HT(4) BSD Programmer's Manual (VAX Architecture) HT(4) NNAAMMEE hhtt - TM-03/ TE-16, TU-45, TU-77 MASSBUS magtape device interface: SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS mmaasstteerr hhtt00 aatt mmbbaa?? ddrriivvee ?? ttaappee ttuu00 aatt hhtt00 ssllaavvee 00 DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The TM-03 transport combination provides a standard tape drive interface as described in mtio(4). All drives provide both 800 and 1600 BPI; the TE-16 runs at 45 IPS, the TU-45 at 75 IPS, while the TU-77 runs at 125 IPS and autoloads tapes. DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS ttuu%%dd:: nnoo wwrriittee rriinngg.. An attempt was made to write on the tape drive when no write ring was present; this message is written on the terminal of the user who tried to access the tape. ttuu%%dd:: nnoott oonnlliinnee.. An attempt was made to access the tape while it was offline; this message is written on the terminal of the user who tried to access the tape. ttuu%%dd:: ccaann''tt cchhaannggee ddeennssiittyy iinn mmiidd--ttaappee.. An attempt was made to write on a tape at a different density than is already recorded on the tape. This message is written on the terminal of the user who tried to switch the density. ttuu%%dd:: hhaarrdd eerrrroorr bbnn%%dd mmbbssrr==%%bb eerr==%%bb ddss==%%bb.. A tape error occurred at block _b_n; the ht error register and drive status register are printed in octal with the bits symbolically decoded. Any error is fatal on non-raw tape; when possible the driver will have retried the operation which failed several times before reporting the error. SSEEEE AALLSSOO mt(1), tar(1), tp(1), mtio(4), mt(4), physio(4), tm(4), ts(4), ut(4) HHIISSTTOORRYY An hhtt driver appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BBUUGGSS May hang if physical (non-data) errors occur. 4th Berkeley Distribution June 5, 1993 1