
C-Kermit File Naming Conventions:

(Version 4C, 30 May 1985)

File names will be lowercase on Unix systems, and probably will be uppercase
on other systems.  C-Kermit file names are of the form:



<type> is the file type:

  c:   C language source
  h:   Header file for C language source
  w:   Wart preprocessor source, converted by Wart (or Lex) to a C program
  nr:  Nroff/Troff text formatter source
  mss: Scribe text formatter source
  doc: Documentation
  hlp: Help text
  upd: Program change log
  bwr: A "beware" file - list of known bugs, restrictions
  ann: The text of an announcement of a particular version
  bld: Instructions for building
  mak: A Unix Makefile (should be renamed to "makefile")
  com: (VMS only) a DCL command procedure

<system> is a single character to tell what system the file applies to:

  a: Descriptive material, documentation
  c: All systems with C compilers
  m: Macintosh
  u: Unix or systems that simulate (some features of) Unix
  v: VAX/VMS
  w: Wart (really belongs in 'c' category, but...)

<what> is mnemonic (up to 3 characters) for what's in the file

  aaa: A "read-me" file, like this one
  cmd: Command parsing
  con: Connect command
  deb: Debug/Transaction Log formats, Typedefs
  dia: Modem/Dialer control
  fio: System-depdendent File I/O
  fns: Protocol support functions
  fn2: More protocol support functions
  ker: General C-Kermit definitions, information, documentation
  mai: Main program
  pro: Protocol
  scr: Script command
  tio: System-dependent terminal i/o & control and interrupt handing
  usr: User interface
  us2: More user interface
  us3: Still more user interface


ckaaaa.hlp - This file
ckufio.c   - File i/o for Unix
ckmtio.c   - Terminal i/o for Macintosh
ckuker.mss - Scribe source for for Unix C-Kermit Kermit User Guide chapter
ckuker.nr  - Nroff source file for Unix C-Kermit man page
ckuker.mak - Makefile for building Unix C-Kermit (rename to makefile)
ckmker.mak - Makefile for building Macintosh C-Kermit under Unix/SUMACC

Macintosh Kermit adds a few additional items to this list:


  hqx: binhex'd Macintosh resource (binhex version 4)
  sed: sed script for massaging ckcpro.c to make it smaller
  rc:  rmaker input file (text)
  rsrc: (or rsr) 8-bit binary Macintosh resource


  def: Macintosh definitions header
  key: key redefinition package
  ke2: more key redefinition package
  ke3: still more key redefinition package
  kkc: common defs between ckmkey and ckmker
  rem: remote server command module
  res: resource info
  sav: settings saver module
  scr: screen (conflicts with name of script module, should be changed)
  sfp: standard file package
  sum: sumacc workarounds
  utl: utilities

All the files necessary to build a particular implementation of C-Kermit
are listed in the appropriate makefile or equivalent:

     Unix: ckuker.mak
Macintosh: ckmker.mak
  VAX/VMS: ckvker.com

(end of ckaaaa.hlp)