
,0$<# Format a tty structure.
,0$<# As a convenience, this script takes an optional count which can be 
,0$<# used to offset count number of tty structs from dot; thus, specifying
,0$<# the base of an array of ttys, and a unit number +1 as the
,0$<# count (one-origin, due to how the $< command works), will
,0$<# format the appropiate tty.
<9-1="Unit: "D
<5+((<9-1)*0t160)/"rawq: cc"16t"cf"16t"cl"nD2X
+/"canq: cc"16t"cf"16t"cl"nD2X
+/"outq: cc"16t"cf"16t"cl"nD2X