
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

# include	<stdio.h>
# include	"constants.h"
# include	"globals.h"
# include	<setjmp.h>
# include	<sccs.h>

SCCSID(@(#)main.c	8.1	12/31/84)

**  MAIN.C -- Start up routines
**	Usage:
**		equel {-d | -v | -c | -y | -f | -f<integer> | <name>.q}
**	Files:
**		standard output -- for diagnostics
**		<name>.q -- read
**		<name>.c -- created and written
**		any file appearing in a "#include" with a name
**		<name>.q.h -- read
**		<name>.c.h -- created and written
**	Flags:
**		possible arguments are:
**		-d -- enables run-time errors to have the file name
**		      and line number where they occurred reported
**		      Defaults to off.
**		-f -- specify the number of characters to fill
**		      an output line on quel commands 
**		      as being very high (to get C code on the 
**		      right line invariably).
**		-f<integer> -- fill output lines to integer chars
**		      (0 is like -f alone)
**		      Defaults to FILLCNT.
**		-y -- have the parser print debugging info
**		      Defaults to off.
**		-v -- (verbose) have the lexical analizer
**		      print the kind of token it sees.
**		      (only available if xDEBUG is defined)
**		      Defaults to off.
**		-c -- have every character read or backed up
**		      echoed (only if xDEBUG is defined)
**		      Defaults to off.
**		-r -- reset all previous flags to default
**		<name>.q -- name of a file to be equel'ed
**	Compilation Flags:
**		xDEBUG -- enables debugging flags -v and -c
**	Compilation Instructions:
**		to setup equel do :
**			setup equel; setup libq
**  MAIN --  invokes the pre-compiler on all the argument files
**	Parameters:
**		argc
**		argv
**	Returns:
**		none
int		Exit_val = 0;			/* Value to exit with */
jmp_buf		Jmpbuf;				/* nonlocal goto label */

main(argc, argv)
int	argc;
char	**argv;
	extern char	**argproc();

	argv [argc] = 0;

	for (argv++; *argv; )
		argv = argproc(argv);
		if (!Arg_error)

**  ARGPROC -- process arguments on the command line
**	Arguments have effect on all the files following them
**	until a "-r" or an argument cancelling the first
**	Also performs global initializations.
**	Parameters:
**		argv -- a 0 terminated string vector with the
**		        command lines components.
**	Returns:
**		a new argv with all the leading arguments taken out
**	Side Effects:
**		sets certain variables for certain flags
**		  -d -- Rtdb
**		  -c -- Chardebug
**		  -v -- Lex_debug
**		  -y -- yydebug
**		  -f -- Fillcnt
**		  -r -- resets all variables to default values
**		Sets Arg_error on an argument error that should abort
**		the pre-processing of the file read.

char **argproc(argv)
char	**argv;

	/* initializations for a new file */

	C_code_flg = Pre_proc_flg = 0;
	yyline = Newline = Lineout = 1;
	Block_level = Indir_level = In_string = Fillmode = 0;
	Charcnt = Lastc = In_quote = 0;
	Arg_error = 0;

	/* free C variable trees, and symbol space */


	for ( ; *argv && **argv == '-'; argv++)
		switch (*++*argv)
#		  ifdef xDEBUG
		  case 'v' :
			Lex_debug = 'v';

		  case 'c' :
			Chardebug = 'c';
#		  endif

		  case 'y' :
			yydebug = 1;

		  case 'd' :
			Rtdb = 1;

		  case 'f' :		/* line fill */
			Fillcnt = atoi(++*argv);
			if (!Fillcnt)
				/* make SURE that C_CODE is put
				 * on line that it was typed in on
				Fillcnt = 30000;

		  case 'r' :		/* reset all flags to 
					 * their default values.
			yydebug = Rtdb = 0;
			Fillcnt = FILLCNT;
#			ifdef xDEBUG
			Lex_debug = Chardebug = 0;
#			endif

		  default :
			printf("equel: invalid option: '-%c'\n", **argv);
	if (*argv)
		Input_file_name = *argv++;
		printf("equel:  missing file name after arguments\n");
	return (argv);

**  EQUEL -- invokes the precompiler for a non-included file
**	Parameters:
**		filename -- the name of the file to pre-compile
**	Returns:
**		none
**	Side Effects:
**		performs the preprocessing on <filename>

char		*filename;
	char		o_file [100];
	register	l;

	l = length(filename);
	if (l > sizeof o_file - 1)
		printf("equel: filename \"%s\" too long\n",
	if (!sequal(".q", &filename [l - 2]))
		printf("equel: EQUEL source files must end with .q\n");
	bmove(filename, o_file, l - 2);
	bmove(".c", &o_file[l - 2], 3);
	Input_file_name = filename;
	In_file = Out_file = NULL;

	if ((In_file = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
		cant("read", filename);
	else if ((Out_file = fopen(o_file, "w")) == NULL)
		cant("write", o_file);
	else if (!setjmp(Jmpbuf))

	/* if a reset(III) is done while processing
	 * an included file, then this closes all
	 * files skipped.
	while (restoref())

	if (Out_file != NULL)
	if (In_file != NULL)
	In_file = Out_file = NULL;
	if (Block_level != 0)
		yysemerr("unclosed block", 0);
	Input_file_name = 0;

**  CANT -- print error message on failure to open a file
**	Parameters:
**		operation -- "read" or "write", according to what was
**			     attempted
**		filename -- the name of the file on which attempted
**	Returns:
**		none
**	Side Effects:
**		Prints error message on standard output

cant(operation, filename)
char		*operation;
char		*filename;
	extern	char *sys_errlist[];
	extern	int sys_nerr;
	extern	int errno;
	char	ebuf[BUFSIZ];

	if (errno > 0 && errno <= sys_nerr)
		sprintf(ebuf, "Can't %s \"%s\": %s", operation, filename,
		sprintf(ebuf, "Can't %s \"%s\": unknown error", operation,
	yysemerr(ebuf, 0);