
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

# include	<ingres.h>
# include	<aux.h>
# include	<tree.h>
# include	"parser.h"
# include	<catalog.h>
# include	<pv.h>
# include	<symbol.h>
# include	<sccs.h>
# include 	"scanner.h"
# include	<errors.h>

SCCSID(@(#)par_util.c	8.2	2/14/85)

**  PAR_UTIL -- parser utility functions
**	These functions are generally unrelated except that they are
**	needed to operate the parser and are too small to be considered
**	seperate modules.
**	Defined Constants:
**	Defines:
**		timeofday	-- convert arguments to minutes since midnight
**		tlprepend	-- attach two target list components
**		header		-- prints the header for a retrieve to terminal
**		patmat		-- converts pattern matching characters in a string
**		permcom		-- adds a command to the permit command vector
**	Requires:
**		nothing
**	Required By:
**		y.tab.c		-- the grammar
**	Files:
**		none
**	Compilation Flags:
**		none
**	Trace Flags:
**		PAR_UTIL.C ~~ 62, 63
**	History:
**		20 Dec 1978	-- written (rick)

**  TIMEOFDAY -- convert 2 integers to minutes since midnight
**	Converts the hours and minutes parameters to minutes since midnight
**	performing some error (bounds) checking on the time.
**	To answer the question about what is midnight, both 0:00 and 24:00
**	are handled, but not the same way.  The former is zero minutes from
**	midnight and the latter is 1440 minutes from midnight.  (1440 is
**	24 hrs times 60 minutes, or 1 minute past the end of the day.)
**	Parameters:
**		hrs		-- an integer pointer to the hour
**		mins		-- an integer pointer to the minutes
**	Returns:
**		integer time since midnight
**	Side Effects:
**		may detect an error and call par_error which never returns.
**	Requires:
**		that the pointers be on integer boundaries
**	Called By:
**		y.tab.c		-- the grammar
**	Trace Flags:
**		none
**	Diagnostics:
**		BADHOURS	-- No such hour
**		BADMINS		-- No such minute
**		BAD24TIME	-- only 24:00 allowed
**	Syserrs:
**		none
**	History:
**		20 Dec 1978 	-- written (rick)
timeofday(hrs, mins)
short	*hrs;
short	*mins;
	register int	h;
	register int	m;
	register int	rtval;

	h = *hrs;
	m = *mins;
	if (h > 24 || h < 0)
		/* no such hour */
		par_error(BADHOURS, WARN, iocv(h), 0);
	if (m > 59 || m < 0)
		/* no such minute */
		par_error(BADMINS, WARN, iocv(m), 0);
	if (h == 24)
		h = 1440;
		if (m != 0)
			/* can only use 24:00 */
			par_error(BAD24TIME, WARN, iocv(m), 0);
	rtval = (h * 60) + m;
	return (rtval);

**  TLPREPEND -- combine two target list components
**	Attach two target list components to each other.
**	Neither component need be a single element.  The
**	'a' component will be attached at the extreme left
**	of the 'b' component.
**	Parameters:
**		a		-- tl component to attach
**		b		-- tl base for attaching
**	Returns:
**		nothing
**	Side Effects:
**		this routine is a side effect.  It attaches a to b
**		and when it returns a is attached to b but the pointer
**		to b never changes (neither does the pointer to a)
**	Requires:
**		nothing
**	Called By:
**		y.tab.c		-- the grammar
**	Trace Flags:
**		tlprepend ~~ 62.4
**	Diagnostics:
**		none
**	Syserrs:
**		none
**	History:
**		20 Dec 1978	-- written (rick)

tlprepend(a, b)
	register QTREE	*q;

# ifdef	xPTR1
	tTfp(62, 4, "tlprepend\n");
# endif

	if (b==NULL)
	/* scan to the left end of b */
	for (q = b; q->left != NULL; q = q->left)
		;	/* no action */
	/* attach a to the end of b */
	q->left = a;
	return (b);

**  HEADER.C -- print header for retrieve to terminal
**	"setp" to reconstruct the field names and types and passing
**	them to the normal printhdr etc.
**	Defines:
**		header()
**	Requires:
**		printhdr	- utility lib
**		beginhdr	- utility lib
**		printeol	- utility lib
**		printeh		- utility lib
**		atoi		- utility lib
**		Dc		- vble, number of params in list
**		Dv		- vble, list of parameters
**	Trace Flags:
**		none
**	History:
**		written (ancient history) (rick)
PARM	*pv;
	int		len;
	HDRINFO		*hptr;
	HDRINFO		*tptr;
	int		start = 1;
	extern HDRINFO	*Hdrptr;
	extern HDRINFO	*Fieldwidth;
	extern int	Hdr;

	Hdr = TRUE;

	for (; pv->pv_type != PV_EOF; pv += 2)
		if ((pv[1].pv_val.pv_str[0] & I1MASK) == 'c')
			tptr = (HDRINFO *) malloc(sizeof(HDRINFO));
			if (start)
				Hdrptr = tptr;
				Fieldwidth = Hdrptr;
				start = 0;
				hptr->next = tptr;
			hptr = tptr;

 		len = atoi(&pv[1].pv_val.pv_str[1]);
		printhdr(pv[1].pv_val.pv_str[0] & I1MASK, len, pv->pv_val.pv_str);

		if ((pv[1].pv_val.pv_str[0] & I1MASK) == 'c')
			tptr->len = len;
			tptr->len &= 0377;
			tptr->next = NULL;

**  PATMAT -- converts pattern matching characters in a string
**	Searches a string up to a null byte for one of the pattern
**	matching characters '*', '?', '[', and ']'. It then converts
**	these characters to their internal control character equivalents.
**	Parameters:
**		str		-- the string to search
**	Returns:
**		0		-- always
**	Side Effects:
**		none
**	Requires:
**		symbol.h
**	Called By:
**		y.tab.c		-- grammar
**	Trace Flags:
**		none
**	Diagnostics:
**		none
**	Syserrs:
**		none
**	History:
**		written (ancient history) (rick)
**		amended (Heidi) -- checks for numbers after PAT_SPEC's 
**			and does away with flags making pattern matching
**			characters legal in strings

**	hunts through a string and converts the pattern matching
**	characters and replaces with the corresponding cntrl chars
char	*str;
	register int	i;		/* index variables */
	register char	*p, *q, c;
	extern int	Qlflag;

	q = str;
	for (p = str; *p; p++)
		if (*p == '\\')
			*q++ = *++p;
		switch (*p)
      		  case '#':
      			if (*(p + 1) == '#') 
      				if ((c = *(p + 1)) == '0')
      					*q++ = PAT_GLOB;
      				else if (c >= '1' && c <= '9')
					if ( !Qlflag )		     /* target*/
					    Patspec_flag[c - '0'] = 1;
					else			 /* qualifier */
					    if( Patspec_flag[c - '0'] == (TARGBIT | QUALBIT))
						for (i=0; i<PATNUM; i++)
							Patspec_flag[i] = 0;
					    /* allows for repeated indices in
					    ** qualifier as long as index is not
					    ** mentioned in target
						Patspec_flag[c - '0'] = Patspec_flag[c - '0'] | QUALBIT;
      					*q++ = PAT_SPEC;
      				*q++ = *p;
      		  case '*':
			if (!Qlflag)
				par_error(NOPATMAT, WARN, 0);
      			*q++ = PAT_ANY;

		  case '?':
			if (!Qlflag)
				par_error(NOPATMAT, WARN, 0);
			*q++ = PAT_ONE;

		  case '[':
			if (!Qlflag)
				par_error(NOPATMAT, WARN, 0);
			*q++ = PAT_LBRAC;

		  case ']':
			if (!Qlflag)
				par_error(NOPATMAT, WARN, 0);
			*q++ = PAT_RBRAC;

			*q++ = *p;
	*q = '\0';
	return (0);
**  PERMCOM -- map command allowed into protection catalog bits
**	translates the QMODE type symbols into the appropriate counterparts
**	for the permit statement allowed command vector.  The manifest
**	constants are designed to be inclusive or'd together to form a
**	composite bit map of OK actions.
**	Parameters:
**		a		-- the QMODE type symbol for the command to add
**	Returns:
**		none
**	Side Effects:
**		changes the variable Permcomd to reflect the additional permission
**	Requires:
**		Permcomd must be define globally
**		catalog.h for the proper constants
**	Called By:
**		y.tab.c		-- the grammar
**	Trace Flags:
**		none
**	Diagnostics:
**		none
**	Syserrs:
**		bad QMODE(%d)	-- a bad symbol has been passed for mapping
**	History:
**		28 Dec 1978	-- written (rick)

int	a;
	extern int		Permcomd;
	switch (a)
	  case mdRETR:
		Permcomd |= PRO_RETR;

	  case mdAPP:
		Permcomd |= PRO_APP;
	  case mdREPL:
		Permcomd |= PRO_REPL;

	  case mdDEL:
		Permcomd |= PRO_DEL;

	  case -1:
		Permcomd |= 0177777;		/* all bits set */
		syserr("permcom: bad QMODE(%d)", a);
char	*
register char	*str;
	register char	*result;
	register int	len;

	len = length(str) + 1;

	result = (char *) need(Qbuf, len);

	bmove(str, result, len);

	return (result);

**		check to see if a PAT_SPEC index was used in a target
**		list and not in a qualifier list
**		Returns: 0 if ok
**			 calls par_error if not ok
**		Called by: y.tab.c   -grammar

	int i;

	for (i=0; i<PATNUM; i++)
		if (Patspec_flag[i] == TARGBIT)
			/* reset the rest of the flag array */
			while (i++ < PATNUM)
			     Patspec_flag[i] = 0;
			par_error(NOQUALINDX, WARN, 0);
		Patspec_flag[i] = 0;