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 * Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution is only permitted until one year after the first shipment
 * of 4.4BSD by the Regents.  Otherwise, redistribution and use in source and
 * binary forms are permitted provided that: (1) source distributions retain
 * this entire copyright notice and comment, and (2) distributions including
 * binaries display the following acknowledgement:  This product includes
 * software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its
 * contributors'' in the documentation or other materials provided with the
 * distribution and in all advertising materials mentioning features or use
 * of this software.  Neither the name of the University nor the names of
 * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
 * this software without specific prior written permission.
 *	@(#)mount.h	7.16 (Berkeley) 6/28/90

typedef quad fsid_t;			/* file system id type */

 * File identifier.
 * These are unique per filesystem on a single machine.
#define	MAXFIDSZ	16

struct fid {
	u_short		fid_len;		/* length of data in bytes */
	u_short		fid_reserved;		/* force longword alignment */
	char		fid_data[MAXFIDSZ];	/* data (variable length) */

 * file system statistics

#define MNAMELEN 90	/* length of buffer for returned name */

struct statfs {
	short	f_type;			/* type of filesystem (see below) */
	short	f_flags;		/* copy of mount flags */
	long	f_fsize;		/* fundamental file system block size */
	long	f_bsize;		/* optimal transfer block size */
	long	f_blocks;		/* total data blocks in file system */
	long	f_bfree;		/* free blocks in fs */
	long	f_bavail;		/* free blocks avail to non-superuser */
	long	f_files;		/* total file nodes in file system */
	long	f_ffree;		/* free file nodes in fs */
	fsid_t	f_fsid;			/* file system id */
	long	f_spare[9];		/* spare for later */
	char	f_mntonname[MNAMELEN];	/* directory on which mounted */
	char	f_mntfromname[MNAMELEN];/* mounted filesystem */
 * File system types.
#define	MOUNT_NONE	0
#define	MOUNT_UFS	1
#define	MOUNT_NFS	2
#define	MOUNT_MFS	3
#define	MOUNT_PC	4

 * Structure per mounted file system.
 * Each mounted file system has an array of
 * operations and an instance record.
 * The file systems are put on a doubly linked list.
struct mount {
	struct mount	*mnt_next;		/* next in mount list */
	struct mount	*mnt_prev;		/* prev in mount list */
	struct vfsops	*mnt_op;		/* operations on fs */
	struct vnode	*mnt_vnodecovered;	/* vnode we mounted on */
	struct vnode	*mnt_mounth;		/* list of vnodes this mount */
	int		mnt_flag;		/* flags */
	uid_t		mnt_exroot;		/* exported mapping for uid 0 */
	struct statfs	mnt_stat;		/* cache of filesystem stats */
	qaddr_t		mnt_data;		/* private data */

 * Mount flags.
#define	MNT_RDONLY	0x00000001	/* read only filesystem */
#define	MNT_SYNCHRONOUS	0x00000002	/* file system written synchronously */
#define	MNT_NOEXEC	0x00000004	/* can't exec from filesystem */
#define	MNT_NOSUID	0x00000008	/* don't honor setuid bits on fs */
#define	MNT_NODEV	0x00000010	/* don't interpret special files */
 * exported mount flags.
#define	MNT_EXPORTED	0x00000100	/* file system is exported */
#define	MNT_EXRDONLY	0x00000200	/* exported read only */
 * Flags set by internal operations.
#define	MNT_LOCAL	0x00001000	/* filesystem is stored locally */
#define	MNT_QUOTA	0x00002000	/* quotas are enabled on filesystem */
 * Mask of flags that are visible to statfs()
#define	MNT_VISFLAGMASK	0x0000ffff
 * filesystem control flags.
 * MNT_MLOCK lock the mount entry so that name lookup cannot proceed
 * past the mount point.  This keeps the subtree stable during mounts
 * and unmounts.
#define	MNT_UPDATE	0x00010000	/* not a real mount, just an update */
#define	MNT_MLOCK	0x00100000	/* lock so that subtree is stable */
#define	MNT_MWAIT	0x00200000	/* someone is waiting for lock */
#define MNT_MPBUSY	0x00400000	/* scan of mount point in progress */
#define MNT_MPWANT	0x00800000	/* waiting for mount point */
#define MNT_UNMOUNT	0x01000000	/* unmount in progress */

 * Operations supported on mounted file system.
struct vfsops {
	int	(*vfs_mount)(	/* mp, path, data, ndp */ );
	int	(*vfs_start)(	/* mp, flags */ );
	int	(*vfs_unmount)(	/* mp, forcibly */ );
	int	(*vfs_root)(	/* mp, vpp */ );
	int	(*vfs_quotactl)(/* mp, cmd, uid, arg */ );
	int	(*vfs_statfs)(	/* mp, sbp */ );
	int	(*vfs_sync)(	/* mp, waitfor */ );
	int	(*vfs_fhtovp)(	/* mp, fidp, vpp */ );
	int	(*vfs_vptofh)(	/* vp, fidp */ );
	int	(*vfs_init)(	/* */ );

	(*(MP)->mnt_op->vfs_mount)(MP, PATH, DATA, NDP)
#define VFS_START(MP, FLAGS)	  (*(MP)->mnt_op->vfs_start)(MP, FLAGS)
#define VFS_UNMOUNT(MP, FORCIBLY) (*(MP)->mnt_op->vfs_unmount)(MP, FORCIBLY)
#define VFS_ROOT(MP, VPP)	  (*(MP)->mnt_op->vfs_root)(MP, VPP)
#define VFS_QUOTACTL(MP, C, U, A) (*(MP)->mnt_op->vfs_quotactl)(MP, C, U, A)
#define VFS_STATFS(MP, SBP)	  (*(MP)->mnt_op->vfs_statfs)(MP, SBP)
#define VFS_SYNC(MP, WAITFOR)	  (*(MP)->mnt_op->vfs_sync)(MP, WAITFOR)
#define VFS_FHTOVP(MP, FIDP, VPP) (*(MP)->mnt_op->vfs_fhtovp)(MP, FIDP, VPP)
#define	VFS_VPTOFH(VP, FIDP)	  (*(VP)->v_mount->mnt_op->vfs_vptofh)(VP, FIDP)

 * Flags for various system call interfaces.
 * forcibly flags for vfs_umount().
 * waitfor flags to vfs_sync() and getfsstat()
#define MNT_FORCE	1
#define MNT_NOFORCE	2
#define MNT_WAIT	1
#define MNT_NOWAIT	2

 * Generic file handle
struct fhandle {
	fsid_t	fh_fsid;	/* File system id of mount point */
	struct	fid fh_fid;	/* Id of file */
typedef struct fhandle	fhandle_t;

 * Arguments to mount UFS
struct ufs_args {
	char	*fspec;		/* block special device to mount */
	int	exflags;	/* export related flags */
	uid_t	exroot;		/* mapping for root uid */

#ifdef MFS
 * Arguments to mount MFS
struct mfs_args {
	char	*name;		/* name to export for statfs */
	caddr_t	base;		/* base address of file system in memory */
	u_long size;		/* size of file system */
#endif MFS

#ifdef NFS
 * File Handle (32 bytes for version 2), variable up to 1024 for version 3
union nfsv2fh {
	fhandle_t	fh_generic;
	u_char		fh_bytes[32];
typedef union nfsv2fh nfsv2fh_t;

 * Arguments to mount NFS
struct nfs_args {
	struct sockaddr		*addr;		/* file server address */
	int			sotype;		/* Socket type */
	int			proto;		/* and Protocol */
	nfsv2fh_t		*fh;		/* File handle to be mounted */
	int			flags;		/* flags */
	int			wsize;		/* write size in bytes */
	int			rsize;		/* read size in bytes */
	int			timeo;		/* initial timeout in .1 secs */
	int			retrans;	/* times to retry send */
	char			*hostname;	/* server's name */
 * NFS mount option flags
#define	NFSMNT_SOFT	0x0001	/* soft mount (hard is default) */
#define	NFSMNT_WSIZE	0x0002	/* set write size */
#define	NFSMNT_RSIZE	0x0004	/* set read size */
#define	NFSMNT_TIMEO	0x0008	/* set initial timeout */
#define	NFSMNT_RETRANS	0x0010	/* set number of request retrys */
#define	NFSMNT_HOSTNAME	0x0020	/* set hostname for error printf */
#define	NFSMNT_INT	0x0040	/* allow interrupts on hard mount */
#define	NFSMNT_NOCONN	0x0080	/* Don't Connect the socket */
#define	NFSMNT_SCKLOCK	0x0100	/* Lock socket against others */
#define	NFSMNT_WANTSCK	0x0200	/* Want a socket lock */
#define	NFSMNT_SPONGY	0x0400	/* spongy mount (soft for stat and lookup) */
#endif NFS

#ifdef KERNEL
 * exported vnode operations
extern void	vfs_remove();		/* remove a vfs from mounted vfs list */
extern int	vfs_lock();		/* lock a vfs */
extern void	vfs_unlock();		/* unlock a vfs */
extern struct	mount *getvfs();	/* return vfs given fsid */
extern struct	mount *rootfs;		/* ptr to root mount structure */
extern struct	vfsops *vfssw[];	/* mount filesystem type switch table */