
;  FP interpreter/compiler
;  Copyright (c) 1982  Scott B. Baden
;  Berkeley, California
;  Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California.
;  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
;  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
(setq SCCS-primFp.l "@(#)primFp.l	5.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/85")

;  FP interpreter/compiler
(include specials.l)
(declare (special y_l z_l)
  (localf ok_pair ok_eqpair rpair$ lpair$ trnspz allNulls
	  allLists emptyHeader treeInsWithLen))

; fp addition

(defun plus$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'plus$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) (plus (car x) (cadr x)))
	(t (bottom))))

; unit function

(defun (u-fnc plus$fp) nil

; fp subtraction

(defun sub$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'sub$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) (diff (car x) (cadr x)))
	(t (bottom))))

; unit function

(defun (u-fnc sub$fp) nil

; fp multiplication

(defun times$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'times$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) (product (car x) (cadr x)))
	(t (bottom))))

; unit function

(defun (u-fnc times$fp) nil

; fp division 

(defun div$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'div$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) 
	 (cond ((not (zerop (cadr x)))
		(quotient (car x) (cadr x)))
	       (t (bottom))))
	(t (bottom))))

; unit function

(defun (u-fnc div$fp) nil

; logical functions, and or xor not

(defun and$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'and$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'boolp) 
	  ((eq 'F (car x)) 'F)
	  (t (cadr x))))
	(t (bottom))))

; unit function

(defun (u-fnc and$fp) nil

(defun or$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'or$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'boolp) 
	  ((eq 'T (car x)) 'T)
	  (t (cadr x))))
	(t (bottom))))

; unit function

(defun (u-fnc or$fp) nil

(defun xor$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'xor$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'boolp)
	 (let ((p (car x))
	       (q (cadr x)))
	      (cond ((or (and (eq p 'T) (eq q 'T))
			 (and (eq p 'F) (eq q 'F)))
		    (t 'T))))
	(t (bottom))))

; unit function

(defun (u-fnc xor$fp) nil

(defun not$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'not$fp)))
  (cond ((not (atom x)) (bottom))
	((boolp x) (cond ((eq x 'T) 'F) (t 'T)))
	(t (bottom))))

; relational operators,  <  <=  =  >=  >  ~=

(defun lt$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'lt$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) 
	 (cond ((lessp (car x) (cadr x)) 'T)
	       (t 'F)))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun le$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'le$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) 
	 (cond ((not (greaterp (car x) (cadr x))) 'T)
	       (t 'F)))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun eq$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'eq$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_eqpair x ) 
	 (cond ((equal  (car x) (cadr x)) 'T)
	       (t 'F)))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun ge$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'ge$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) 
	 (cond ((not (lessp (car x) (cadr x))) 'T)
	       (t 'F)))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun gt$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'gt$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) 
	 (cond ((greaterp (car x) (cadr x)) 'T)
	       (t 'F)))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun ne$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrTimes 'ne$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_eqpair x) 
	 (cond ((not (equal  (car x) (cadr x))) 'T)
	       (t 'F)))
	(t (bottom))))

; check arguments for eq and ne

(defun ok_eqpair (x)
  (cond ((not (atom x))
	 (cond ((eq (length x) 2) t)))))

; check arguments for binary arithmetics/logicals

(defun ok_pair (x typ)
  (cond ((not (atom x))
	 (cond ((eq (length x) 2)
		 ((and (atom (car x)) (atom (cadr x)))
		  (cond ((and (funcall typ (car x))
			      (funcall typ (cadr x))) t)))))))))

; check if a variable is boolean, 'T' or 'F'

(defun boolp (x)
  (memq x '(T F)))

(defun undefp (x)
  (eq x '?))

(defun tl$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'tl$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'tl$fp)))
  (cond ((atom x) (bottom))
	(t (cdr x))))

(defun tlr$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'tlr$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'tlr$fp)))
  (cond ((listp x) (cond
		    ((onep (length x)) nil)
		    (t (reverse (cdr (reverse x))))))
	(t (bottom))))

; this function is just like id$fp execept it also prints its
; argument on the stdout. It is meant to be used only for debuging.

(defun out$fp (x)
  (fpPP x)

(defun id$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'id$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'id$fp)))

(defun atom$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'atom$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'atom$fp)))
  (cond ((atom x) 'T)
	(t 'F)))

(defun null$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'null$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'null$fp)))
  (cond ((null x) 'T)
	(t  'F)))

(defun reverse$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'reverse$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'reverse$fp)))
  (cond  ((null x) x)
	 ((listp x) (reverse x))
	 (t (bottom))))

(defun lpair$ (x)
  (cond ((or (undefp x) (not (listp x))) nil)
	 (setq y_l (car x))
	 (setq z_l (cdr x))
	 (cond ((null z_l)  t)
	       (t (cond ((or (not (listp z_l)) (not (onep (length z_l)))) nil)
			(t (listp (setq z_l (car z_l))))))))))

(defun rpair$ (x)
  (cond ((or (undefp x) (not (listp x))) nil)
	 (setq y_l (car x))
	 (setq z_l (cdr x))
	 (cond ((null y_l)  t)
	       (t (cond ((not (listp y_l)) nil)
			(t (setq z_l (car z_l)) t)))))))

(defun distl$fp (x)
  (let ((y_l nil) (z_l nil))
       (cond ((lpair$ x) 
	      (cond (DynTraceFlg
		     (IncrSize 'distl$fp (size z_l)) (IncrTimes 'distl$fp)))
	      (mapcar '(lambda (u) (list y_l u)) z_l))
	     (t (bottom)))))

(defun distr$fp (x)
  (let ((y_l nil) (z_l nil))
       (cond ((rpair$ x)
	      (cond (DynTraceFlg
		     (IncrSize 'distr$fp (size y_l)) (IncrTimes 'distr$fp)))
	      (mapcar '(lambda (u) (list u z_l)) y_l))
	     (t (bottom)))))

(defun length$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'length$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'length$fp)))
  (cond ((listp x) (length x))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun apndl$fp (x)
  (cond ((and (dtpr x) (eq 2 (length x)) (listp (cadr x)))
	 (cond (DynTraceFlg
		(IncrSize 'apndl$fp (size (cadr x))) (IncrTimes 'apndl$fp)))
	 (cons (car x) (cadr x)))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun apndr$fp (x)
  (cond ((and (dtpr x) (eq 2 (length x)) (listp (car x)))
	 (cond (DynTraceFlg
		(IncrSize 'apndr$fp (size (car x))) (IncrTimes 'apndr$fp)))
	 (append (car x) (cdr x)))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun rotl$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'rotl$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'rotl$fp)))
  (cond ((null x) x)
	((listp x) (cond ((onep (length x)) x)
			 (t (append (cdr x) (list (car x))))))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun rotr$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'rotr$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'rotr$fp)))
  (cond ((null x) x)
	((listp x) (cond ((onep (length x)) x)
			 (t (reverse (rotl$fp (reverse x))))))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun trans$fp (x)
  (If (and (listp x) (allLists x))
      then (If (allNulls x)
	       (cond (DynTraceFlg
		      (IncrSize 'trans$fp (size x))
		      (IncrTimes 'trans$fp)))
	       (cond (DynTraceFlg
		      (IncrSize 'trans$fp 
				(+ (size (car x))
				   (size (cadr x)))) (IncrTimes 'trans$fp)))
	       (do ((a x (cdr a))
		    (f (length (car x))))
		   ((null a) (trnspz x))
		   (If (or (not (listp (car a))) (not (eq f (length (car a)))))
		       then (bottom))))

(defun allNulls (x)
  (do ((a x (cdr a)))
      ((null a) t)
      (If (car a) then (return nil))))

(defun allLists (x)
  (do ((a x (cdr a)))
      ((null a) t)
      (If (not (dtpr (car a))) then (return nil))))

(defun trnspz (l)
   ((h (emptyHeader (length (car l))))
    (v l (cdr v)))
   ((null v) (mapcar 'car h))
   (mapcar #'(lambda (x y) (tconc x y)) h (car v))))

(defun emptyHeader (n)
   ((r nil)
    (c n (1- c)))
   ((= c 0) r)
   (setq r (cons (ncons nil) r))))

(defun iota$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg  (IncrTimes 'iota$fp)))
  (cond ((undefp x) x)
	((listp x) (bottom))
	((not (fixp x)) (bottom))
	((lessp x 0) (bottom))
	((zerop x) nil)
	 (do ((z x (1- z))
	      (rslt nil))
	     ((zerop z) rslt)
	     (setq rslt (cons z rslt))))))

; this is the stuff that was added by dorab patel to make this have
; the same functions as David Lahti's interpreter

;; Modified by SBB to accept nil as a valid input

(defun last$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'last$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'last$fp)))
    (cond ((null x) nil)
	  ((listp x) (car (last x)))
	  (t (bottom))))

;; Added by SBB

(defun first$fp (x)
  (If DynTraceFlg then (IncrSize 'first$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'first$fp))
  (If (not (listp x)) then (bottom)
      else (car x)))

(defun front$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'front$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'front$fp)))
    (cond ((null x) (bottom))
	  ((listp x) (reverse (cdr (reverse x))))
	  (t (bottom))))

(defun pick$fp (sAndX)
  (let ((s (car sAndX))
	(x (cadr sAndX)))
       (If (or (not (fixp s)) (zerop s) (cddr sAndX)) then  (bottom)
	    (cond (DynTraceFlg
		   (IncrTimes 'select$fp)
		   (IncrSize 'select$fp (size x))))
	    (cond ((not (listp x)) (bottom))
		  ((plusp s) 
		   (If (greaterp s (length x)) then (bottom)
		       else (nthelem s x)))
		  ((minusp s)
		   (let  ((len (length x)))
			 (If (greaterp (absval s) len) then (bottom)
			     else (nthelem (plus len 1 s) x)))))))))

(defun concat$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'concat$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'concat$fp)))
  (If (listp x)
      (do ((a x  (cdr a))
	   (y (copy x) (cdr y))
	   (rslt (ncons nil)))
	  ((null a) (car rslt))
	  (If (not (listp (car a))) then (bottom))
	  (lconc rslt (car y)))
      else (bottom)))

(defun pair$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'pair$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'pair$fp)))
  (cond ((not (listp x)) (bottom))
	((null x) (bottom))
	(t (do ((count 0 (add count 2)) ; set local vars
		(max (length x))
		(ret (ncons nil)))
	       ((not (lessp count max)) (car ret)) ; return car of tconc struc
	       (cond ((equal (diff max count) 1) ; if only one element left
		      (tconc ret (list (car x))))
		     (t (tconc ret (list (car x) (cadr x)))
			(setq x (cddr x))))))))

(defun split$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg (IncrSize 'split$fp (size x)) (IncrTimes 'split$fp)))
  (cond ((not (listp x)) (bottom))
	((null x) (bottom))
	((eq (length x) 1) (list x nil))
	 (do ((count 1 (add1 count))
	      (mid (fix (plus 0.5 (quotient (length x) 2.0))))
	      (ret nil))
	     ((greaterp count mid) (cons (nreverse ret) (list x)))
	     (setq ret (cons (car x) ret))
	     (setq x (cdr x))))))

; Library functions: sin, asin, cos, acos, log, exp, mod

(defun sin$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg  (IncrTimes 'sin$fp)))
  (cond ((numberp x) (sin x))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun asin$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg  (IncrTimes 'asin$fp)))
  (cond ((and (numberp x) (not (greaterp (abs x) 1.0))) (asin x))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun cos$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg  (IncrTimes 'cos$fp)))
  (cond ((numberp x) (cos x))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun acos$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg  (IncrTimes 'acos$fp)))
  (cond ((and (numberp x) (not (greaterp (abs x) 1.0))) (acos x))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun log$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg  (IncrTimes 'log$fp)))
  (cond ((and (numberp x) (not (minusp x))) (log x))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun exp$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg  (IncrTimes 'exp$fp)))
  (cond ((numberp x) (exp x))
	(t (bottom))))

(defun mod$fp (x)
  (cond (DynTraceFlg  (IncrTimes 'mod$fp)))
  (cond ((ok_pair x 'numberp) (mod (car x) (cadr x)))
	(t (bottom))))

;; Tree insert function

(defun treeIns$fp (fn x)
  (If (not (listp x)) then  (bottom)
      (If (null x) then  (unitTreeInsert fn)
	  (let ((len (length x)))
	       (If (onep len) then (car x)
		   (If (twop len) then (funcall fn x )
		       else (treeInsWithLen fn x len)))))))

(defun treeInsWithLen (fn x len)
  (let* ((r1 (copy x))
	 (nLen (fix (plus 0.5 (quotient len 2.0))))
	 (p (Cnth r1 nLen))
	 (r2 (cdr p)))
	(rplacd p nil)
	(let ((saveLevel level))
	     (setq level (1+ level))
	     (let ((R1 (treeIns fn r1 nLen)))
		  (setq level (1+ saveLevel))
		  (let ((R2 (treeIns fn r2 (diff len nLen))))
		       (setq level saveLevel)
		       (funcall fn `(,R1 ,R2)))))))