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/*	rx.c	4.4	83/02/21	*/

#include "rx.h"
#if NFX > 0
 * RX02 floppy disk device driver
#include "../machine/pte.h"

#include "../h/param.h"
#include "../h/buf.h"
#include "../h/systm.h"
#include "../h/conf.h"
#include "../h/errno.h"
#include "../h/time.h"
#include "../h/kernel.h"
#include "../h/uio.h"
#include "../h/file.h"

#include "../vax/cpu.h"
#include "../vax/nexus.h"
#include "../vaxuba/ubavar.h"
#include "../vaxuba/ubareg.h"
#include "../vaxuba/rxreg.h"

/* per-controller data */
struct	rx_ctlr {
	int	rxc_state;	/* controller state */
#define	RXS_READ	1	/* read started	*/
#define	RXS_EMPTY	2	/* empty started */
#define	RXS_FILL	3	/* fill started	*/
#define	RXS_WRITE	4	/* write started */
#define	RXS_FORMAT	5	/* format started */
#define	RXS_RDSTAT	6	/* status read started */
#define	RXS_RDERR	7	/* error read started */
#define RXS_IDLE	8	/* device is idle */
	u_short	rxc_rxcs;	/* extended error status */
	u_short	rxc_rxdb;
	u_short	rxc_rxxt[4];
#define	RX_MAXTIMEOUT	30	/* # seconds to wait before giving up */
} rx_ctlr[NFX];
struct buf	rrxbuf[NFX];	/* buffer for I/O */
struct buf	erxbuf[NFX];	/* buffer for reading error status */

/* per-drive data */
struct rx_softc {
	int	sc_flags;	/* drive status flags */
#define	RXF_DBLDEN	0x01	/* use double density */
#define	RXF_DIRECT	0x02	/* use direct sector mapping */
#define	RXF_TRKZERO	0x04	/* start mapping on track 0 */
#define	RXF_DEVTYPE	0x07	/* density and mapping flags */
#define	RXF_OPEN	0x10	/* open */
#define	RXF_DDMK	0x20	/* deleted-data mark detected */
#define	RXF_USEWDDS	0x40	/* write deleted-data sector */
	int	sc_csbits;	/* constant bits for CS register */
	int	sc_tocnt;	/* for watchdog routine */
} rx_softc[NRX];

struct rxerr {
	short	rxcs;
	short	rxdb;
	short	rxxt[4];	/* error code dump from controller */
} rxerr[NFX];

struct	uba_device *rxdinfo[NRX];
struct	uba_ctlr *rxminfo[NFX];
int rxprobe(), rxslave(), rxattach(), rxdgo(), rxintr();
int rxwatch(), rxphys();
u_short rxstd[] = { 0177170, 0177150, 0 };
struct uba_driver fxdriver =
  { rxprobe, rxslave, rxattach, rxdgo, rxstd, "rx", rxdinfo, "fx", rxminfo };

int	rxwstart;
#define	RXUNIT(dev)	(minor(dev)>>4)

/* constants related to floppy data capacity */
#define	RXSECS	2002				/* # sectors on a floppy */
#define	DDSTATE	(sc->sc_flags&RXF_DBLDEN)
#define	NBPS	(DDSTATE ? 256 : 128)		/* # bytes per sector */
#define	NWPS	(DDSTATE ? 128 : 64)		/* # words per sector */
#define	RXSIZE	(DDSTATE ? 512512 : 256256)	/* # bytes per disk */
#define	SECSHFT	(DDSTATE ? 8 : 7)		/* # bits to shift for sctr # */
#define	SECMASK	(DDSTATE ? 0xff : 0x7f)		/* shifted-out bits of offset */

#define	B_CTRL	0x80000000			/* control (format) request */

rxprobe (reg)
	caddr_t reg;
	register int br, cvec;			/* value-result */
	struct rxdevice *rxaddr = (struct rxdevice *)reg;

#ifdef lint
	br = 0; cvec = br; br = cvec;
#endif lint
	rxaddr->rxcs = RX_INTR;
	rxaddr->rxcs = 0;
	return (sizeof (*rxaddr));

	struct uba_device *ui;
	caddr_t reg;

	ui->ui_dk = 1;
	return (ui->ui_slave == 0 || ui->ui_slave == 1);

	struct uba_device *ui;


rxopen(dev, flag)
	dev_t dev;
	int flag;
	register int unit = RXUNIT(dev);
	register struct rx_softc *sc;
	register struct uba_device *ui;

	if (unit >= NRX || (minor(dev) & 0x8) ||
	    (ui = rxdinfo[unit]) == 0 || ui->ui_alive == 0)
		return (ENXIO);
	sc = &rx_softc[unit];
	if (sc->sc_flags & RXF_OPEN)
		return (EBUSY);
	sc->sc_flags = RXF_OPEN | (minor(dev) & RXF_DEVTYPE);
	sc->sc_csbits = RX_INTR;
	sc->sc_csbits |= ui->ui_slave == 0 ? RX_DRV0 : RX_DRV1;
	sc->sc_csbits |= minor(dev) & RXF_DBLDEN ? RX_DDEN : RX_SDEN;
	return (0);

rxclose(dev, flag)
	dev_t dev;
	int flag;
	register struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[RXUNIT(dev)];

	sc->sc_flags &= ~RXF_OPEN;
	sc->sc_csbits = 0;

	register struct buf *bp;
	struct uba_device *ui;
	register struct rx_softc *sc;
	register struct uba_ctlr *um;
	int s;

	ui = rxdinfo[RXUNIT(bp->b_dev)];
	if (ui == 0 || ui->ui_alive == 0) {
		bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
	um = ui->ui_mi;
	bp->b_actf = NULL;
	s = spl5();
	if (um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf == NULL)
		um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf = bp;
		um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actl->b_forw = bp;
	um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actl = bp;
	bp = um->um_tab.b_actf;
	if (!um->um_tab.b_active && bp->b_actf)

 * Sector mapping routine.
 * Two independent sets of choices are available:
 * (a) The first logical sector may either be on track 1 or track 0.
 * (b) The sectors on a track may either be taken in 2-for-1 interleaved
 *	 fashion or directly.
 * This gives a total of four possible mapping schemes.
 * Physical tracks on the RX02 are numbered 0-76.  Physical sectors on
 * each track are numbered 1-26.
 * When interleaving is used, sectors on the first logical track are
 * taken in the order 1, 3, 5, ..., 25, 2, 4, 6, ..., 26.  A skew of
 * six sectors per track is also used (to allow time for the heads to
 * move); hence, the sectors on the second logical track are taken in
 * the order 7, 9, 11, ..., 25, 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, ..., 26, 2, 4, 6;
 * the third logical track starts with sector 13; and so on.
 * When the mapping starts with track 1, track 0 is the last logical
 * track, and this track is always handled directly (without inter-
 * leaving), even when the rest of the disk is interleaved.  (This is
 * still compatible with DEC RT-11, which does not use track 0 at all.)
rxmap(bp, psector, ptrack)
	struct buf *bp;
	int *psector, *ptrack;
	register int lt, ls, ptoff;
	struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[RXUNIT(bp->b_dev)];

	ls = bp->b_blkno * (NBPS / DEV_BSIZE);
	lt = ls / 26;
	ls %= 26;
	 * The "physical track offset" (ptoff) takes the
	 * starting physical track (0 or 1) and the desired
	 * interleaving into account.  If lt+ptoff >= 77,
	 * then interleaving is not performed.
	ptoff = 0;
	if (sc->sc_flags&RXF_DIRECT)
		ptoff = 77;
	if (sc->sc_flags&RXF_TRKZERO)
	if (lt + ptoff < 77)
		ls = ((ls << 1) + (ls >= 13) + (6*lt)) % 26;
	*ptrack = (lt + ptoff) % 77;
	*psector = ls + 1;

	register struct uba_ctlr *um;
	register struct rxdevice *rxaddr;
	register struct rx_ctlr *rxc;
	register struct rx_softc *sc;
	struct buf *bp;
	int unit, sector, track;

	if (um->um_tab.b_active || (bp = um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf) == NULL)
	unit = RXUNIT(bp->b_dev);
	sc = &rx_softc[unit];
	rxaddr = (struct rxdevice *)um->um_addr;
	rxc = &rx_ctlr[um->um_ctlr];
	rxtimo(bp->b_dev);				/* start watchdog */
	if (bp->b_flags&B_CTRL) {			/* format */
		rxc->rxc_state = RXS_FORMAT;
		rxaddr->rxcs = RX_FORMAT | sc->sc_csbits;
		while ((rxaddr->rxcs&RX_TREQ) == 0)
		rxaddr->rxdb = 'I';
	if (bp->b_flags&B_READ) {			/* read */
		rxmap(bp, &sector, &track);
		rxc->rxc_state = RXS_READ;
		rxaddr->rxcs = RX_READ | sc->sc_csbits;
		while ((rxaddr->rxcs&RX_TREQ) == 0)
		rxaddr->rxdb = (u_short)sector;
		while ((rxaddr->rxcs&RX_TREQ) == 0)
		rxaddr->rxdb = (u_short)track;
	rxc->rxc_state = RXS_FILL;			/* write */
	um->um_cmd = RX_FILL;
	(void) ubago(rxdinfo[unit]);

	struct uba_ctlr *um;
	register struct rxdevice *rxaddr = (struct rxdevice *)um->um_addr;
	int ubinfo = um->um_ubinfo;
	struct buf *bp = &rrxbuf[um->um_ctlr];
	struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[RXUNIT(bp->b_dev)];
	struct rx_ctlr *rxc = &rx_ctlr[um->um_ctlr];

	bp = um->um_tab.b_actf;
	sc->sc_tocnt = 0;
	if (rxc->rxc_state != RXS_RDERR) {
		while ((rxaddr->rxcs&RX_TREQ) == 0)
		rxaddr->rxdb = bp->b_bcount >> 1;
	while ((rxaddr->rxcs&RX_TREQ) == 0)
	rxaddr->rxdb = ubinfo;
	rxaddr->rxcs = um->um_cmd | ((ubinfo & 0x30000) >> 4) | sc->sc_csbits;

	dev_t dev;
	int unit = RXUNIT(dev), sector, track;
	struct uba_ctlr *um = rxminfo[unit];
	register struct rxdevice *rxaddr;
	register struct buf *bp;
	register struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[unit];
	struct uba_device *ui = rxdinfo[unit];
	struct rxerr *er;
	register struct rx_ctlr *rxc;

	sc->sc_tocnt = 0;
	if (!um->um_tab.b_active)
	rxaddr = (struct rxdevice *)um->um_addr;
	rxc = &rx_ctlr[um->um_ctlr];
	er = &rxerr[um->um_ctlr];
	bp = um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf;
	if ((rxaddr->rxcs & RX_ERR) &&
	    rxc->rxc_state != RXS_RDSTAT && rxc->rxc_state != RXS_RDERR)
		goto error;
	switch (rxc->rxc_state) {

	 * Incomplete commands.  Perform next step
	 * and return.  Note that b_active is set on
	 * entrance and, therefore, also on exit.
	case RXS_READ:
		if (rxaddr->rxdb & RXES_DDMARK)
			sc->sc_flags |= RXF_DDMK;
			sc->sc_flags &= ~RXF_DDMK;
		rxc->rxc_state = RXS_EMPTY;
		um->um_cmd = RX_EMPTY;
		(void) ubago(ui);

	case RXS_FILL:
		rxc->rxc_state = RXS_WRITE;
		if (sc->sc_flags & RXF_USEWDDS) {
			rxaddr->rxcs = RX_WDDS | sc->sc_csbits;
			sc->sc_flags &= ~RXF_USEWDDS;
		} else
			rxaddr->rxcs = RX_WRITE | sc->sc_csbits;
		while ((rxaddr->rxcs&RX_TREQ) == 0)
		rxmap(bp, &sector, &track);
		rxaddr->rxdb = sector;
		while ((rxaddr->rxcs&RX_TREQ) == 0)
		rxaddr->rxdb = track;

	 * Possibly completed command.
		if (rxaddr->rxdb&RXES_READY)
			goto rderr;
		bp->b_error = EBUSY;
		bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
		goto done;

	 * Command completed.
	case RXS_EMPTY:
	case RXS_WRITE:	
		goto done;

	case RXS_RDERR:
		rxmap(bp, &sector, &track);
		printf("rx%d: hard error, lsn%d (trk %d psec %d) ",
			unit, bp->b_blkno * (NBPS / DEV_BSIZE),
			track, sector);
		printf("cs=%b, db=%b, err=%x\n", er->rxcs, 
			RXCS_BITS, er->rxdb, RXES_BITS, er->rxxt[0]);
		goto done;

		printf("rx%d: state %d (reset)", unit, rxc->rxc_state);
	 * In case of an error:
	 *  (a) Give up now if a format (ioctl) was in progress, or if a
	 *	  density error was detected.
	 *  (b) Retry up to nine times if a CRC (data) error was detected,
	 *	  then give up if the error persists.
	 *  (c) In all other cases, reinitialize the drive and try the
	 *	  operation once more before giving up.
	if (rxc->rxc_state == RXS_FORMAT || (rxaddr->rxdb&RXES_DENERR))
		goto giveup;
	if (rxaddr->rxdb & RXES_CRCERR) {
		if (++bp->b_errcnt >= 10)
			goto giveup;
		goto retry;
	bp->b_errcnt += 9;
	if (bp->b_errcnt >= 10)
		goto giveup;
	rxaddr->rxcs = RX_INIT;
	/* no way to get an interrupt for "init done", so just wait */
	while ((rxaddr->rxdb&RX_DONE) == 0)
	 * In case we already have UNIBUS resources, give
	 * them back since we reallocate things in rxstart.
	if (um->um_ubinfo)

	 * Hard I/O error --
	 * Density errors are not noted on the console since the
	 * only way to determine the density of an unknown disk
	 * is to try one density or the other at random and see
	 * which one doesn't give a density error.
	if (rxaddr->rxdb & RXES_DENERR) {
		bp->b_error = EIO;
		bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
		goto done;
	rxc->rxc_state = RXS_RDSTAT;
	rxaddr->rxcs = RX_RDSTAT | sc->sc_csbits;

	 * A hard error (other than not ready or density) has occurred.
	 * Read the extended error status information.
	 * Before doing this, save the current CS and DB register values,
	 * because the read error status operation may modify them.
	 * Insert buffer with request at the head of the queue.
	bp->b_error = EIO;
	bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
	er->rxcs = rxaddr->rxcs;
	er->rxdb = rxaddr->rxdb;
	bp = &erxbuf[unit];
	bp->b_un.b_addr = (caddr_t)er->rxxt;
	bp->b_bcount = sizeof (er->rxxt);
	bp->b_flags &= ~(B_DIRTY|B_UAREA|B_PHYS|B_PAGET);
	if (um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf == NULL)
		um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actl = bp;
	bp->b_forw = um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf;
	um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf = bp;
	rxc->rxc_state = RXS_RDERR;
	um->um_cmd = RX_RDERR;
	(void) ubago(ui);
	um->um_tab.b_active = 0;
	um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf = bp->b_forw;
	bp->b_resid = 0;
	rxc->rxc_state = RXS_IDLE;
	 * If this unit has more work to do,
	 * start it up right away
	if (um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf)

	struct buf *bp;
	struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[RXUNIT(bp->b_dev)];

	if (bp->b_bcount > NBPS)
		bp->b_bcount = NBPS;

	dev_t dev;
	register struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[RXUNIT(dev)];

	if (sc->sc_flags & RXF_OPEN)
		timeout(rxtimo, (caddr_t)dev, hz);
	if (++sc->sc_tocnt < RX_MAXTIMEOUT)

	int uban;
	register struct uba_ctlr *um;
	register struct rxdevice *rxaddr;
	register int ctlr;

	for (ctlr = 0; ctlr < NFX; ctlr++) {
		if ((um = rxminfo[ctlr]) == 0 || um->um_ubanum != uban ||
		    um->um_alive == 0)
		printf(" fx%d", ctlr);
		if (um->um_ubinfo) {
			printf("<%d>", (um->um_ubinfo>>28)&0xf);
			um->um_ubinfo = 0;
		rx_ctlr[ctlr].rxc_state = RXS_IDLE;
		rxaddr = (struct rxdevice *)um->um_addr;
		rxaddr->rxcs = RX_INIT;
		while ((rxaddr->rxdb&RX_DONE) == 0)

rxread(dev, uio)
	dev_t dev;
	struct uio *uio;
	int unit = RXUNIT(dev), ctlr = rxdinfo[unit]->ui_ctlr;
	struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[RXUNIT(dev)];

	if (uio->uio_offset + uio->uio_resid > RXSIZE)
		return (ENXIO);
	if (uio->uio_offset < 0 || (uio->uio_offset & SECMASK) != 0)
		return (EIO);
	return (physio(rxstrategy, &rrxbuf[ctlr], dev, B_READ, minrxphys));

rxwrite(dev, uio)
	dev_t dev;
	struct uio *uio;
	int unit = RXUNIT(dev), ctlr = rxdinfo[unit]->ui_ctlr;
	struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[RXUNIT(dev)];

	if (uio->uio_offset + uio->uio_resid > RXSIZE)
		return (ENXIO);
	if (uio->uio_offset < 0 || (uio->uio_offset & SECMASK) != 0)
		return (EIO);
	return (physio(rxstrategy, &rrxbuf[ctlr], dev, B_WRITE, minrxphys));

 * Control routine:
 * processes three kinds of requests:
 *	(1) Set density according to that specified by the open device.
 *	(2) Arrange for the next sector to be written with a deleted-
 *		  data mark.
 *	(3) Report whether the last sector read had a deleted-data mark
 *		  (by returning with an EIO error code if it did).
 * Requests relating to deleted-data marks can be handled right here.
 * A "set density" request, however, must additionally be processed
 * through "rxstart", just like a read or write request.
rxioctl(dev, cmd, data, flag)
	dev_t dev;
	int cmd;
	caddr_t data;
	int flag;
	int unit = RXUNIT(dev);
	struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[unit];

	switch (cmd) {

		if ((flag&FWRITE) == 0)
			return (EBADF);
		return (rxformat(dev));

		sc->sc_flags |= RXF_USEWDDS;
		return (0);

		*(int *)data = sc->sc_flags & RXF_DDMK;
		return (0);
	return (ENXIO);

 * Initiate a format command.
	dev_t dev;
	int ctlr = rxdinfo[RXUNIT(dev)]->ui_mi->um_ctlr;
	struct buf *bp;
	struct rx_softc *sc = &rx_softc[RXUNIT(dev)];
	int s, error = 0;

	bp = &rrxbuf[ctlr];
	s = spl5();
	while (bp->b_flags & B_BUSY)
		sleep(bp, PRIBIO);
	bp->b_flags = B_BUSY | B_CTRL;
	sc->sc_flags = RXS_FORMAT;
	bp->b_dev = dev;
	bp->b_error = 0;
	bp->b_resid = 0;
	rxstrategy (bp);
	if (bp->b_flags & B_ERROR)
		error = bp->b_error;
	bp->b_flags &= ~B_BUSY;
	return (error);