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 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.

#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)invite.c	5.2 (Berkeley) 3/13/86";
#endif not lint

#include "talk_ctl.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

 * There wasn't an invitation waiting, so send a request containing
 * our sockt address to the remote talk daemon so it can invite
 * him 

 * The msg.id's for the invitations
 * on the local and remote machines.
 * These are used to delete the 
 * invitations.
int	local_id, remote_id;
void	re_invite();
jmp_buf invitebuf;

	int nfd, read_mask, template, new_sockt;
	struct itimerval itimer;
	CTL_RESPONSE response;

	itimer.it_value.tv_sec = RING_WAIT;
	itimer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
	itimer.it_interval = itimer.it_value;
	if (listen(sockt, 5) != 0)
		p_error("Error on attempt to listen for caller");
	msg.addr = *(struct sockaddr *)&my_addr;
	msg.addr.sa_family = htons(msg.addr.sa_family);
	msg.id_num = htonl(-1);		/* an impossible id_num */
	invitation_waiting = 1;
	 * Shut off the automatic messages for a while,
	 * so we can use the interupt timer to resend the invitation
	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, (struct itimerval *)0);
	message("Waiting for your party to respond");
	signal(SIGALRM, re_invite);
	(void) setjmp(invitebuf);
	while ((new_sockt = accept(sockt, 0, 0)) < 0) {
		if (errno == EINTR)
		p_error("Unable to connect with your party");
	sockt = new_sockt;

	 * Have the daemons delete the invitations now that we
	 * have connected.
	current_state = "Waiting for your party to respond";

	msg.id_num = htonl(local_id);
	ctl_transact(my_machine_addr, msg, DELETE, &response);
	msg.id_num = htonl(remote_id);
	ctl_transact(his_machine_addr, msg, DELETE, &response);
	invitation_waiting = 0;

 * Routine called on interupt to re-invite the callee

	message("Ringing your party again");
	/* force a re-announce */
	msg.id_num = htonl(remote_id + 1);
	longjmp(invitebuf, 1);

static	char *answers[] = {
	"Your party is not logged on",			/* NOT_HERE */
	"Target machine does not recognize us",		/* MACHINE_UNKNOWN */
	"Target machine can not handle remote talk",	/* UNKNOWN_REQUEST */
	"Target machine is too confused to talk to us",	/* FAILED */
	"Your party is refusing messages",		/* PERMISSION_REFUSED */
	"Target machine indicates protocol mismatch",	/* BADVERSION */
	"Target machine indicates protocol botch (addr)",/* BADADDR */
	"Target machine indicates protocol botch (ctl_addr)",/* BADCTLADDR */
#define	NANSWERS	(sizeof (answers) / sizeof (answers[0]))

 * Transmit the invitation and process the response
	CTL_RESPONSE response;

	current_state = "Trying to connect to your party's talk daemon";
	ctl_transact(his_machine_addr, msg, ANNOUNCE, &response);
	remote_id = response.id_num;
	if (response.answer != SUCCESS) {
		if (response.answer < NANSWERS)
	/* leave the actual invitation on my talk daemon */
	ctl_transact(my_machine_addr, msg, LEAVE_INVITE, &response);
	local_id = response.id_num;

 * Tell the daemon to remove your invitation

	msg.type = DELETE;
	 * This is just a extra clean up, so just send it
	 * and don't wait for an answer
	msg.id_num = htonl(remote_id);
	daemon_addr.sin_addr = his_machine_addr;
	if (sendto(ctl_sockt, &msg, sizeof (msg), 0, &daemon_addr,
	    sizeof (daemon_addr)) != sizeof(msg))
		perror("send_delete (remote)");
	msg.id_num = htonl(local_id);
	daemon_addr.sin_addr = my_machine_addr;
	if (sendto(ctl_sockt, &msg, sizeof (msg), 0, &daemon_addr,
	    sizeof (daemon_addr)) != sizeof (msg))
		perror("send_delete (local)");