
{  *** Intrinsic Properties *** }

VISIT = 1;              { I've been here / seen this }
OPENS = 2;              { This can be opened }
LOCKS = 3;              { This can be locked }
OPEN  = 4;              { This is opened }
LOCKD = 5;              { This is locked }
INVIS = 6;              { This is invisible }
TRANS = 7;              { This is transparent }
LIGHT = 8;              { This gives off light }
FLAME = 9;              { This is on fire }
CONTS = 10;             { Printed contents for the object (Look Kludge) }
SHRNK = 11;             { Has it been shrunk? }
CRYST = 12;             { Is it one of our magic thingies? }

MISC1 = 16;             { Miscellaneous Property (Semantics per object) }

RDLOC = 17;             { Location on Highway 8 }
WEIGH = 18;
HOLDS = 19;
HAS   = 20;
POINT = 21;

{ Constants }
TRUE = 1; FALSE = 0;
CAPAC = 500;                    { More than I can carry }

{ Globals }
DARKG = 1;
HWY8  = 2;
LOOKP = 3;
SCORE = 4;
Tempr = 5;              { Dragon's Upset? }
Cel6x = 6;		{ Where he came from to enter Cel06 }
WASDK = 7;