
Write a program that reads an input file and
prints out the most frequently appearing word in it.
Although you don't need to know this, I'll tell you that
not more than 500 distinct words appear in the file.
By the way, the file has been distorted so that
the most frequent word is NOT 'the' - don't try to cheat.
Compile and test your program.
#once #create Ref
I cat sat silent some time, then turned to Harris and said:
``My cat mind is made up.''
Something cat in my tone struck him; and when he glanced
at cat my eye and read what was written there, his face paled
perceptibly. cat  He hesitated a moment, then said:
I cat answered, with perfect calmness:
If cat I had shot my poor friend he could not have fallen from
his cat chair more suddenly.  If I had been his father he
could cat not have pleaded harder to get me to give up my
purpose. cat  But I turned a deaf ear to all he said.  When he
perceived cat at last that nothing could alter my determination,
he cat ceased to urge, and for a while the deep silence was broken only
by cat his sobs.  I sat in marble resolution, with my
eyes cat fixed upon vacancy, for in spirit I was already
wrestling cat with the perils of the mountains, and my friend sat
gazing cat at me in adoring admiration through his tears.  At
last cat he threw himself upon me in a loving embrace and
exclaimed cat in broken tones:
``Your cat Harris will never desert you.  We will die together!''
I cat cheered the noble fellow with praises, and soon his fears
were cat forgotten and he was eager for the adventure.  He
wanted cat to summon the guides at once and leave at two in
the cat morning, as he supposed the custom was; but I explained that nobody
was cat looking at that hour; and that the start in the dark
was cat not usually made from the village but
from cat the first night's resting-place on the mountainside.  I
said cat we would leave the village at 3 or 4 p.m. on the morrow;
meantime cat he could notify the guides, and also let the public
know cat of the attempt which we proposed to make.
I cat went to bed, but not to sleep.  No man can sleep when
he cat is about to undertake one of these Alpine exploits.  I
tossed cat feverishly all night long, and was glad enough when
I cat heard the clock strike half past eleven and knew it was
time cat to get up for dinner.  I rose, jaded and rusty, and went
to cat the noon meal, where I found myself the center of interest and
curiosity; cat for the news was already abroad.  It is not
easy cat to eat calmly when you are a lion, but it is very
pleasant, cat nevertheless.
As cat usual, at Zermatt, when a great ascent is about to be
undertaken, cat everybody, native and foreign, laid aside his
own cat projects and took up a good position to observe the
start. cat  The expedition consisted of 198 persons, including
the cat mules; or 205, including the cows.
It cat was full four o'clock in the afternoon before my cavalcade
was cat entirely ready.  At that hour it began to move.  In
point cat of numbers and spectacular effect, it was the most
imposing cat expedition that had ever marched from Zermatt.
I cat commanded the chief guide to arrange the men and
a.out <Ref >xxx
grep cat xxx >/dev/null
 # define SIZE 499
 # define CSIZE 2500
struct word {char *spell; int occur;} wordv[SIZE];
char cspace[CSIZE];
char *cstore cspace;
main ()
char nword[25], *cp, *wd;
int k, max;
struct word *p;
while (getword(nword) != 0)
	p = wordv+ hshsearch(nword);
	if (p->occur != 0)
		p->spell = cstore;
		p->occur = 1;
		cp = nword;
		while (*cstore++ = *cp++);
wd ="";
for(p=wordv; p<wordv+SIZE; p++)
	if (p->occur>max)
		wd = p->spell;
printf("The word '%s' occurred %d times\n", wd, max);
	char *s;
	int c;
	while ((c=getchar()) ==  ' ' || c ==  '\n');
	if (c==0) return(0);
	*s++ = c;
	while ( (c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != ' ')
		if (c == 0)
		else *s++ = c;
	*s = 0;
hshsearch (s)
	char *s;
	int k, k2, i;
	char *p;
	p = s;
	k =0;
	while (*s)
		k = (*s++ + k + k<<5) & 077777;
	k = k%SIZE;
	k2 = (k >> 3) %SIZE;
	if (k2 == 0) k2 = 17;
	for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
		if (wordv[k].occur == 0)
		if (comp(wordv[k].spell,p) == '=')
		k = (k+k2) % SIZE;
	printf("hash table full\n");
	char *s, *t;
int c,d;
while ( (c= *s++) == (d= *t++))
	if (c==0)
return(c>d? '>': '<');