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/*	ctype.h	4.1	82/05/07	*/

 *	UNIX shell
 *	S. R. Bourne
 *	Bell Telephone Laboratories

/* table 1 */
#define T_SUB	01
#define T_MET	02
#define	T_SPC	04
#define T_DIP	010
#define T_EOF	020
#define T_EOR	040
#define T_QOT	0100
#define T_ESC	0200

/* table 2 */
#define T_BRC	01
#define T_DEF	02
#define T_AST	04
#define	T_DIG	010
#define T_FNG	020
#define T_SHN	040
#define	T_IDC	0100
#define T_SET	0200

/* for single chars */
#define _TAB	(T_SPC)
#define _SPC	(T_SPC)
#define _UPC	(T_IDC)
#define _LPC	(T_IDC)
#define _DIG	(T_DIG)
#define _EOF	(T_EOF)
#define _EOR	(T_EOR)
#define _BAR	(T_DIP)
#define _HAT	(T_MET)
#define _BRA	(T_MET)
#define _KET	(T_MET)
#define _SQB	(T_FNG)
#define _AMP	(T_DIP)
#define _SEM	(T_DIP)
#define _LT	(T_DIP)
#define _GT	(T_DIP)
#define _LQU	(T_QOT|T_ESC)
#define _BSL	(T_ESC)
#define _DQU	(T_QOT)
#define _DOL1	(T_SUB|T_ESC)

#define _CBR	T_BRC
#define _CKT	T_DEF
#define _AST	(T_AST|T_FNG)
#define _EQ	(T_DEF)
#define _MIN	(T_DEF|T_SHN)
#define _PCS	(T_SHN)
#define _NUM	(T_SHN)
#define _DOL2	(T_SHN)
#define _PLS	(T_DEF|T_SET)
#define _AT	(T_AST)
#define _QU	(T_DEF|T_FNG|T_SHN)

/* abbreviations for tests */
#define _IDCH	(T_IDC|T_DIG)

char	_ctype1[];

/* nb these args are not call by value !!!! */
#define	space(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype1[c]&(T_SPC))
#define eofmeta(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype1[c]&(_META|T_EOF))
#define qotchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype1[c]&(T_QOT))
#define eolchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype1[c]&(T_EOR|T_EOF))
#define dipchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype1[c]&(T_DIP))
#define subchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype1[c]&(T_SUB|T_QOT))
#define escchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype1[c]&(T_ESC))

char	_ctype2[];

#define	digit(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(T_DIG))
#define fngchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(T_FNG))
#define dolchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(T_AST|T_BRC|T_DIG|T_IDC|T_SHN))
#define defchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(T_DEF))
#define setchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(T_SET))
#define digchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(T_AST|T_DIG))
#define	letter(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(T_IDC))
#define alphanum(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(_IDCH))
#define astchar(c)	(((c)&QUOTE)==0 ANDF _ctype2[c]&(T_AST))