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**  Sendmail
**  Copyright (c) 1983  Eric P. Allman
**  Berkeley, California
**  Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
**  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
**  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.

#ifndef lint
static char	SccsId[] = "@(#)arpadate.c	5.4 (Berkeley) 1/9/86";
#endif not lint

# include "conf.h"
# ifdef USG
# include <time.h>
# else
# include <sys/time.h>
# ifndef V6
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/timeb.h>
# endif V6
# endif USG
# include "useful.h"

# ifdef V6
# define OLDTIME
# endif V6
# ifdef USG
# define OLDTIME
# endif USG

**  ARPADATE -- Create date in ARPANET format
**	Parameters:
**		ud -- unix style date string.  if NULL, one is created.
**	Returns:
**		pointer to an ARPANET date field
**	Side Effects:
**		none
**		date is stored in a local buffer -- subsequent
**		calls will overwrite.
**	Bugs:
**		Timezone is computed from local time, rather than
**		from whereever (and whenever) the message was sent.
**		To do better is very hard.
**		Some sites are now inserting the timezone into the
**		local date.  This routine should figure out what
**		the format is and work appropriately.

char *
	register char *ud;
	register char *p;
	register char *q;
	static char b[40];
	extern char *ctime();
	register int i;
	extern struct tm *localtime();
	extern bool fconvert();
# ifdef OLDTIME
	long t;
	extern long time();
# else OLDTIME
	struct timeb t;
	extern struct timeb *ftime();
	extern char *timezone();
# endif OLDTIME
# ifdef V6
	extern char *StdTimezone, *DstTimezone;
# endif V6
# ifdef USG
	extern char *tzname[2];
# endif USG

	**  Get current time.
	**	This will be used if a null argument is passed and
	**	to resolve the timezone.

# ifdef OLDTIME
	(void) time(&t);
	if (ud == NULL)
		ud = ctime(&t);
# else
	if (ud == NULL)
		ud = ctime(&t.time);
# endif OLDTIME

	**  Crack the UNIX date line in a singularly unoriginal way.

	q = b;

	p = &ud[0];		/* Mon */
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = ',';
	*q++ = ' ';

	p = &ud[8];		/* 16 */
	if (*p == ' ')
		*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = ' ';

	p = &ud[4];		/* Sep */
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = ' ';

	p = &ud[22];		/* 79 */
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = *p++;
	*q++ = ' ';

	p = &ud[11];		/* 01:03:52 */
	for (i = 8; i > 0; i--)
		*q++ = *p++;

				/* -PST or -PDT */
# ifdef V6
	if (localtime(&t)->tm_isdst)
		p = DstTimezone;
		p = StdTimezone;
# else
# ifdef USG
	if (localtime(&t)->tm_isdst)
		p = tzname[1];
		p = tzname[0];
# else
	p = timezone(t.timezone, localtime(&t.time)->tm_isdst);
# endif USG
# endif V6
	if ((strncmp(p, "GMT", 3) == 0 || strncmp(p, "gmt", 3) == 0) &&
	    p[3] != '\0')
		/* hours from GMT */
		p += 3;
		*q++ = *p++;
		if (p[1] == ':')
			*q++ = '0';
			*q++ = *p++;
		*q++ = *p++;
		p++;		/* skip ``:'' */
		*q++ = *p++;
		*q++ = *p++;
		*q = '\0';
	else if (!fconvert(p, q))
		*q++ = ' ';
		*q++ = *p++;
		*q++ = *p++;
		*q++ = *p++;
		*q = '\0';

	return (b);
**  FCONVERT -- convert foreign timezones to ARPA timezones
**	This routine is essentially from Teus Hagen.
**	Parameters:
**		a -- timezone as returned from UNIX.
**		b -- place to put ARPA-style timezone.
**	Returns:
**		TRUE -- if a conversion was made (and b was filled in).
**		FALSE -- if this is not a recognized local time.
**	Side Effects:
**		none.

/* UNIX to arpa conversion table */
struct foreign
	char *f_from; 
	char *f_to; 

static struct foreign	Foreign[] =
	{ "EET",	"+0200" },	/* eastern europe */
	{ "MET",	"+0100" },	/* middle europe */
	{ "WET",	"GMT"   },	/* western europe */
	{ "EET DST",	"+0300" },	/* daylight saving times */
	{ "MET DST",	"+0200" },
	{ "WET DST",	"+0100" },
	{ NULL,		NULL	 }

fconvert(a, b)
	register char *a;
	char *b;
	register struct foreign *euptr;
	register char *p;

	for (euptr = Foreign; euptr->f_from != NULL; euptr++)
		extern bool sameword();

		if (sameword(euptr->f_from, a))
			p = euptr->f_to;
			*b++ = ' ';
			while (*p != '\0')
				*b++ = *p++;
			*b = '\0';
			return (TRUE);
	return (FALSE);