p_stat == SSTOP) { if((p->p_flag&SWTED) == 0) { p->p_flag |= SWTED; u.u_r.r_val1 = p->p_pid; u.u_r.r_val2 = (fsig(p)<<8) | 0177; return; } continue; } } if(f) { sleep((caddr_t)u.u_procp, PWAIT); goto loop; } u.u_error = ECHILD; } /* * fork system call. */ fork() { register struct proc *p1, *p2; register a; /* * Make sure there's enough swap space for max * core image, thus reducing chances of running out */ if ((a = malloc(swapmap, ctod(MAXMEM))) == 0) { u.u_error = ENOMEM; goto out; } mfree(swapmap, ctod(MAXMEM), a); a = 0; p2 = NULL; for(p1 = &proc[0]; p1 < &proc[NPROC]; p1++) { if (p1->p_stat==NULL && p2==NULL) p2 = p1; else { if (p1->p_uid==u.u_uid && p1->p_stat!=NULL) a++; } } /* * Disallow if * No processes at all; * not su and too many procs owned; or * not su and would take last slot. */ if (p2==NULL || (u.u_uid!=0 && (p2==&proc[NPROC-1] || a>MAXUPRC))) { u.u_error = EAGAIN; goto out; } p1 = u.u_procp; if(newproc()) { u.u_r.r_val1 = p1->p_pid; u.u_r.r_val2 = 1; /* child */ u.u_start = time; u.u_cstime = 0; u.u_stime = 0; u.u_cutime = 0; u.u_utime = 0; u.u_acflag = AFORK; return; } u.u_r.r_val1 = p2->p_pid; out: u.u_r.r_val2 = 0; } /* * break system call. * -- bad planning: "break" is a dirty word in C. */ sbreak() { struct a { char *nsiz; }; register a, n, d; int i; /* * set n to new data size * set d to new-old * set n to new total size */ n = btoc((int)((struct a *)u.u_ap)->nsiz); if(!u.u_sep) n -= ctos(u.u_tsize) * stoc(1); if(n < 0) n = 0; d = n - u.u_dsize; n += USIZE+u.u_ssize; if(estabur(u.u_tsize, u.u_dsize+d, u.u_ssize, u.u_sep, RO)) return; u.u_dsize += d; if(d > 0) goto bigger; a = u.u_procp->p_addr + n - u.u_ssize; i = n; n = u.u_ssize; while(n--) { copyseg(a-d, a); a++; } expand(i); return; bigger: expand(n); a = u.u_procp->p_addr + n; n = u.u_ssize; while(n--) { a--; copyseg(a-d, a); } while(d--) clearseg(--a); }