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	.asciz	"@(#)ocsum.s 4.4 83/08/16 Copyr 1983 Sun Micro"

|	Copyright (c) 1983 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

| Do a 16 bit one's complement sum of a given number of words
| The word pointer may not be odd
	.globl	_ocsum
	movl	sp@(4),a0	| get ptr
	movl	sp@(8),d0	| get word count
	movl	d2,sp@-		| save a reg
	movl	d0,d2		| save the count
	lsrl	#1,d0		| make d0 longs
	movl	#0,d1		| zero accumulator
	jra	1$		| into loop
| Here we run in 68010 loop mode until we get a carry
2$:	addl	a0@+,d1		| add in long
1$:	dbcs	d0,2$		| continue until carry or done
	jcc	3$		| if no carry, we're done
	addql	#1,d1		| add in carry
	jra	1$		| and go back to test for carry again
3$:	btst	#0,d2		| another short?
	jeq	ret		| no, go away
	movl	#0,d0		| must do unsigned add
	movw	a0@,d0		| get the short
	addl	d0,d1		| add it in
	jcc	ret
	addql	#1,d1
| Now add in high word to low word as above
	movl	d1,d0
	lsrl	#8,d0		| get high word in d0
	lsrl	#8,d0		| and clear high do as well
	andl	#0xFFFF,d1	| clear high d1
	addw	d1,d0		| add in just the low word
	movl	#0,d1		| doesn't clear x bit
	addxw	d1,d0		| add in final carry
	movl	sp@+,d2		| restore reg
	rts			| all done