
Compare this file to the similar file:
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 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.

#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)vwidth.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 5/15/85";
#endif not lint

 *	Creates a width table for troff from a versatec font for a
 *		normal font.
 *	Usage: width font [ point_size ]
 *		where font is the file name of the versatec font and
 *		point_size is it point size.
 *	If the point size is omitted it is taken from the suffix of
 *	the font name, as bocklin.14 => 14 point.
 *	It is better to use as large a point size font as possible 
 *	to avoid round off.

#include <stdio.h>

struct wtable {
	char	charloc;
	char	*name;
} wtable[] = {
	'\214',	"space",
	'!',	"!",
	'"',	"\"",
	'#',	"#",
	'$',	"$",
	'%',	"%",
	'&',	"&",
	'\'',	"'",
	'(',	"(",
	')',	")",
	'*',	"*",
	'+',	"+",
	',',	",",
	'-',	"- hyphen",
	'.',	".",
	'/',	"/",
	'0',	"0",
	'1',	"1",
	'2',	"2",
	'3',	"3",
	'4',	"4",
	'5',	"5",
	'6',	"6",
	'7',	"7",
	'8',	"8",
	'9',	"9",
	':',	":",
	';',	";",
	'<',	"<",
	'=',	"=",
	'>',	">",
	'?',	"?",
	'@',	"@",
	'A',	"A",
	'B',	"B",
	'C',	"C",
	'D',	"D",
	'E',	"E",
	'F',	"F",
	'G',	"G",
	'H',	"H",
	'I',	"I",
	'J',	"J",
	'K',	"K",
	'L',	"L",
	'M',	"M",
	'N',	"N",
	'O',	"O",
	'P',	"P",
	'Q',	"Q",
	'R',	"R",
	'S',	"S",
	'T',	"T",
	'U',	"U",
	'V',	"V",
	'W',	"W",
	'X',	"X",
	'Y',	"Y",
	'Z',	"Z",
	'[',	"[",
	'\\',	"\\",
	']',	"]",
	'^',	"^",
	'_',	"_",
	'\`',	"\`",
	'a',	"a",
	'b',	"b",
	'c',	"c",
	'd',	"d",
	'e',	"e",
	'f',	"f",
	'g',	"g",
	'h',	"h",
	'i',	"i",
	'j',	"j",
	'k',	"k",
	'l',	"l",
	'm',	"m",
	'n',	"n",
	'o',	"o",
	'p',	"p",
	'q',	"q",
	'r',	"r",
	's',	"s",
	't',	"t",
	'u',	"u",
	'v',	"v",
	'w',	"w",
	'x',	"x",
	'y',	"y",
	'z',	"z",
	'{',	"{",
	'|',	"|",
	'}',	"}",
	'~',	"~",
	'\206',	"narrow space",
	'-',	"hyphen",
	'\07',	"bullet",
	'\010',	"square",
	'\06',	"3/4 em dash",
	'\05',	"rule",
	'\021',	"1/4",
	'\022',	"1/2",
	'\023',	"3/4",
	'\04',	"minus",
	'\01',	"fi",
	'\02',	"fl",
	'\03',	"ff",
	'\011',	"ffi",
	'\012',	"ffl",
	'\013',	"degree",
	'\014',	"dagger",
	'\200',	"section (unimplem)",
	'\015',	"foot mark",
	'\200',	"acute acc (unimplem)",
	'\200',	"grave acc (unimplem)",
	'\200',	"underrule (unimplem)",
	'\200',	"slash (unimplem)",
	'\203',	"half narrow space",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\017',	"registered",
	'\016',	"copyright",
	'\200',	"null",
	'\020',	"cent",
	0,	0

struct desc {
	short	addr;
	short	nbytes;
	char	up;
	char	down;
	char	left;
	char	right;
	short	width;
} desc[256];

main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	register int cl;
	register esc;
	register w;
	int i, psize;
	int fd, high;

	if (argc != 3 && argc != 2) {
		printf("Usage: vwidth font [pointsize] > font.c\n");
	fd = open(argv[1], 0);
	if (argc == 3)
		psize = atoi(argv[2]);
	else {
		char *p;
		for (p = argv[1]; *p && *p != '.'; p++)
		if (*p == 0) {
			psize = 10;
			fprintf(stderr, "Assuming %d point\n", psize);
		} else
			psize = atoi(p+1);
	lseek(fd, 10L, 0);
	read(fd, desc, sizeof desc);
	high = desc['a'].up+1;
	printf("char XXw[256-32] = {\n");
	for (i = 0; wtable[i].charloc != 0; i++) {
		cl = wtable[i].charloc & 0377;
		if (cl & 0200)
			w = cl & 0177;
			w = desc[cl].width*(54./25.)*(6./psize)+.5;
		esc = 0;
		if ((cl >= '0' && cl <= '9') || (cl >= 'A' && cl <= 'Z') ||
		    (cl >= 'a' && cl <= 'z')) {
			if (desc[cl].up > high)
				esc |= 0200;
			if (desc[cl].down > 0)
				esc |= 0100;
		if (esc)
			printf("%d+0%o,\t/* %s */\n", w, esc, wtable[i].name);
			printf("%d,\t\t/* %s */\n", w, wtable[i].name);