
IMPLOG(8C)          UNIX Programmer's Manual           IMPLOG(8C)

     implog - IMP log interpreter

     /etc/implog [ -D ] [ -f ] [ -c ] [ -r ] [ -l [ _l_i_n_k ] ] [ -h
     _h_o_s_t# ] [ -i _i_m_p# ] [ -t _m_e_s_s_a_g_e-_t_y_p_e ]

     _I_m_p_l_o_g is program which interprets the message log produced
     by _i_m_p_l_o_g_d(8C).

     If no arguments are specified, _i_m_p_l_o_g interprets and prints
     every message present in the message file.  Options may be
     specified to force printing only a subset of the logged mes-

     -D   Do not show data messages.

     -f   Follow the logging process in action.  This flags
          causes _i_m_p_l_o_g to print the current contents of the log
          file, then check for new logged messages every 5

     -c   In addition to printing any data messages logged, show
          the contents of the data in hexadecimal bytes.

     -r   Print the raw imp leader, showing all fields, in addi-
          tion to the formatted interpretation according to type.

     -l [ _l_i_n_k# ]
          Show only those messages received on the specified
          ``link''.  If no value is given for the link, the link
          number of the IP protocol is assumed.

     -h _h_o_s_t#
          Show only those messages received from the specified
          host.  (Usually specified in conjunction with an imp.)

     -i _i_m_p#
          Show only those messages received from the specified

     -t _m_e_s_s_a_g_e-_t_y_p_e
          Show only those messages received of the specified mes-
          sage type.

     imp(4P), implogd(8C)

     Can not specify multiple hosts, imps, etc.  Can not follow
     reception of messages without looking at those currently in

Printed 12/27/86           May 5, 1986                          1

IMPLOG(8C)          UNIX Programmer's Manual           IMPLOG(8C)

     the file.

Printed 12/27/86           May 5, 1986                          2