
   Caveat Ludor (or something like that).

   The sample DDL dungeon in this directory cannot even remotely
be considered a complete scenario.  At every turn, there are
pointless areas of terrain, objects with no use, and verbs that
don't work.  The scenario is intended primarily to demonstrate
(originally to TEST) some of the things that can be done in DDL,
and some of the features of the system, like fuses and DWIMming.
   This is not to discourage play; there are one or two very
nice stunts in the scenario.  Some ideas for extending the
scenario are in sample.ideas.  The prospective DDL programmer
is encouraged to examine the DDL sources for this scenario,
and initially experiment with adding stunts and scenery to 
its many dead-ends, rather than attempting to create an entire
original world from scratch.  DDL's purpose is to allow
people's ingenious ideas to be conveniently realized.  
New scenarios, or additions to this sample, should be sent
electronically to ucbvax!trwrb!trwspp!urban (as of Jan 1986)