
record array(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)

procedure dummy(u,v,x,y,z)
   suspend u | v
   return x

procedure main()
   write("every write(\"abcdef\" ? tab(1 to 10)) ----> ",image(every write("abcdef" ? tab(1 to 10))) | "none")
   write("every write(\"abcde\" ? while move(2) ? move(1)) ----> ",image(every write("abcde" ? while move(2) ? move(1))) | "none")
   write("s := \"abcdef\" ----> ",image(s := "abcdef") | "none")
   write("s ?:= move(3) ----> ",image(s ?:= move(3)) | "none")
   write("s := \"abcdef\" ----> ",image(s := "abcdef") | "none")
   write("every write(s ?:= upto(&lcase)) ----> ",image(every write(s ?:= upto(&lcase))) | "none")
   write("s := \"this is the time to work it all out\" ----> ",image(s := "this is the time to work it all out") | "none")
   write("every write(s ? tab(find(\" \"))) ----> ",image(every write(s ? tab(find(" ")))) | "none")
   write("s := \"xxxxxx\" ----> ",image(s := "xxxxxx") | "none")
   write("every s ? write(=(\"a\" | \"x\")) ----> ",image(every s ? write(=("a" | "x"))) | "none")
   write("\"abcdef\" ? (tab(0) & (while write(move(-1)))) ----> ",image("abcdef" ? (tab(0) & (while write(move(-1))))) | "none")
   write("\"abcdef\" ? (tab(0) & (while write(move(\"a\")))) ----> ",image("abcdef" ? (tab(0) & (while write(move("a"))))) | "none")