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 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.

#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ns.c	5.3 (Berkeley) 9/12/85";
#endif not lint

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <nlist.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/socketvar.h>
#include <sys/mbuf.h>
#include <sys/protosw.h>

#include <net/route.h>
#include <net/if.h>

#include <netinet/tcp_fsm.h>
#include <netinet/tcp_timer.h>

#include <netns/ns.h>
#include <netns/ns_pcb.h>
#include <netns/idp.h>
#include <netns/idp_var.h>
#include <netns/ns_error.h>
#include <netns/sp.h>
#include <netns/spidp.h>
#include <netns/spp_var.h>
#define SANAMES
#include <netns/spp_debug.h>

struct	nspcb nspcb;
struct	sppcb sppcb;
struct	socket sockb;
struct	protosw proto;
extern	int kmem;
extern	int Aflag;
extern	int aflag;
extern	int nflag;
char *ns_prpr();

static	int first = 1;

 * Print a summary of connections related to a Network Systems
 * protocol.  For SPP, also give state of connection.
 * Listening processes (aflag) are suppressed unless the
 * -a (all) flag is specified.

nsprotopr(off, name)
	off_t off;
	char *name;
	struct nspcb cb;
	register struct nspcb *prev, *next;
	int isspp;

	if (off == 0)
	isspp = strcmp(name, "spp") == 0;
	klseek(kmem, off, 0);
	read(kmem, &cb, sizeof (struct nspcb));
	nspcb = cb;
	prev = (struct nspcb *)off;
	if (nspcb.nsp_next == (struct nspcb *)off)
	for (;nspcb.nsp_next != (struct nspcb *)off; prev = next) {
		char *cp;
		off_t ppcb;

		next = nspcb.nsp_next;
		klseek(kmem, (off_t)next, 0);
		read(kmem, &nspcb, sizeof (nspcb));
		if (nspcb.nsp_prev != prev) {
		if (!aflag && ns_nullhost(nspcb.nsp_faddr) ) {
		klseek(kmem, (off_t)nspcb.nsp_socket, 0);
		read(kmem, &sockb, sizeof (sockb));
		ppcb = (off_t) nspcb.nsp_pcb;
		if (ppcb) {
			if (isspp) {
				klseek(kmem, ppcb, 0);
				read(kmem, &sppcb, sizeof (sppcb));
			} else continue;
		} else
			if (isspp) continue;
		if (first) {
			printf("Active NS connections");
			if (aflag)
				printf(" (including servers)");
			if (Aflag)
				printf("%-8.8s ", "PCB");
			printf(Aflag ?
				"%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s  %-18.18s %-18.18s %s\n" :
				"%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s  %-22.22s %-22.22s %s\n",
				"Proto", "Recv-Q", "Send-Q",
				"Local Address", "Foreign Address", "(state)");
			first = 0;
		if (Aflag)
			printf("%8x ", ppcb);
		printf("%-5.5s %6d %6d ", name, sockb.so_rcv.sb_cc,
		printf("  %-22.22s", ns_prpr(&nspcb.nsp_laddr));
		printf(" %-22.22s", ns_prpr(&nspcb.nsp_faddr));
		if (isspp) {
			extern char *tcpstates[];
			if (sppcb.s_state < 0 || sppcb.s_state >= TCP_NSTATES)
				printf(" %d", sppcb.s_state);
				printf(" %s", tcpstates[sppcb.s_state]);
		prev = next;
#define ANY(x,y,z)  ((x) ? printf("\t%d %s%s%s\n",x,y,plural(x),z) : 0)

 * Dump SPP statistics structure.
spp_stats(off, name)
	off_t off;
	char *name;
	struct spp_istat spp_istat;

	if (off == 0)
	klseek(kmem, off, 0);
	read(kmem, (char *)&spp_istat, sizeof (spp_istat));
	printf("%s:\n", name);
	ANY(spp_istat.nonucn, "connection", " dropped due to no new sockets ");
	ANY(spp_istat.gonawy, "connection", " terminated due to our end dying");
	ANY(spp_istat.nonucn, "connection", " dropped due to inability to connect");
	ANY(spp_istat.noconn, "connection", " dropped due to inability to connect");
	ANY(spp_istat.notme, "connection", " incompleted due to mismatched id's");
	ANY(spp_istat.wrncon, "connection", " dropped due to mismatched id's");
	ANY(spp_istat.bdreas, "packet", " dropped out of sequence");
	ANY(spp_istat.lstdup, "packet", " duplicating the highest packet");
	ANY(spp_istat.notyet, "packet", " refused as exceeding allocation");

 * Dump IDP statistics structure.
idp_stats(off, name)
	off_t off;
	char *name;
	struct idpstat idpstat;

	if (off == 0)
	klseek(kmem, off, 0);
	read(kmem, (char *)&idpstat, sizeof (idpstat));
	ANY(idpstat.idps_toosmall, "packet", " smaller than a header");
	ANY(idpstat.idps_tooshort, "packet", " smaller than advertised");
	ANY(idpstat.idps_badsum, "packet", " with bad checksums");

static	char *((ns_errnames[])[2]) = {
	{"Unspecified Error", " at Destination"},
	{"Bad Checksum", " at Destination"},
	{"No Listener", " at Socket"},
	{"Packet", " Refused due to lack of space at Destination"},
	{"Unspecified Error", " while gatewayed"},
	{"Bad Checksum", " while gatewayed"},
	{"Packet", " forwarded too many times"},
	{"Packet", " too large to be forwarded"},

 * Dump NS Error statistics structure.
nserr_stats(off, name)
	off_t off;
	char *name;
	struct ns_errstat ns_errstat;
	register int j;
	register int histoprint = 1;
	int z;

	if (off == 0)
	klseek(kmem, off, 0);
	read(kmem, (char *)&ns_errstat, sizeof (ns_errstat));
	printf("NS error statistics:\n");
	ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_error, "call", " to ns_error");
	ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_oldshort, "error",
		" ignored due to insufficient addressing");
	ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_oldns_err, "error request",
		" in response to error packets");
	ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_tooshort, "error packet",
		" received incomplete");
	ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_badcode, "error packet",
		" received of unknown type");
	for(j = 0; j < NS_ERR_MAX; j ++) {
		z = ns_errstat.ns_es_outhist[j];
		if (z && histoprint) {
			printf("Output Error Histogram:\n");
			histoprint = 0;
		ANY(z, ns_errnames[j][0], ns_errnames[j][1]);
	histoprint = 1;
	for(j = 0; j < NS_ERR_MAX; j ++) {
		z = ns_errstat.ns_es_inhist[j];
		if (z && histoprint) {
			printf("Input Error Histogram:\n");
			histoprint = 0;
		ANY(z, ns_errnames[j][0], ns_errnames[j][1]);
static struct sockaddr_ns ssns = {AF_NS};

char *ns_prpr(x)
struct ns_addr *x;
	extern char *ns_print();
	struct sockaddr_ns *sns = &ssns;
	sns->sns_addr = *x;