
Things to be done:
-1.	Immediate
	1. expand from 26 letters
	2. (from -x) bug (not present on IngVAX, ESVAX, etc.,
		present on C machine)

0.	Bugs:
	netmail cory doesn't work when there is no mail.
	netmail - doesn't work with -n option (use kexecl).
	Files ":fix" should be handled correctly
	-u option correctly sets queue ownership, but netq still shows "root".
	problem on Ing70 where bill logged in, logged off, I logged in
		and bill got my permissions
	bug - a queue file with an extra blank in the front of it on ESVAX
	loop on waits until pid -- NOSC fix
	get the NOSC netstart
	add a check so if the network is having trouble sending things
		it will write/mail to the appropriate person.

1.	Software mods to my source:
	* netdaemon:
	  0. add -t and -c (time and count) options to netdaemon
	  1. add a flag to force execl rather than using cshell
	     to avoid no more processes.
	  3. Add statistics on errors.
	  4. Add var parm list stuff - list in net.c (boundary condition)
	  7. Have an upper and lower bound on "atime"-- start low and add.
	  8. add a struct prefix before stat dump struct
	  9. write a stats analysis program
	* net
	  add a -D option for defining var parm list values (bounadry cond)
	  commands too slow-- option to not read .netrc file, use snfromuid
	* netcp:
	  Debug three-machine netcp.
	  Use -q for 3way netcp (boundary cond).
	* netq - do it with qsort
	* prmail & netmail:
	  print the number of messags forwarded
	* sendberkmail:
	  should pass remote mmail new options (boundary condition).
	  hopcnt error should be fixed by bcoming "cautious"--
	  thus hopcnt shoul be checked in mmail, and return a boolean
  	* v6mail
	  is too slow- use read() and write(), not fread and fwrite
	* mwrite -- 
		login as network rather than as the user.
	* netrm:
	  should handle arguments just like lprm in v7
	  what about errors in not finding an inaccesible machine
	  add a -m flag to netrm : "netrm -m v -" to remove all for v
	  add ability to netrm remote files, just send the username
	* add comment line to initfile and .netrc
	* add getnetworkstatus, etc.  return #entries in netq, #users, uptime,
	  and the pct of user&sys time the command got.
	* get user's name from the environment to avoid reading
		the password file
	* in netstatus command, list last login.
	* people don't like the fact that a password from the .netrc file
	  gets associated with an overridden login name.

4.	Current Boundaries of compatibility:
	* old mmails don't allow "-" arguments, assume they are names
	* can't change version numbers since others enforce them
	* netcp remote commands don't ignore unknown options.

10.	Structure changes:
	decrease use of global status vars if not necc., use userinfo
		as a local variable.
	make a nrcStruct and have a NrcRead(cfile) subroutine.
	header.c -- move readhd into header.c w/a test
		to see which subrs to call.
	use netcmd(), a subr, instead of /usr/net/bin/net.
	make a readaccess and writeaccess tocall in v6mail and net.