
Here are the sources for the documents. All documents are:

Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1984.

The documents are:

		aim and status of the B project;
		example bug report form;
		description of the B programming language;
		quick reference card for the B system;
		users guide for the B programming language;

To reproduce all documents, type 'make print'.  Individual documents can be
printed with e.g. 'make usersguide', without capitals, and without suffix.

Except for Bproject and BugReport they all use a special B font, for B
programming text.  Such text appears between the string brackets <: and
:>, e.g. \*(<:PUT a IN b\*(:>.  In the file bfont.def these strings are
defined such as to use the constant width CW font as the B font.  If
your installation doesn't support this font, ask your local typeset
guru whether there is any other constant width font around.  Check that
all the following characters are on the font:


Otherwise you will have to do with just roman \fR.

Instead of printing the documents yourself, you can order them from the
CWI.  See the OrderForm in this directory, which points to other documents
on B as well.