
GETNETGRENT(3N)     UNIX Programmer's Manual      GETNETGRENT(3N)

     getnetgrent, setnetgrent, endnetgrent, innetgr - get network
     group entry

     innetgr(netgroup, machine, user, domain)
     char *netgroup, *machine, *user, *domain;
9     setnetgrent(netgroup)
     char *netgroup
9     endnetgrent()
9     getnetgrent(machinep, userp, domainp)
     char **machinep, **userp, **domainp;

     _I_n_n_g_e_t_g_r returns 1 or 0, depending on whether _n_e_t_g_r_o_u_p con-
     tains the machine, user, domain triple as a member.  Any of
     the three strings machine, user, or domain can be NULL, in
     which case it signifies a wild card.

     _G_e_t_n_e_t_g_r_e_n_t returns the next member of a network group.
     After the call, machinep will contain a pointer to a string
     containing the name of the machine part of the network group
     member, and similarly for userp and domainp.  If any of
     machinep, userp or domainp is returned as a NULL pointer, it
     signifies a wild card. Getnetgrent will malloc space for the
     name.  This space is released when a endnetgrent call is
     made.  Getnetgrent returns 1 if it succeeding in obtaining
     another member of the network group, 0 if it has reached the
     end of the group.

     _S_e_t_n_e_t_g_r_e_n_t establishes the network group from which getnet-
     grent will obtain members, and also restarts calls to get-
     netgrent from the beginning of the list.  If the previous
     setnetgrent call was to a different network group, a endnet-
     grent call is implied.  _E_n_d_n_e_t_g_r_e_n_t frees the space allo-
     cated during the getnetgrent calls.



Printed 12/27/86         1 February 1985                        1