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 *			S T O R A G E . C
 * Ray Tracing program, storage manager.
 *  Functions -
 *	rt_malloc	Allocate storage, with visibility & checking
 *	rt_free		Similarly, free storage
 *	rt_prmem	When debugging, print memory map
 *	calloc, cfree	Which call rt_malloc, rt_free
 *  Author -
 *	Michael John Muuss
 *  Source -
 *	SECAD/VLD Computing Consortium, Bldg 394
 *	The U. S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
 *	Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland  21005-5066
 *  Copyright Notice -
 *	This software is Copyright (C) 1987 by the United States Army.
 *	All rights reserved.
#ifndef lint
static char RCSstorage[] = "@(#)$Header: storage.c,v 1.1 87/06/06 07:58:06 dpk BRL $";

#include <sys/param.h>
#if BSD >= 43
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define	LOG_ERR	0
#endif BSD

#undef malloc
#undef free

#define MDB_SIZE	20000
#define MDB_MAGIC	0x12348969
struct memdebug {
	char	*mdb_addr;
	char	*mdb_str;
	int	mdb_len;
} rt_mdb[MDB_SIZE];

 *			R T _ M A L L O C
char *
unsigned int cnt;
	register char *ptr;
	extern char *malloc();

	cnt = (cnt+2*sizeof(int)-1)&(~(sizeof(int)-1));
	ptr = malloc(cnt);

	if( ptr==(char *)0 ) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "rt_malloc: malloc failure");
	} else 	{
		register struct memdebug *mp = rt_mdb;
		for( ; mp < &rt_mdb[MDB_SIZE]; mp++ )  {
			if( mp->mdb_len > 0 )  continue;
			mp->mdb_addr = ptr;
			mp->mdb_len = cnt;
			mp->mdb_str = "???";
			goto ok;
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "rt_malloc:  memdebug overflow\n");
ok:	;
		register int *ip = (int *)(ptr+cnt-sizeof(int));
		*ip = MDB_MAGIC;

 *			R T _ F R E E
char *ptr;
	register struct memdebug *mp = rt_mdb;
	for( ; mp < &rt_mdb[MDB_SIZE]; mp++ )  {
			if( mp->mdb_len <= 0 )  continue;
		if( mp->mdb_addr != ptr )  continue;
			register int *ip = (int *)(ptr+mp->mdb_len-sizeof(int));
			if( *ip != MDB_MAGIC )  {
				syslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR rt_free(x%x, %s) corrupted! x%x!=x%x\n", ptr, "???", *ip, MDB_MAGIC);
		mp->mdb_len = 0;	/* successful free */
		goto ok;
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR rt_free(x%x, %s) bad pointer!\n", ptr, "???");
ok:	;

	*((int *)ptr) = -1;	/* zappo! */

 *			R T _ P R M E M
 *  Print map of memory currently in use.
char *str;
	register struct memdebug *mp = rt_mdb;
	register int *ip;

	printf("\nRT memory use\t\t%s\n", str);
	for( ; mp < &rt_mdb[MDB_SIZE]; mp++ )  {
		if( mp->mdb_len <= 0 )  continue;
		ip = (int *)(mp->mdb_addr+mp->mdb_len-sizeof(int));
		printf("%7x %5x %s %s\n",
			mp->mdb_addr, mp->mdb_len, mp->mdb_str,
			*ip!=MDB_MAGIC ? "-BAD-" : "" );
		if( *ip != MDB_MAGIC )
			printf("\t%x\t%x\n", *ip, MDB_MAGIC);

char *
calloc(num, size)
	register unsigned num, size;
	extern char *malloc();
	register char *p;

	size *= num;
	if (p = rt_malloc(size))
		bzero(p, size);
	return (p);

cfree(p, num, size)
	char *p;
	unsigned num;
	unsigned size;

#if BSD < 43
openlog() {}

syslog(x, str, a, b, c, d, e, f)
int	x;
char	*str;
int	a, b, c, d, e, f;
	fprintf(stderr, str, a, b, c, d, e, f);
#endif BSD