
TABLW(1)              Icon Program Library               TABLW(1)

     tablw - tabulate words

     ttttaaaabbbbllllwwww [----aaaa] [----iiii] [----nnnn] [----ssss _n] [----uuuu]

     _T_a_b_l_w tabulates the words in standard input and writes a
     summary to standard output in which each word and the number
     of times it occurs is listed. A word is defined to be a
     string of consecutive upper- and lowercase letters with at
     most one interior occurrence of a dash or apostrophe.

     The following options may appear in any order:

     ----aaaa     Write the summary in alphabetical order of the words.
            This is the default.

     ----iiii     Ignore case distinctions among letters (uppercase
            letters are mapped into corresponding lowercase
            letters on input).

     ----nnnn     Write the summary in numerical order of the counts.

     ----ssss _n   Tabulate only words longer than _n characters. The
            default value for _n is 0.

     ----uuuu     Write only the words that occur just once.

     Ralph E. Griswold

Version 5.9    The University of Arizona - 8/11/84              1