
Compare this file to the similar file:
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# include	<ingres.h>
# include	<aux.h>
# include	<tree.h>
# include	<symbol.h>
# include	"parser.h"
# include	<sccs.h>
# include	<errors.h>

SCCSID(@(#)att_fcn.c	8.2	2/8/85)

** fake attribute stash entries for tid nodes (and sid in dist version)
**	these are provided by the system to a program only for debugging
**	the system source and do not have well defined (over time) meanings.
struct atstash	Faketid =
	0,	INT,	4,	"tid",	0
#ifdef	DISTRIB
struct atstash	Fakesid
	0,	INT,	4,	"sid",	0

struct atstash		Attable[MAXATT];/* attrib stash space, turned into a list later */
struct atstash		*Freeatt;	/* free list of attrib stash */

**  ATT_FCN.C  --  attribute list manipulation routines
**	ATT_FCN ~~ trace flags = 40, 41
**	Defines:
**		Attable
**		Freeatt
**		attinit()
**		attlookup()
**		attadd()
**		attfnd()
**		attcheck()
**		attfree()
**		attalloc()
**		attcount()
**	History:
**		modified for 6.3 (jiw)
**   ATTINIT -- initializes attribute table
**	Parameters:
**		none
**	Trace Flags:
**		attinit ~~ 40.0

	register struct atstash		*atptr;
	register int			i;

# ifdef	xPTR3
	tTfp(40, 0, "attinit");
# endif

	atptr = Attable;

	for (i = 0; i < MAXATT - 1; i++)
		atptr->atbnext = atptr + 1;

	atptr->atbnext = NULL;

	Freeatt = Attable;		/* the first attribute in chain */
**  ATTLOOKUP -- finds attribute entry
**	Attlookup looks up atribute 'attrib' in the att stash
**	for range table entry 'slot'.  If the attrib is not
**	in the stash it is entered.
**	Parameters:
**		attrib -- the name of the attribute to find
**		slot -- the number of the range variable
**	Returns:
**		pointer to the attstash element
**	Trace Flags:
**		attlookup ~~ 40.4, 40.5

struct atstash *
attlookup(slot, attrib)
int		slot;
char		*attrib;
	register PARRNG			*rptr;
	register struct atstash		*current;
	int				ik;
	struct attribute		tuple;
	register struct attribute	*ktuple;
	struct attribute		ktup;
	TID				tid;

	extern struct atstash		*attfind();
	extern struct atstash		*attadd();
	extern DESC			Attdes;
	extern PARRNG			Parrng[];

	rptr = &Parrng[slot];

	ktuple = &ktup;
#	ifdef	xPTR2
	tTfp(40, 4, "attlookup: att = %s and rel= %s\n", attrib, trim_relname(rptr->vardesc.reldum.relid));
#	endif

	/* attribute called "tid" is phantom attribute, use fake */
	if (sequal("tid", attrib))
		return (&Faketid);
#	ifdef	DISTRIB
	if (sequal("sid", attrib))
		return (&Fakesid);
#	endif

	/* check to see if attrib is in stash */
	if ((current = attfind(slot, attrib)) != NULL)
		return (current);

#	ifdef	xPTR2
	tTfp(40, 5, "getting att info from relation\n");
#	endif

	/* rel name, owner, attname is unique ident */
	setkey(&Attdes, ktuple, rptr->vardesc.reldum.relid, ATTRELID);
	setkey(&Attdes, ktuple, rptr->vardesc.reldum.relowner, ATTOWNER);
	setkey(&Attdes, ktuple, attrib, ATTNAME);
	if (!(ik = getequal(&Attdes, ktuple, &tuple, &tid)))
		/* put attrib stuff into att stash */
		current = attadd(slot, &tuple);
		return (current);

	if (ik == 1)
		/* attribute not in relation */
		par_error(NOATTRIN, WARN, attrib, trim_relname(rptr->vardesc.reldum.relid), 0);
		syserr("fatal error in getequal, ret: %d", ik);
**  ATTADD -- add an attribute to the list for a particular range variable
**	Parameters:
**		slot -- the number of the range variable to use
**		tuple -- the attribute tuple to add
**	Returns:
**		pointer to the attribute added
**	Trace Flags:
**		attadd ~~ 40.8

struct atstash *
attadd(slot, tuple)
int			slot;
struct attribute	*tuple;
	register struct atstash	*current;
	register struct atstash	*aptr;
	register struct atstash	*bptr;
	PARRNG			*rptr;
	int			i;

	extern struct atstash	*attalloc();
	extern PARRNG		Parrng[];

# ifdef	xPTR3
	tTfp(40, 8, "attadd slot %d, %12s\n", slot, tuple->attname);
# endif

	rptr = &Parrng[slot];

	current = attalloc();
	current->atbid = tuple->attid;
	current->atbfrmt = tuple->attfrmt;
	current->atbfrml = tuple->attfrml;
	bmove(tuple->attname, current->atbname, MAXNAME);
	for (i = 0; i < MAXNAME; i++)
		if (current->atbname[i] == ' ')
			current->atbname[i] = '\0';

	aptr = rptr->attlist;
	bptr = 0;
	while (aptr != 0)
		if (aptr->atbid > current->atbid)
		bptr = aptr;
		aptr = aptr->atbnext;
	if (bptr == 0)
		rptr->attlist = current;
		bptr->atbnext = current;

	current->atbnext = aptr;

	return (current);
**  ATTFIND -- finds attribute in stash
**	Attfind looks in attribute stash to see if attrib info already there
**	return pointer to attribute in attribute table else NULL.
**	Parameters:
**		slot -- the number of the entry in range table
**		attrib -- the attribute name to find
**	Returns:
**		pointer to entry or NULL if not in stash
**	Trace Flags:
**		attfind ~~ 40.12

struct atstash *
attfind(slot, attrib)
int		slot;
register char	*attrib;
	register struct atstash	*aptr;

	extern PARRNG		Parrng[];

# ifdef xPTR1
	tTfp(40, 12, "attadd\n");
# endif

	aptr = Parrng[slot].attlist;

	while (aptr != NULL)
		if (!scompare(attrib, MAXNAME, aptr->atbname, MAXNAME))
			return (aptr);

		aptr = aptr->atbnext;
	return (NULL);
**  ATTCHECK -- checks for conflicts in attributes
**	Attcheck checks for type conflicts in the current query domain and
**	attable entry
**	Parameters:
**		aptr -- pointer to current atttibute
**	Returns:
**		nothing
**	Requires:
**		Trfrmt -- for current format
**	Trace Flags:
**		attcheck ~~ 41.0

register struct atstash		*aptr;
	extern char		Trfrmt;

# ifdef	xPTR1
	tTfp(41, 0, "attcheck\n");
# endif

	if ((Trfrmt == CHAR) != (aptr->atbfrmt == CHAR))
		/* function type does not match attrib */
		par_error(RESTYPE, WARN, aptr->atbname, 0);
**  ATTFREE -- puts a list of attrib space back on the free list
**	Parameters:
**		aptr -- pointer to list of attstash entries
**	Returns:
**		nothing
**	Requires:
**		Freeatt
**	Trace Flags:
**		attfree ~~ 41.4

struct atstash	*aptr;
	register struct atstash	*att;

# ifdef	xPTR1
	tTfp(41, 4, "attfree\n");
# endif

	if ((att = aptr) == NULL)

	while (att->atbnext != NULL)
		att = att->atbnext;

	att->atbnext = Freeatt;
	Freeatt = aptr;
**  ATTALLOC -- returns a pointer to a atstash type structure
**	Attalloc checks the freelist (Freeatt) for attstash entries,
**	if some is there, one is removed.  If the freelist is empty,
**	attstashes are removed from range table entries until an free
**	element is found.
**	Parameters:
**		none
**	Returns:
**		a pointer to an atstash element
**	Requires:
**		Rngback
**		Freeatt
**	Trace Flags:
**		attalloc ~~ 41.8, 41.9

struct atstash *
	register struct atstash	*aptr;
	register PARRNG		*rptr;

	extern PARRNG		*Rngback;

# ifdef	xPTR3
	tTfp(41, 8, "attalloc Freeatt %d\n", Freeatt);
# endif

	/* Note: the following loop doesn't happen if Freeatt != NULL */

	for (rptr = Rngback; Freeatt == NULL; rptr = rptr->frontpt)
		** search least recently used vbles for attrib stash space
		** until at least one entry is found

# ifdef	xPTR3
	tTfp(41, 9, "attalloc: freeing %12s\n", rptr->vardesc.relvname);
# endif

		if (rptr == NULL)
			syserr("attalloc: no att space.");

		Freeatt = rptr->attlist;
		rptr->attlist = NULL;
	aptr = Freeatt;
	Freeatt = Freeatt->atbnext;
	aptr->atbnext = NULL;

	return (aptr);
**  ATTCOUNT -- counts atstash elems
**	Attcount returns a count fof the number of attributes already in the
**	attrib stash.
**	Parameter:
**		slot -- the range table entry to count
**	Returns:
**		count of the attributes
**	Trace Flags:
**		attcount ~~ 41.12

int	slot;
	register int		cntr;
	register struct atstash	*aptr;

	extern PARRNG		Parrng[];

# ifdef	xPTR1
	tTfp(41, 12, "attcount\n");
# endif

	cntr = 0;
	aptr = Parrng[slot].attlist;
	while (aptr != NULL)
		aptr = aptr->atbnext;
	return (cntr);