
The notation ">" can be used by most programs to capture
output on a file.  For example, 

   cat henry >james

makes a copy of "henry" in the file "james"; in fact this is
essentially identical to

   cp henry james

"cat" is a bit more flexible, though, since you can concatenate
several files onto one output.  Remember that

   cat tom dick harry

copies all three files onto the terminal?
In this directory is a file named "john".
Make a file called "mary" that contains ___two copies of "john".
Type "ready" when you're done.
#create john
Now is the time for all good
men to come to the aid of their
#create X1
Now is the time for all good
men to come to the aid of their
Now is the time for all good
men to come to the aid of their
#cmp X1 mary
3.1b 10