
Key     Nickname(s)     Explanation

f1      Widen           Make the focus larger
f2      First           Make it smaller, to first sub-item; make hole before
f3      Last            Make it smaller, to last sub-item; make hole after
f4      Extend          Extend it to one side (usually to the right)
f5      Up-line         Move focus to whole line above
f6      Previous        Move focus to previous item
f7      Next            Move focus to next item
f8      Down-line       Move focus to whole line below
arrows  ^  v  <-  ->    Make new hole, move up etc.

^X      Exit            Leave the editor or execute B command

TAB     Accept          Accept suggestion or move to next hole
BACKSP. Undo            Cancel effect of any key; repeat to cancel more
RETURN  Return          Add new line or decrease indentation

^L      Look            Redraw screen when clobbered
^D      Delete          Delete the focus (leaves hole; repeat to delete that)
^C      Copy in/out     If at hole, inserts last deleted text (Copy IN)
                        if not at hole, saves focus for insertion (Copy OUT)
^G      Goto            New focus at position of (moved) cursor