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CTYPE(3)		      1986			 CTYPE(3)

     isalpha, isupper, islower, isdigit, isxdigit, isalnum,
     isspace, ispunct, isprint, isgraph, iscntrl, isascii,
     toupper, tolower, toascii - character classification macros

     ##iinncclluuddee <<ccttyyppee..hh>>


     .. .. ..

     These macros classify ASCII-coded integer values by table
     lookup.  Each is a predicate returning nonzero for true,
     zero for false.  _I_s_a_s_c_i_i and _t_o_a_s_c_i_i are defined on all
     integer values; the rest are defined only where _i_s_a_s_c_i_i is
     true and on the single non-ASCII value EOF (see _s_t_d_i_o(3S)).

     _i_s_a_l_p_h_a	    _c is a letter

     _i_s_u_p_p_e_r	    _c is an upper case letter

     _i_s_l_o_w_e_r	    _c is a lower case letter

     _i_s_d_i_g_i_t	    _c is a digit

     _i_s_x_d_i_g_i_t	    _c is a hex digit

     _i_s_a_l_n_u_m	    _c is an alphanumeric character

     _i_s_s_p_a_c_e	    _c is a space, tab, carriage return, newline,
		    vertical tab, or formfeed

     _i_s_p_u_n_c_t	    _c is a punctuation character (neither control
		    nor alphanumeric)

     _i_s_p_r_i_n_t	    _c is a printing character, code 040(8)
		    (space) through 0176 (tilde)

     _i_s_g_r_a_p_h	    _c is a printing character, similar to _i_s_p_r_i_n_t
		    except false for space.

     _i_s_c_n_t_r_l	    _c is a delete character (0177) or ordinary
		    control character (less than 040).

     _i_s_a_s_c_i_i	    _c is an ASCII character, code less than 0200

     _t_o_l_o_w_e_r	    _c is converted to lower case.  Return value
		    is undefined if not _i_s_u_p_p_e_r(_c).

     _t_o_u_p_p_e_r	    _c is converted to upper case.  Return value

Printed 7/27/90                May				1

CTYPE(3)		      1986			 CTYPE(3)

		    is undefined if not _i_s_l_o_w_e_r(_c).

     _t_o_a_s_c_i_i	    _c is converted to be a valid ascii character.


Printed 7/27/90                May				2