
From G:shallit  Fri Sep 24 11:47:04 1982
To: kim:anderson kim:baden
Status: R

September 17, 1982

I've been fooling around with APL\11 that we got from Purdue.  Here are
some comments:

First, you should look at the READ_ME file.  This has some important
notes about editing the source before you compile.  I've only compiled
it on the VAX, so I had to add the DVMUNIX flag.  The directory
/manual  has the nroff source to make a manual.  It also has a
READ_ME with some useful info.

If you are using an APL terminal, you should probably set the erase
character to something other than backspace (for example, escape).  You
do this with <stty erase ...>.  You should probably turn off echoing
of the control characters with a <stty -ctlecho> command.  This lets
you do real overstriking.  You should probably also change the kill
character to something other than the ampersand.

Don't forget to invoke apl with the -m option when you use it.

To make the editor work you must edit line 33 of ai.c so it can
find the editor on your own disk, not /bin/xed etc.

There are some bugs.  For example, ( iota 0 )/ iota 0    gives an
INTEGER DIVIDE error.  This is really strange, considering that the
slash there is compression, NOT division!  Also, scans STILL work
backwards.  Try  divide \ 1 2 3  and compare with regular APL.

There are several workspace distributed with this APL.  They are
in the directory /lib  , which also has a READ_ME file.