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# include	<ingres.h>
# include	<aux.h>
# include	<symbol.h>
# include	<tree.h>
# include	"qrymod.h"
# include	<sccs.h>

SCCSID(@(#)util.c	7.1	2/5/81)

**  TRIMQLEND -- trim QLEND node off of qualification
**	The QLEND node, and possible the AND node preceeding it,
**	are trimmed off.  The result of this routine should be
**	a very ordinary tree like you might see in some textbook.
**	A fast not on the algorithm: the pointer 't' points to the
**	current node (the one which we are checking for a QLEND).
**	's' points to 't's parent, and 'r' points to 's's parent;
**	'r' is NULL at the top of the tree.
**	This routine works correctly on trees with no QLEND in
**	the first place, returning the original tree.
**	If there is a QLEND, it must be on the far right branch
**	of the tree, that is, the tree must be INGRES-canonical.
**	Parameters:
**		qual -- the qualification to be trimmed.
**	Returns:
**		A pointer to the new qualification.
**		NULL if the qualification was null once the
**			QLEND is stripped.
**	Side Effects:
**		The tree pointed to by 'qual' may be modified.
**	Trace Flags:
**		none

QTREE	*qual;
	register QTREE	*t;
	register QTREE	*s;
	register QTREE	*r;

	t = qual;

	/* check for the simple null qualification case */
	if (t == NULL || t->sym.type == QLEND)
		return (NULL);
	/* scan tree for QLEND node */
	for (r = NULL, s = t; (t = t->right) != NULL; r = s, s = t)
		if (t->sym.type == QLEND)
			/* trim of QLEND and AND node */
			if (r == NULL)
				/* only one AND -- return its operand */
				return (s->left);

			r->right = s->left;

	/* return tree with final AND node and QLEND node pruned */
	return (qual);
**  APPQUAL -- append qualification to tree
**	The qualification is conjoined to the qualificaion of the
**	tree which is passed.
**	Parameters:
**		qual -- a pointer to the qualification to be appended.
**		root -- a pointer to the tree to be appended to.
**	Returns:
**		none
**	Side Effects:
**		Both 'qual' ad 'root' may be modified.  Note that
**			'qual' is linked into 'root', and must be
**			retained.
**	Trace Flags:
**		13

appqual(qual, root)
QTREE	*qual;
QTREE	*root;
	register QTREE	*p;
	register QTREE	*r;

	r = root;
#	ifdef xQTR3
	if (r == NULL)
		syserr("appqual: NULL root");
#	endif

	**  Find node before QLEND node
	**	p points the node we are examining, r points to
	**	it's parent.

	while ((p = r->right) != NULL && p->sym.type != QLEND)
#		ifdef xQTR3
		if (p->sym.type != AND)
			syserr("appqual: node %d", p->sym.type);
#		endif
		r = p;
	/* link in qualification */
	r->right = qual;
**  QMERROR -- issue fatal error message and abort query
**	This call is almost exactly like 'error' (which is called),
**	but never returns: the return is done by 'reset'.  Also, the
**	R_up pipe is flushed.
**	Parameters:
**		errno -- the error number.
**		qmode -- the query mode to pass as $0, -1 if none.
**		vn -- the varno of the relation name to pass as
**			$1, -1 if none.
**		p1 to p5 -- the parameters $2 through $6
**	Returns:
**		non-local (via reset())
**	Side Effects:
**		The error message is generated.
**	Trace Flags:
**		none

char *QmdName[] =
	"[ERROR]",	/* 0 = mdRETTERM */
	"RETRIEVE",	/* 1 = mdRETR */
	"APPEND",	/* 2 = mdAPP */
	"REPLACE",	/* 3 = mdREPL */
	"DELETE",	/* 4 = mdDEL */
	"",		/* 5 = mdCOPY */
	"",		/* 6 = mdCREATE */
	"",		/* 7 = mdDESTROY */
	"",		/* 8 = mdHELP */
	"",		/* 9 = mdINDEX */
	"",		/* 10 = mdMODIFY */
	"",		/* 11 = mdPRINT */
	"",		/* 12 = mdRANGE */
	"",		/* 13 = mdSAVE */
	"DEFINE",	/* 14 = mdDEFINE */
	"RET_UNIQUE",	/* 15 = mdRET_UNI */
	"",		/* 16 = mdVIEW */
	"",		/* 17 = mdUPDATE */
	"",		/* 18 = mdRESETREL */
	"",		/* 19 = mdERIC */
	"",		/* 20 = mdNETQRY */
	"",		/* 21 = mdMOVEREL */
	"",		/* 22 = mdPROT */
	"",		/* 23 = mdINTEG */
	"",		/* 24 = mdDCREATE */

qmerror(errno, qmode, vn, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
int	errno;
int	qmode;
int	vn;
char	*p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *p5, *p6;
	register char		*x1;
	register char		*x2;
	char			xbuf[MAXNAME + 1];
	register int		i;
	extern char		*trim_relname();

	/* set up qmode and varno parameters */
	x1 = x2 = "";
	i = qmode;
	if (i >= 0)
		x1 = QmdName[i];
	i = vn;
	if (i >= 0)
		      x2 = xbuf);

	/* issue the error message and exit */
	error(errno, x1, x2, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, 0);
**  LSETBIT -- set a bit in a domain set
**	Parameters:
**		bitno -- the bit number to set (0 -> 127)
**		xset -- the set to set it in.
**	Returns:
**		none
**	Side Effects:
**		none

lsetbit(bitno, xset)
int	bitno;
int	xset[8];
	register int	b;
	register int	n;
	register int	*x;

	x = xset;

	b = bitno;
	n = b >> LOG2WORDSIZE;
	b &= WORDSIZE - 1;

	x[n] |= 1 << b;
**  MERGEVAR -- merge variable numbers to link terms
**	One specified variable gets mapped into another, effectively
**	merging those two variables.  This is used for protection
**	and integrity, since the constraint read from the tree
**	must coincide with one of the variables in the query tree.
**	Parameters:
**		va -- the variable which will dissappear.
**		vb -- the variable which 'va' gets mapped into.
**		root -- the root of the tree to map.
**	Returns:
**		none
**	Side Effects:
**		The tree pointed at by 'root' gets VAR and RESDOM
**			nodes mapped.
**		Range table entry for 'va' is deallocated.
**		The 'Qt.qt_remap' vector gets reset and left in an
**			undefined state.
**	Trace Flags:
**		72

mergevar(a, b, root)
register int	a;
register int	b;
QTREE		*root;
	register int	i;

#	ifdef xQTR1
	if (tTf(72, 0))
		printf("\nmergevar(%d->%d)", a, b);
		treepr(root, NULL);
#	endif

	**  Insure that 'a' and 'b' are consistant, that is,
	**  that they both are in range, are defined, and range over
	**  the same relation.

	if (a < 0 || b < 0 || a >= MAXVAR + 1 || b >= MAXVAR + 1)
		syserr("mergevar: range %d %d", a, b);
	if (Qt.qt_rangev[a].rngvdesc == NULL || Qt.qt_rangev[b].rngvdesc == NULL)
		syserr("mergevar: undef %d %d", a, b);
	if (!bequal(Qt.qt_rangev[a].rngvdesc->reldum.relid,
		    Qt.qt_rangev[b].rngvdesc->reldum.relid, MAXNAME) ||
		    Qt.qt_rangev[b].rngvdesc->reldum.relowner, 2))
		syserr("mergevar: incon %.14s %.14s",
	**  To do the actual mapping, we will set up 'Qt.qt_remap' and
	**  call 'mapvars()'.  This is because I am too lazy to
	**  do it myself.

	for (i = 0; i < MAXRANGE; i++)
		Qt.qt_remap[i] = i;
	Qt.qt_remap[a] = b;

	/* delete a from the range table */
	declare(a, NULL);
**  MAKEZERO -- make a node with value 'zero'
**	A node is created with value representing the zero value
**	for the specified type, that is, 0 for integers, 0.0 for
**	floats, and the blank string for chars.
**	Parameters:
**		typ -- the node type.
**	Returns:
**		a pointer to the zero node.
**	Side Effects:
**		space is grabbed from Qbuf

int	typ;
	register int		l;
	register QTREE		*s;
	int			symbuf[(sizeof *s) / sizeof l];	/*word aligned*/
	extern char		*need();

	s = (QTREE *) symbuf;
	s->sym.type = typ;

	switch (typ)
	  case INT:
		s->sym.len = l = 2;
		s->sym.value.sym_data.i2type = 0;

	  case FLOAT:
		s->sym.len = l = 4;
		s->sym.value.sym_data.f4type = 0.0;

	  case CHAR:
		s->sym.len = l = 2;
		s->sym.value.sym_data.i2type = '  ';	/* (two spaces) */

		syserr("makezero: typ %d", typ);

	/* duplicate the node into Qbuf */
	l += 2 + 2 * QT_HDR_SIZ;	/* size of type + len + left + right */
	s = (QTREE *) need(Qbuf, l);
	bmove(symbuf, s, l);
	return (s);