
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

# include "stdio.h"
# include "ctype.h"

grepcall (in, out, arg)
	char *in, *out, *arg;
char line[200], *s, argig[100], *cv[50];
char *inp, inb[500];
extern char gfile[];
FILE *qf, *gf;
int c, oldc = 0, alph = 0, nv = 0;
int sv0, sv1;
strcpy (argig, arg); strcat(argig, ".ig");
strcpy (inp=inb, in);
if (gfile[0]==0)
	sprintf(gfile, "/tmp/rj%dg", getpid());
# if D1
fprintf(stderr, "in grepcall, gfile %s in %o out %o\n", gfile,in,out);
# endif
for(cv[nv++] = "fgrep"; c = *inp; inp++)
	if (c== ' ')
		c = *inp = 0;
	else if (isupper(c))
		*inp = tolower(c);
	alph = (c==0) ? 0 : alph+1;
	if (alph == 1)
		cv[nv++] = inp;
	if (alph > 6)
		*inp = 0;
# if D1
fprintf(stderr, "%d args set up\n", nv);
# endif
	sv0 = dup(0);
	if (open (argig, 0) != 0)
		err("Can't read fgrep index %s", argig);
	sv1 = dup(1);
	if (creat(gfile, 0666) != 1)
		err("Can't write fgrep output %s", gfile);
	fgrep(nv, cv);
# if D1
fprintf(stderr, "fgrep returned, output is..\n");
# endif
	close (0); dup(sv0); close(sv0);
	close (1); dup(sv1); close(sv1);

# if D1
fprintf(stderr, "back from fgrep\n");
# endif
gf = fopen(gfile, "r");
if (gf==NULL)
	err("can't read fgrep output %s", gfile);
while (fgets(line, 100, gf) == line)
# if D1
fprintf(stderr, "read line as //%s//\n",line);
# endif
	for(s=line; *s && (*s != '\t'); s++);
	if (*s == '\t')
		*s++ = '\n';
		*s++ = 0;
	if (line[0])
		strcat(out, line);
# if D1
fprintf(stderr, "out now /%s/\n",out);
# endif
	while (*s) s++;
# if D1
fprintf(stderr, "line %o s %o s-1 %o\n",line,s,s[-1]);
# endif
	if (s[-1]!= '\n')
		while (!feof(gf) && getc(gf)!= '\n') ;
# if D1
	fprintf(stderr, "back from reading %, out %s\n",out);
# else
unlink (gfile);
# endif

if (gfile[0])