
Here are a few hints for installing notes on random machines or
upgrading from previous releases.

@ Pyramid users should compile this program in the 4.2 BSD Universe
instead of the ATT Universe.

@ PDP-11 users will undoubtedly have to include the "-i" flag in
Makefiles for "CFLAGS" since the code will require split-I/D.

@ If you are upgrading from a previous release, there's a fair
chance that your database will have to be reformatted. Look
into the programs "nfload" and "nfdump" which help you
to convert between formats. You may also want to make use
of the "fieldzero" program in the utility directory which will
fill in default values for some of the more recently added 

@ Perkin-Elmer users: A comment from a PE site with notesfiles
 == Due to certain strangeness in PE's implementation of the loader, it is
 == necessary to use a -k 8000 (or so) as a loader flag.  The runtime stack's
 == maximum size is fixed at load time and the default 4097 is too small, this
 == results in core dumps and other unfortunate things.