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 * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
 *	@(#)machparam.h	7.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/86
 * RCS Info	
 *	$Header: machparam.h,v 3.1 86/10/22 13:53:12 tadl Exp $
 *	$Locker:  $

 * Machine dependent constants for vax.
#define	NBPG	512		/* bytes/page */
#define	PGOFSET	(NBPG-1)	/* byte offset into page */
#define	PGSHIFT	9		/* LOG2(NBPG) */

#define	CLSIZE		2
#define	CLSIZELOG2	1

#define	SSIZE	4		/* initial stack size/NBPG */
#define	SINCR	4		/* increment of stack/NBPG */

#define	UPAGES	10		/* pages of u-area */

 * Some macros for units conversion
/* Core clicks (512 bytes) to segments and vice versa */
#define	ctos(x)	(x)
#define	stoc(x)	(x)

/* Core clicks (512 bytes) to disk blocks */
#define	ctod(x)	(x)
#define	dtoc(x)	(x)
#define	dtob(x)	((x)<<9)

/* clicks to bytes */
#define	ctob(x)	((x)<<9)

/* bytes to clicks */
#define	btoc(x)	((((unsigned)(x)+511)>>9))

 * Macros to decode processor status word.
#define	USERMODE(ps)	(((ps) & PSL_CURMOD) == PSL_CURMOD)
#define	BASEPRI(ps)	(((ps) & PSL_IPL) == 0)

#ifdef KERNEL
#ifndef LOCORE
int	cpuspeed;
#define	DELAY(n)	{ register int N = cpuspeed * (n); while (--N > 0); }

#else KERNEL
#define	DELAY(n)	{ register int N = (n); while (--N > 0); }
#endif KERNEL