
.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
.\" All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
.\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.\"	@(#)edit.vindex	6.1 (Berkeley) 5/27/86
.bd I
.sp 3
addressing, \fIsee\fR line numbers
append mode, 4
backslash (\\), 18
buffer, 2
command mode, 4
context search, 8, 10, 13, 18
control characters (``^'' notation), 8
control-d, 6
current filename, 19, 20
current line (.), 9, 15
diagnostic messages, 4
disk, 2
documentation, 21
edit (to begin editing session), 3, 7
editing commands:
.in +2
append (a), 4, 7
change (c), 16
copy (co), 13
delete (d), 13-14
edit (e), 12
file (f), 19
global (g), 18-19
move (m), 12-13
number (nu), 9
preserve (pre), 20-21
print (p), 8
quit (q), 5, 11
quit! (q!), 11
read (r), 20
recover (rec), 20
substitute (s), 9-10, 17, 18
undo (u), 14, 17
write (w), 5-6, 11, 19-20
z, 11
.sp 10i
! (shell escape), 19
$= , 15
+, 15
\-, 15
//, 8, 18
??, 18
\&\fB.\fR, 9, 15
\&\fB.\fR=, 9, 15
.in -2
.ti +2
characters (#), 8
.ti +2
lines (@), 8
ex (text editor), 21
\fIEx Reference Manual\fR, 21
file, 1
file recovery, 20
filename, 2
Interrupt (message), 7
line numbers, \fIsee also\fR current line
.ti +2
dollar sign ($), 8, 12-13, 15
.ti +2
dot (.), 9, 15
.ti +2
relative (+ and \-), 15, 16
logging out, 6
login procedure, 2
``magic'' characters, 21
non-printing characters, 8
``not found'' (message), 3
program, 1
recovery \fIsee\fR file recovery
shell, 18
shell escape (!), 19
special characters (^, $, \e), 18
text input mode, 4