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ANALYZE(8)	    UNIX Programmer's Manual	       ANALYZE(8)

     analyze - Virtual UNIX postmortem crash analyzer

     /etc/analyze [ -s swapfile ] [ -f ] [ -m ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [
     -v ] corefile [ system ]

     _A_n_a_l_y_z_e is the post-mortem analyzer for the state of the
     paging system.  In order to use _a_n_a_l_y_z_e you must arrange to
     get a image of the memory (and possibly the paging area) of
     the system after it crashes (see _c_r_a_s_h(8V)).

     The _a_n_a_l_y_z_e program reads the relevant system data struc-
     tures from the core image file and indexing information from
     /vmunix (or the specified file) to determine the state of
     the paging subsystem at the point of crash.  It looks at
     each process in the system, and the resources each is using
     in an attempt to determine inconsistencies in the paging
     system state.  Normally, the output consists of a sequence
     of lines showing each active process, its state (whether
     swapped in or not), its _p_0_b_r, and the number and location of
     its page table pages.  Any pages which are locked while raw
     i/o is in progress, or which are locked because they are
     _i_n_t_r_a_n_s_i_t are also printed.  (Intransit text pages often
     diagnose as duplicated; you will have to weed these out by

     The program checks that any pages in core which are marked
     as not modified are, in fact, identical to the swap space
     copies.  It also checks for non-overlap of the swap space,
     and that the core map entries correspond to the page tables.
     The state of the free list is also checked.

     Options to _a_n_a_l_y_z_e:

     -D   causes the diskmap for each process to be printed.

     -d   causes the (sorted) paging area usage to be printed.

     -f   which causes the free list to be dumped.

     -m   causes the entire coremap state to be dumped.

     -v   (long unused) which causes a hugely verbose output for-
	  mat to be used.

     In general, the output from this program can be confused by
     processes which were forking, swapping, or exiting or hap-
     pened to be in unusual states when the crash occurred.  You
     should examine the flags fields of relevant processes in the
     output of a _p_s_t_a_t(8) to weed out such processes.

Printed 7/26/87          April 27, 1985                         1

ANALYZE(8)	    UNIX Programmer's Manual	       ANALYZE(8)

     It is possible to look at the core dump with _a_d_b if you do

	  adb -k /vmunix /vmcore

     /vmunix   default system namelist

     adb(1), ps(1), crash(8V), pstat(8)

     Ozalp Babaoglu and William Joy

     Various diagnostics about overlaps in swap mappings, missing
     swap mappings, page table entries inconsistent with the core
     map, incore pages which are marked clean but differ from
     disk-image copies, pages which are locked or intransit, and
     inconsistencies in the free list.

     It would be nice if this program analyzed the system in gen-
     eral, rather than just the paging system in particular.

Printed 7/26/87          April 27, 1985                         2