
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

 * Copyright (c) 1986, 1988, 1990 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided
 * that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and
 * comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following
 * acknowledgement:  ``This product includes software developed by the
 * University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the
 * documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in
 * all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software.
 * Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
 * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
 * specific prior written permission.

#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ns_req.c	4.44 (Berkeley) 6/27/90";
#endif /* not lint */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include "ns.h"
#include "db.h"

#define NADDRECS	20

extern	int	debug;
extern	FILE	*ddt;

struct addinfo {
	char	*a_dname;		/* domain name */
	u_short	a_class;		/* class for address */

struct	addinfo addinfo[NADDRECS];	/* additional info records */
int	addcount;			/* number of names in addinfo */
int	xfr_disabled = 0;		/* set to disable zone xfrs */
int	needs_prime_cache = 0;		/* set if we need a priming */

u_char	*dnptrs[20];		/* ptrs to dnames in message for dn_comp */

extern time_t retrytime();
extern struct qinfo *sysquery();
extern char *localdomain;	/* XXX */
extern int errno;
 * Process request using database; assemble and send response.
ns_req(msg, msglen, buflen, qsp, from, dfd)
	u_char *msg;
	int msglen, buflen;
	struct qstream *qsp;
	struct sockaddr_in *from;
	int dfd;
	register HEADER *hp;
	register u_char *cp;
	struct namebuf *np;
	register struct databuf *dp;
	struct hashbuf *htp;
	struct netinfo *lp;
	char *fname, *answers;
	u_char *eom, *omsg;
	char dnbuf[MAXDNAME], *dname;
	u_char **dpp;
	int n, class, type, count, foundname, founddata, omsglen, cname = 0;
	u_short id;
	struct databuf *nsp[NSMAX];
	struct qinfo *qp;
	extern struct qinfo *qhead;
	extern struct netinfo *local();
	extern int nsid;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug > 3) {
		fp_query(msg, ddt);

	hp = (HEADER *) msg;
	if (hp->qr) {
		ns_resp(msg, msglen);

		/* Now is a safe time for housekeeping */
		if (needs_prime_cache)

	hp->rcode = NOERROR;
	cp = msg + sizeof(HEADER);
	eom = msg + msglen;
	dpp = dnptrs;
	*dpp++ = msg;
	addcount = 0;

	switch (hp->opcode) {
	case QUERY:
#ifdef STATS
		if (ntohs(hp->qdcount) != 1 ||
		    hp->ancount || hp->nscount || hp->arcount) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"FORMERR Query header counts wrong\n");
			hp->qdcount = 0;
			hp->ancount = 0;
			hp->nscount = 0;
			hp->arcount = 0;
			hp->rcode = FORMERR;
			goto finish;
		 * Get domain name, class, and type.
		if ((*cp & INDIR_MASK) == 0)
			*dpp++ = cp;	/* remember name for compression */
		*dpp = NULL;
		if ((n = dn_expand(msg, eom, cp, dnbuf,
		    sizeof(dnbuf))) < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"FORMERR Query expand name failed\n");
			hp->rcode = FORMERR;
			goto finish;
		cp += n;
		GETSHORT(type, cp);
		GETSHORT(class, cp);
		if (cp > eom) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"FORMERR Query message length short\n");
			hp->rcode = FORMERR;
			goto finish;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (cp < eom)
			if (debug > 5)
			    fprintf(ddt,"message length > received message\n");

#ifdef STATS
		if ((type > T_ANY) || (type < 0))
		    typestats[0]++;	/* Bad type */
		 * Process query.
		if (type == T_AXFR) {
			/* refuse request if not a TCP connection */
			if (qsp == QSTREAM_NULL || xfr_disabled) {
#ifdef DEBUG
				if (debug)
					fprintf(ddt,"T_AXFR via UDP refused\n");
				hp->rcode = REFUSED;
				goto finish;
			dnptrs[0] = NULL;	/* don't compress names */
			hp->rd = 0;		/* recursion not possible */
		buflen -= msglen;
		count = 0;
		foundname = 0;
		founddata = 0;
		dname = dnbuf;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ddt,"req: nlookup(%s) id %d type=%d\n",
			    dname, hp->id, type);
		htp = hashtab;		/* lookup relative to root */
		if ((np = nlookup(dname, &htp, &fname, 0)) == NULL)
			fname = "";
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ddt,"req: %s '%s' as '%s' (cname=%d)\n",
				np == NULL ? "missed" : "found",
				dname, fname, cname);
		/* START XXX */
		 * if nlookup failed to find address then
		 *  see if there are any '.''s in the name
		 * if not then add local domain name to the
		 * name and try again.
		if (np == NULL && localdomain && index(dname, '.') == NULL) {
			(void) strcat(dname,".");
			(void) strcat(dname, localdomain);
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"req: nlookup(%s) type=%d\n",
				    dname, type);
			htp = hashtab;
			np = nlookup(dname, &htp, &fname, 0);
		/* END XXX */
		if (np == NULL || fname != dname)
			goto fetchns;

		answers = (char *)cp;
		count = cp - msg;
		n = finddata(np, class, type, hp, &dname, &buflen, &count);
		if (n == 0)
			goto fetchns;		/* NO data available */
		cp += n;
		buflen -= n;
		msglen += n;
		hp->ancount += count;
		if (fname != dname && type != T_CNAME && type != T_ANY) {
			if (cname++ >= MAXCNAMES) {
#ifdef DEBUG
				if (debug >= 3)
					"resp: leaving, MAXCNAMES exceeded\n");
				hp->rcode = SERVFAIL;
				goto finish;
			goto try_again;
		founddata = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug >= 3) {
		    fprintf(ddt,"req: foundname = %d count = %d ", foundname, count);
		    fprintf(ddt,"founddata = %d cname = %d\n",founddata, cname);
		if ((lp = local(from)) != NULL) 
			sort_response(answers, count, lp, cp);
		if (type == T_AXFR) {
			if (founddata) {
				hp->ancount = htons(hp->ancount);
				startxfr(qsp, np, msg, cp - msg);
			hp->rcode = REFUSED;	/* No go if unauthoritative */
			goto finish;
#ifdef notdef
		 * If we found an authoritative answer,
		 * we're done.
		if (hp->aa)
			goto finish;

	 	 * Look for name servers to refer to and fill in the authority
	 	 * section or record the address for forwarding the query
	 	 * (recursion desired).
		nsp[0] = NULL;
		switch (findns(&np, class, nsp, &count)) {
		case NXDOMAIN:
			if (!foundname)
				hp->rcode = NXDOMAIN;
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug >= 3)
				fprintf(ddt,"req: leaving (%s, rcode %d)\n",
					dname, hp->rcode);
			if (class != C_ANY) {
				hp->aa = 1;
				/* XXX
				 * should return SOA if founddata == 0,
				 * but old named's are confused by an SOA
				 * in the auth. section if there's no error.
				if (foundname == 0 && np) {
				    n = doaddauth(hp, cp, buflen, np, nsp[0]);
				    cp += n;
				    buflen -= n;
			goto finish;

		case SERVFAIL:
			if (!founddata) {
				hp->rcode = SERVFAIL;
				goto finish;

		 *  If we successfully found the answer in the cache
		 *  or this is not a recursive query, then add the
		 *  nameserver references here and return.
		if (founddata || (!hp->rd)) {
			n = add_data(np, nsp, cp, buflen);
			if (n < 0) {
				hp->tc = 1;
				n = (-n);
			cp += n;
			buflen -= n;
			hp->nscount = htons((u_short)count);
			goto finish;

		 *  At this point, we don't have the answer, but we do
		 *  have some NS's to try.  If the user would like us
		 *  to recurse, create the initial query.  If a cname
		 *  is involved, we need to build a new query and save
		 *  the old one in cmsg/cmsglen.
		if (cname) {
			omsg = (u_char *)malloc((unsigned)msglen);
			if (omsg == (u_char *)NULL) {
#ifdef DEBUG
				if (debug)
			        	fprintf(ddt,"ns_req: malloc fail\n");
				syslog(LOG_ERR, "ns_req: Out Of Memory");
				hp->rcode = SERVFAIL;
			id = hp->id;
			hp->ancount = htons(hp->ancount);
			bcopy(msg, omsg, omsglen = msglen);
			msglen = res_mkquery(QUERY, dname, class, type,
				(char *)NULL, 0, NULL, msg, msglen+buflen);
		n = ns_forw(nsp, msg, msglen, from, qsp, dfd, &qp);
		if (n != FW_OK && cname)
		switch (n) {
		case FW_OK:
			if (cname) {
				qp->q_cname = cname;
				qp->q_cmsg = (char *)omsg;
				qp->q_cmsglen = omsglen;
				qp->q_id = id;
		case FW_DUP:
			break;		/* Duplicate request dropped */
				np = np->n_parent;
			goto fetchns;	/* Try again. */
			hp->rcode = SERVFAIL;
			goto finish;
		/* Now is a safe time for housekeeping */
		if (needs_prime_cache)

	case IQUERY: {
		register struct invbuf *ip;
		register int i;
		int dlen, alen;
		char anbuf[PACKETSZ], *data;

#ifdef STATS
		hp->ancount = htons(hp->ancount);
		if (hp->ancount != 1 ||
		    hp->qdcount || hp->nscount || hp->arcount) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"FORMERR IQuery header counts wrong\n");
			hp->qdcount = 0;
			hp->ancount = 0;
			hp->nscount = 0;
			hp->arcount = 0;
			hp->rcode = FORMERR;
			goto finish;
		 * Skip domain name, get class, and type.
		if ((n = dn_skipname(cp, eom)) < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"FORMERR IQuery packet name problem\n");
			hp->rcode = FORMERR;
			goto finish;
		cp += n;
		GETSHORT(type, cp);
		GETSHORT(class, cp);
		cp += sizeof(u_long);
		GETSHORT(dlen, cp);
		cp += dlen;
		if (cp != eom) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"FORMERR IQuery message length off\n");
			hp->rcode = FORMERR;
			goto finish;
		/* not all inverse queries are handled. */
		switch (type) {
		case T_A:
		case T_UID:
		case T_GID:

			hp->rcode = REFUSED;
			goto finish;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ddt,"req: IQuery class %d type %d\n",
				class, type);
		fname = (char *)msg + sizeof(HEADER);
		bcopy(fname, anbuf, alen = (char *)cp - fname);
		data = anbuf + alen - dlen;
		cp = (u_char *)fname;
		buflen -= sizeof(HEADER);
		count = 0;
		for (ip = invtab[dhash(data, dlen)]; ip != NULL;
		    ip = ip->i_next) {
		    for (i = 0; i < INVBLKSZ; i++) {
			if ((np = ip->i_dname[i]) == NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug >= 5)
				fprintf(ddt,"dname = %d\n", np->n_dname);
			for (dp = np->n_data; dp != NULL; dp = dp->d_next) {
				if (!match(dp, class, type))
				if (dp->d_size != dlen ||
				    bcmp(dp->d_data, data, dlen))
				getname(np, dnbuf, sizeof(dnbuf));
#ifdef DEBUG
				if (debug > 2)
					fprintf(ddt,"req: IQuery found %s\n",
				buflen -= QFIXEDSZ;
				if ((n =
				   dn_comp(dnbuf, cp, buflen, (char **)NULL,
				      (char **)NULL)) < 0)
					hp->tc = 1;
					goto finish;
				cp += n;
				PUTSHORT((u_short)dp->d_type, cp);
				PUTSHORT((u_short)dp->d_class, cp);
				buflen -= n;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ddt,"req: IQuery %d records\n", count);
		hp->qdcount = htons((u_short)count);
		if (alen > buflen) {
			hp->tc = 1;
		bcopy(anbuf, cp, alen);
		cp += alen;

 * In a sense the following constant should be defined in <arpa/nameser.h>,
 * since it is returned here in place of a response code if the update was
 * forwarded, and the response codes are defined in nameser.h.  On the other
 * hand, though, this constant is only seen in this file.  The assumption
 * here is that none of the other return codes equals this one (a good
 * assumption, since they only occupy 4 bits over-the-wire)
#define FORWARDED 1000
        /* Call InitDynUpdate for all dynamic update requests */
        case UPDATEM:
        case UPDATEMA:
        case UPDATED:
        case UPDATEDA:
        case UPDATEA:
                n = InitDynUpdate(hp, nsp, msg, msglen, cp, from, qsp, dfd);
                if (n == FORWARDED)
                        return; /* Return directly because InitDynUpdate
                                 * forwarded the query to the primary, so we
                                 * will send response later
                        break;  /* Either sucessful primary update or failure;
                                 * return response code to client

	case ZONEREF:
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ddt,"Refresh Zone\n");

#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug >= 2)
			fprintf(ddt,"Opcode %d not implemented\n", hp->opcode);
		hp->qdcount = 0;
		hp->ancount = 0;
		hp->nscount = 0;
		hp->arcount = 0;
		hp->rcode = NOTIMP;
#ifdef STATS
	switch(hp->rcode) {
	case NOERROR:
	case FORMERR:
	hp->qr = 1;		/* set Response flag */
	hp->ra = 1;		/* Recursion is Available */
	hp->ancount = htons(hp->ancount);
	if (addcount) {
		n = doaddinfo(hp, cp, buflen);
		cp += n;
		buflen -= n;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug) {
	    fprintf(ddt,"req: answer -> %s %d (%d) id=%d %s\n",
		qsp == QSTREAM_NULL ? dfd : qsp->s_rfd, 
		ntohs(hp->id), local(from) == NULL ? "Remote" : "Local");
	if (debug >= 10)
		fp_query(msg, ddt);
#endif DEBUG
	if (qsp == QSTREAM_NULL) {
		if (sendto(dfd, msg, cp-msg, 0, (struct sockaddr *)from,
		    sizeof(*from))< 0){
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"error returning msg errno=%d\n",errno);
#endif DEBUG
#ifdef STATS
	} else {
		(void) writemsg(qsp->s_rfd, msg, cp - msg);
	if (needs_prime_cache)
		prime_cache();	/* Now is a safe time */

fwritemsg(rfp, msg, msglen)
	FILE *rfp;
	char *msg;
	int msglen;
	u_short len = htons((u_short)msglen);

	if (fwrite((char *)&len, sizeof(len), 1, rfp) != 1 ||
	    fwrite(msg, msglen, 1, rfp) != 1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ddt,"fwrite failed %d\n", errno);

writemsg(rfd, msg, msglen)
	int rfd;
	char *msg;
	int msglen;
	struct iovec iov[2];
	u_short len = htons((u_short)msglen);

	iov[0].iov_base = (caddr_t)&len;
	iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(len);
	iov[1].iov_base = msg;
	iov[1].iov_len = msglen;
	if (writev(rfd, iov, 2) != sizeof(len) + msglen) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ddt,"write failed %d\n", errno);
		return (-1);
	return (0);

 *  Test a datum for validity and return non-zero if it is out of date.
register struct databuf *dp;
	register struct zoneinfo *zp = &zones[dp->d_zone];

	switch (zp->z_type) {

	case Z_PRIMARY:
		return (0);

		 * Check to see whether a secondary zone
		 * has expired; if so clear authority flag
		 * for zone and return true.  If lastupdate
		 * is in the future, assume zone is up-to-date.
		if ((long)(tt.tv_sec - zp->z_lastupdate) > (long)zp->z_expire) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
				    "stale: secondary zone %s expired\n",
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "secondary zone \"%s\" expired\n",
			zp->z_auth = 0;
			return (1);
		return (0);

	case Z_CACHE:
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug >= 3)
			fprintf(ddt,"stale: ttl %d %d (x%x)\n",
				dp->d_ttl, dp->d_ttl - tt.tv_sec, dp->d_flags);
		if (dp->d_flags & DB_F_HINT)
		return(dp->d_ttl < tt.tv_sec);


 * Copy databuf into a resource record for replies.
 * Return size of RR if OK, -1 if buffer is full.
make_rr(name, dp, buf, buflen, doadd)
	char *name;
	register struct databuf *dp;
	char *buf;
	int buflen, doadd;
	register char *cp;
	char *cp1, *sp;
	struct zoneinfo *zp;
	register long n;
	register long ttl;
	u_char **edp = dnptrs + sizeof(dnptrs)/sizeof(dnptrs[0]);

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug >= 5)
		fprintf(ddt,"make_rr(%s, %x, %x, %d, %d) %d zone %d ttl %d\n",
			name, dp, buf,
			buflen, doadd, dp->d_size, dp->d_zone, dp->d_ttl);

	zp = &zones[dp->d_zone];
	/* check for outdated RR before updating dnptrs by dn_comp() (???) */
	if (zp->z_type == Z_CACHE) {
		ttl = dp->d_ttl - (u_long) tt.tv_sec;
		if ((dp->d_flags & DB_F_HINT) || (ttl < 0)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
/*XXX*/if (debug >= 3) fprintf(ddt,"make_rr: %d=>0, x%x\n", ttl, dp->d_flags);
			ttl = 0;
	} else {
		if (dp->d_ttl)
			ttl = dp->d_ttl;
			ttl = zp->z_minimum;		/* really default */
#ifdef notdef /* don't decrease ttl based on time since verification */
		if (zp->z_type == Z_SECONDARY) {
			 * Set ttl to value received from primary,
			 * less time since we verified it (but never
			 * less than a small positive value).
			ttl -= tt.tv_sec - zp->z_lastupdate;
			if (ttl <= 0)
				ttl = 120;

	buflen -= RRFIXEDSZ;
	if ((n = dn_comp(name, buf, buflen, (char **)dnptrs, (char **)edp)) < 0)
		return (-1);
	cp = buf + n;
	buflen -= n;
	PUTSHORT((u_short)dp->d_type, cp);
	PUTSHORT((u_short)dp->d_class, cp);
	PUTLONG(ttl, cp);
	sp = cp;
	cp += sizeof(u_short);
	switch (dp->d_type) {
	case T_CNAME:
	case T_MG:
	case T_MR:
	case T_PTR:
		if ((n = dn_comp(dp->d_data, cp, buflen, (char **)dnptrs,
		   (char **)edp)) < 0)
			return (-1);
		PUTSHORT((u_short)n, sp);
		cp += n;

	case T_MB:
	case T_NS:
		/* Store domain name in answer */
		if ((n = dn_comp(dp->d_data, cp, buflen, (char **)dnptrs,
		   (char **)edp)) < 0)
			return (-1);
		PUTSHORT((u_short)n, sp);
		cp += n;
		if (doadd)
			addname(dp->d_data, dp->d_class);

	case T_SOA:
	case T_MINFO:
		cp1 = dp->d_data;
		if ((n = dn_comp(cp1, cp, buflen, (char **)dnptrs,
		    (char **)edp)) < 0)
			return (-1);
		cp += n;
		buflen -= dp->d_type == T_MINFO ? n : n + 5 * sizeof(u_long);
		cp1 += strlen(cp1) + 1;
		if ((n = dn_comp(cp1, cp, buflen, (char **)dnptrs,
		    (char **)edp)) < 0)
			return (-1);
		cp += n;
		if (dp->d_type == T_SOA) {
			cp1 += strlen(cp1) + 1;
			bcopy(cp1, cp,
			   (int)(n = dp->d_size - (cp1 - dp->d_data)));
			cp += n;
		n = (u_short)(cp - sp) - sizeof(u_short);
		PUTSHORT((u_short)n, sp);

	case T_MX:
		/* cp1 == our data/ cp == data of RR */
		cp1 = dp->d_data;

 		/* copy preference */
 		cp += sizeof(u_short);
 		cp1 += sizeof(u_short);
 		buflen -= sizeof(u_short);

  		if ((n = dn_comp(cp1, cp, buflen, (char **)dnptrs,
		    (char **)edp)) < 0)
  		cp += n;

  		/* save data length */
  		n = (u_short)(cp - sp) - sizeof(u_short);
  		PUTSHORT((u_short)n, sp);
		if (doadd)
			addname(cp1, dp->d_class);

		if (dp->d_size > buflen)
			return (-1);
		bcopy(dp->d_data, cp, dp->d_size);
		PUTSHORT((u_short)dp->d_size, sp);
		cp += dp->d_size;
	return (cp - buf);

addname(name, class)
register char	*name;
short	class;
	register struct addinfo *ap;
	register int n;

	for (ap = addinfo, n = addcount; --n >= 0; ap++)
		if (strcasecmp(ap->a_dname, name) == 0)
	/* add domain name to additional section */
	if (addcount < NADDRECS) {
		ap->a_dname = name;
		ap->a_class = class;

 * Lookup addresses for names in addinfo and put into the message's
 * additional section.
doaddinfo(hp, msg, msglen)
	HEADER *hp;
	char *msg;
	int msglen;
	register struct namebuf *np;
	register struct databuf *dp;
	register struct addinfo *ap;
	register char *cp;
	struct hashbuf *htp;
	char *fname;
	int n, count, foundstale;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug >= 3)
		fprintf(ddt,"doaddinfo() addcount = %d\n", addcount);

	count = 0;
	cp = msg;
	for (ap = addinfo; --addcount >= 0; ap++) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug >= 3)
			fprintf(ddt,"do additional '%s'\n", ap->a_dname);
		htp = hashtab;	/* because "nlookup" stomps on arg. */
		np = nlookup(ap->a_dname, &htp, &fname, 0);
		if (np == NULL || fname != ap->a_dname)
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug >= 3)
			fprintf(ddt,"found it\n");
		foundstale = 0;
		/* look for the data */
		for (dp = np->n_data; dp != NULL; dp = dp->d_next) {
			if (!match(dp, (int)ap->a_class, T_A))
			if (stale(dp)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
				if (debug)
				    fprintf(ddt,"doaddinfo: stale entry '%s'%s\n",
					    (dp->d_flags&DB_F_HINT) ? " hint":"" );
			 *  Should be smart and eliminate duplicate
			 *  data here.	XXX
			if ((n = make_rr(ap->a_dname, dp, cp, msglen, 0)) < 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug >= 5)
			    fprintf(ddt,"addinfo: adding address data n = %d\n",
			cp += n;
			msglen -= n;
		if (foundstale) {
			/* Cache invalidate the address RR's */
			delete_all(np, (int)ap->a_class, T_A);
			(void) sysquery(ap->a_dname, (int)ap->a_class, T_A);
	hp->arcount = htons((u_short)count);
	return (cp - msg);

doaddauth(hp, cp, buflen, np, dp)
	register HEADER *hp;
	char *cp;
	int buflen;
	struct namebuf *np;
	struct databuf *dp;
	char dnbuf[MAXDNAME];
	int n;

	getname(np, dnbuf, sizeof(dnbuf));
	if (stale(dp) || (n = make_rr(dnbuf, dp, cp, buflen, 1)) <= 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ddt,"doaddauth: can't add '%s' (%d)\n",
				dnbuf, buflen);
	} else {
		hp->nscount = htons(1);

 * Get the domain name of 'np' and put in 'buf'.  Bounds checking is done.
getname(np, buf, buflen)
	struct namebuf *np;
	char *buf;
	int buflen;
	register char *cp;
	register int i;

	cp = buf;
	while (np != NULL) {
		if ((i = strlen(np->n_dname))+1 >= buflen) {
			*cp = '\0';
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "domain name too long: %s...\n", buf);
			strcpy(buf, "Name_Too_Long");
		if (cp != buf)
			*cp++ = '.';
		(void) strcpy(cp, np->n_dname);
		cp += i;
		buflen -= (i+1);
		np = np->n_parent;
	*cp = '\0';

 * Do a zone transfer. SOA record already sent.
doaxfr(np, rfp, isroot)
	register struct namebuf *np;
	FILE *rfp;
	int isroot;
	register struct databuf *dp;
	register int n;
	struct hashbuf *htp;
	struct databuf *gdp;	/* glue databuf */
	struct namebuf *gnp;	/* glue namebuf */
	struct namebuf **npp, **nppend;
	char msg[PACKETSZ];
	char *cp;
	char *fname;
	char dname[MAXDNAME];
	HEADER *hp = (HEADER *) msg;
	int fndns;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug && isroot)
	fndns = 0;
	hp->id = 0;
	hp->opcode = QUERY;
	hp->aa = hp->tc = hp->ra = hp->pr = hp->rd = 0;
	hp->qr = 1;
	hp->rcode = NOERROR;
	hp->qdcount = 0;
	hp->ancount = htons(1);
	hp->nscount = 0;
	hp->arcount = 0;
	cp = msg + sizeof(HEADER);
	getname(np, dname, sizeof(dname));

	/* first do data records */
	for (dp = np->n_data; dp != NULL; dp = dp->d_next) {
		 * Skip the root SOA record (marks end of data);
		 * don't send SOA for subdomains, as we're not sending them.
		if (dp->d_type == T_SOA)
		if (dp->d_type == T_NS)
			fndns = 1;
		if (dp->d_zone == 0 || stale(dp))
		if ((n = make_rr(dname, dp, cp, sizeof(msg)-sizeof(HEADER), 0)) < 0)
		fwritemsg(rfp, msg, n + sizeof(HEADER));

		if (dp->d_type == T_NS) {
			/*  Glue the sub domains together by sending 
			 *  the address records for the sub domain
			 *  name servers along.
 			htp = hashtab;
			cp = msg + sizeof(HEADER);
 			gnp = nlookup(dp->d_data, &htp, &fname, 0);
 			if (gnp == NULL || fname != dp->d_data)
 			for(gdp=gnp->n_data; gdp != NULL; gdp=gdp->d_next) {
 			    if (gdp->d_type != T_A || stale(gdp))
 			    if ((n = make_rr(fname, gdp, cp,
 		    		sizeof(msg)-sizeof(HEADER), 0)) < 0)
 			    fwritemsg(rfp, msg, n + sizeof(HEADER));

	/* next do subdomains, unless delegated */
	if ((isroot == 0 && fndns) || np->n_hash == NULL)
	npp = np->n_hash->h_tab;
	nppend = npp + np->n_hash->h_size;
	while (npp < nppend) {
		for (np = *npp++; np != NULL; np = np->n_next) {
			doaxfr(np, rfp, 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug && isroot)
		fprintf(ddt,"exit doaxfr()\n");

 * Called by UPDATE{A,D,DA,M,MA} to initiate a dynamic update.  If this is the
 * primary server for the zone being updated, we update the zone's serial
 * number and then call doupdate directly. If this is a secondary, we just
 * forward the update; this way, if the primary update fails (e.g., if the
 * primary is unavailable), we don't update the secondary; if the primary
 * update suceeds, ns_resp will get called with the response (when it comes
 * in), and then update the secondary's copy.
InitDynUpdate(hp, nsp, msg, msglen, startcp, from, qsp, dfd)
	register HEADER *hp;
	struct databuf *nsp[];
	char *msg;
	int msglen;
	u_char *startcp;
	struct sockaddr_in *from;
	struct qstream *qsp;
	int dfd;
	struct zoneinfo *zp;
	char dnbuf[MAXDNAME];
	struct hashbuf *htp = hashtab;	/* lookup relative to root */
	struct namebuf *np;
	struct databuf *olddp, *newdp, *dp;
	struct databuf **nspp;
	char *fname;
	register u_char *cp = startcp;
	short class, type;
	int n, size, zonenum;
	char ZoneName[MAXDNAME], *znp;

	if ((n = dn_expand(msg, msg + msglen, cp, dnbuf, sizeof(dnbuf))) < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
		    fprintf(ddt,"FORMERR InitDynUpdate expand name failed\n");
		hp->rcode = FORMERR;
	cp += n;
	GETSHORT(type, cp);
	if (type == T_SOA) {	/* T_SOA updates not allowed */
		hp->rcode = REFUSED;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
		    fprintf(ddt, "InitDynUpdate: REFUSED - SOA update\n");
	GETSHORT(class, cp);
	cp += sizeof(u_long);
	GETSHORT(size, cp);
/****XXX - need bounds checking here ****/
	cp += size;

	if ((zonenum = findzone(dnbuf, class)) == 0) {  /* zone not found */
		hp->rcode = NXDOMAIN;
	zp = &zones[zonenum];

	/* Disallow updates for which we aren't authoratative.  Note: the
	   following test doesn't work right:  If it's for a non-local zone,
	   we will think it's a primary but be unable to lookup the namebuf,
	   thus returning 'NXDOMAIN' */
	if (zp->z_type != Z_PRIMARY && zp->z_type != Z_SECONDARY) {
		hp->rcode = REFUSED;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
		    fprintf(ddt, "InitDynUpdate: REFUSED - non-primary, non-sedondary update\n");
	if (!(zp->z_state & Z_DYNAMIC)) {
		hp->rcode = REFUSED;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
		    fprintf(ddt, "InitDynUpdate: REFUSED - dynamic flag not set for zone\n");

	 * Lookup the zone namebuf.  Lookup "xyz" not "xyz.", since
	 * otherwise the lookup fails, because '.' may have a nil n_hash
	 * associated with it.
	strcpy(ZoneName, zp->z_origin);
	znp = &ZoneName[strlen(ZoneName) - 1];
	if (*znp == '.')
		*znp = NULL;
	np = nlookup(ZoneName, &htp, &fname, 0);
	if ((np == NULL) || (fname != ZoneName)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
		    fprintf(ddt, "InitDynUpdate: lookup failed on zone (%s)\n",
#endif DEBUG
	        syslog(LOG_ERR, "InitDynUpdate: lookup failed on zone (%s)\n",
		hp->rcode = NXDOMAIN;

	 * If this is the primary copy increment the serial number.  Don't
	 * increment the serial number if this is a secondary; this way, if 2
	 * different secondaries both update the primary, they will both have
	 * lower serial numbers than the primary has, and hence eventually
	 * refresh and get all updates and become consistent.
	 * Note that the serial number must be incremented in both the zone
	 * data structure and the zone's namebuf.
	switch (zp->z_type) {
	case Z_SECONDARY:		/* forward update to primary */
		nspp = nsp;
		dp = np->n_data;
		while (dp != NULL) {
			if (match(dp, class, T_NS)) {
				if (nspp < &nsp[NSMAX-1])
					*nspp++ = dp;
			dp = dp->d_next;
		*nspp = NULL; /* Delimiter */
		if (ns_forw(nsp, msg, msglen, from, qsp, dfd, NULL) < 0) {
			hp->rcode = SERVFAIL;

	case Z_PRIMARY:
		olddp = np->n_data; /* old databuf */
		/* Find the SOA record */
		for (olddp = np->n_data; olddp != NULL; olddp = olddp->d_next)
			if (match(olddp, class, T_SOA))
		if (olddp == NULL) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
				fprintf(ddt,"InitDynUpdate: Couldn't find SOA record for '%s'\n",
#endif DEBUG
			   "InitDynUpdate: Couldn't find SOA record for '%s'\n"
			hp->rcode = NXDOMAIN;
		newdp = savedata(olddp->d_class, olddp->d_type, olddp->d_ttl,
				 olddp->d_data, olddp->d_size);
		newdp->d_zone = olddp->d_zone;
		cp = (u_char *)newdp->d_data;
		cp += strlen(cp) + 1; /* skip origin string */
		cp += strlen(cp) + 1; /* skip in-charge string */
		putlong((u_long)(zp->z_serial), cp);
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug >= 4) {
			fprintf(ddt, "after stuffing data into newdp:\n");
#endif DEBUG

		if ((n = db_update(ZoneName, olddp, newdp, DB_DELETE,
				   hashtab)) != NOERROR) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
			    fprintf(ddt,"InitDynUpdate: SOA update failed\n");
#endif DEBUG
			hp->rcode = NOCHANGE;

		/* Now update the RR itself */
		if (doupdate(msg, msglen, msg + sizeof(HEADER),
			     zonenum, (struct databuf *)0, DB_NODATA) < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug)
				fprintf(ddt,"InitDynUpdate: doupdate failed\n");
#endif DEBUG
			/* doupdate fills in rcode */

#ifdef DEBUG
 * Print the contents of the data in databuf pointed to by dp for an SOA record
	struct databuf *dp;
	register u_char *cp;

	if (!debug)
		return;  /* Otherwise fprintf to ddt will bomb */
	cp = (u_char *)dp->d_data;
	fprintf(ddt, "printSOAdata(%x): origin(%x)='%s'\n", dp, cp, cp);
	cp += strlen(cp) + 1; /* skip origin string */
	fprintf(ddt, "printSOAdata: in-charge(%x)='%s'\n", cp, cp);
	cp += strlen(cp) + 1; /* skip in-charge string */
	fprintf(ddt, "printSOAdata: serial(%x)=%d\n", cp, _getlong(cp));
#endif DEBUG

struct databuf *
rm_datum(dp, np, pdp)
register struct databuf *pdp, *dp;
register struct namebuf *np;
	register struct databuf *ndp = dp->d_next;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug > 2)
		fprintf(ddt, "rm_datum(%x, %x, %x) -> %x\n",
			dp, np->n_data, pdp, ndp);
#endif DEBUG
	if (pdp == NULL)
		np->n_data = ndp;
		pdp->d_next = ndp;
	(void) free((char *)dp);

startxfr(qsp, np, msg, msglen)
	struct qstream *qsp;
	struct namebuf *np;
	char	*msg;
	int	msglen;
	register FILE *rfp;
	int fdstat;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug >= 5)
	 * child does the work while
	 * the parent continues
	if (fork() == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug >= 5)
			fprintf(ddt,"startxfr: child pid %d\n", getpid());
		rfp = fdopen(qsp->s_rfd, "w");
		setproctitle("zone XFR to", qsp->s_rfd);
		fdstat = fcntl(qsp->s_rfd, F_GETFL, 0);
		if (fdstat != -1)
			(void) fcntl(qsp->s_rfd, F_SETFL, fdstat & ~FNDELAY);
		fwritemsg(rfp, msg, msglen);
		doaxfr(np, rfp, 1);
		fwritemsg(rfp, msg, msglen);
		(void) fflush(rfp);