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/*	tcp.h	6.1	83/07/29	*/

typedef	u_long	tcp_seq;
 * TCP header.
 * Per RFC 793, September, 1981.
struct tcphdr {
	u_short	th_sport;		/* source port */
	u_short	th_dport;		/* destination port */
	tcp_seq	th_seq;			/* sequence number */
	tcp_seq	th_ack;			/* acknowledgement number */
#ifdef vax
	u_char	th_x2:4,		/* (unused) */
		th_off:4;		/* data offset */
	u_char	th_flags;
#define	TH_FIN	0x01
#define	TH_SYN	0x02
#define	TH_RST	0x04
#define	TH_PUSH	0x08
#define	TH_ACK	0x10
#define	TH_URG	0x20
	u_short	th_win;			/* window */
	u_short	th_sum;			/* checksum */
	u_short	th_urp;			/* urgent pointer */

#define	TCPOPT_EOL	0
#define	TCPOPT_NOP	1