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.NH 1
Overview of the Software Hierarchy.
The device independent part of the X server is contained in the
\fBX/X\fP directory.
Device dependent code for different displays are contained in
directories \fBlibvs100\fP, \fBlibqvss\fP, \fBlibqdss\fP,
\fBlibsun\fP and eventually others.
The device independent code is linked against these libraries
to form executable programs for each display type; for example
\fBXvs100\fP or \fBXqvss\fP or \fBXsun\fP.
In each of these libraries is an include file named \fBvssite.h\fP which
has definitions of the directory where fonts (and if any firmware is
needed, where the firmware file) are located.
These files should be edited to suit local taste.
By default, as distributed, fonts are located in the directory
The directory \fBXlib\fP contains C client library code for client
As distributed, all code links against the `local' copy of the
library, and does not require that the library be installed in /usr/lib
for linking.
The directory \fBuwm\fP contains the ``Ultrix Window Manager'', hands down
the best window manager written to date.
The directory \fBXMenu\fP contains a deck of cards menu facility.
The \fBcursor\fP directory contains cursor bitmaps used by various of
the client programs.
The directory \fBfont\fP contain fonts in the appropriate format for the
Vs100 display.
The directory \fBinline\fP contains a slightly modified version of the
`inline' program used to make inline code optimizations in the 4.3BSD
This program is used by several libraries to avoid procedure call overhead
in critical code of the window system.
As this version is known to have some bugs in it, we do not recommend using it
The \fBrgb\fP directory contains a color database, to provide translation
of english names to RGB colors.
This is used by the X server to support color name lookup for client programs.
It is a general database, and not directly tied to X per se'.
The directory \fBs-code\fP contains the firmware file for the DEC Vs100
The \fBsrc\fP directory contains modified 4.2BSD code,
which you may want to install (xcomsat, for example).
The \fBsys\fP directory hierarchy contains system files in their normal
arrangement; for example, the Vs100 device driver, an improved 4.2BSD pseudo
teletype driver, and so on.
Only files which do not exist on the 4.3BSD distribution are included,
as most files required have already been installed.
All of the directories starting with lower case "x" contain various client
programs for X; two different window manager programs, terminal emulator,
performance monitors, window dump and undump programs and the like.
Xted is a version of the Clu screen editor "ted" which has been modified
to interact directly with the window system.
The exe.v10 directory contains executables for the Clu programs, since
most people do not have CLU compilers.
The directory \fBCLUlib\fP contains CLU client library code.
Clu is available from MIT under license.
On the distribution tape, only two demo programs (\fBxdemo\fP and \fBxfax\fP),
and a screen editor (\fBxted\fP)
are provided in their directories written in Clu.
The facsimile files used by the \fBxfax\fP demo are in the 
\fBfax\fP directory.
All "serious" code is written in the obsolete (but widely available) C