
(Section 1.2)
The file Ref.c contains a copy of
a program to convert Fahrenheit to
Celsius. Modify it to print this
heading at the top:
Fahrenheit-Celsius Conversion
  F:     C:
Type ready when you're satisfied.
#once #create Ref
Fahrenheit-Celsius Conversion
  F:     C:
   0  -17.8
  20   -6.7
  40    4.4
  60   15.6
  80   26.7
 100   37.8
 120   48.9
 140   60.0
 160   71.1
 180   82.2
 200   93.3
 220  104.4
 240  115.6
 260  126.7
 280  137.8
 300  148.9
#once #create Ref.c
/* print Fahrenheit-Celsius table 
	for f = 0, 20, ..., 300 */
	int lower, upper, step;
	float fahr, celsius;

	lower = 0;	/* lower limit of temperature table */
	upper = 300;	/* upper limit */
	step = 20;	/* step size */

	fahr = lower;
	while (fahr <= upper) {
		celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0);
		printf("%4.0f %6.1f\n", fahr, celsius);
		fahr = fahr + step;
a.out >x
#cmp Ref x
Make sure you get the spacing right.
2.1b 10