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 *  file: hpFonts.c
 *  Font optimization/removal and text output routines
 *		Hewlett Packard -- Corvallis Workstation Operation
 *		Project -- port of X11 to HP9000
 *		Harry Phinney -- MTS

#include "Xmd.h"
#include "Xproto.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "dixfontstr.h"
#include "fontstruct.h"
#include "scrnintstr.h"
#include "hpOScrnBuf.h"
#include "hpFonts.h"

#include "hppriv.h"

extern char *NameForAtom();	/* in dix/atom.c */

static int hpAllocFontMem();
static void hpStoreFont();

static int
lookUpProperty(pFont, pName)
     register FontRec *pFont;
     register char *pName;
    register int n = FONTINFONPROPS(pFont);
    register FontPropPtr pFP = FONTPROPS(pFont);

    for (;n--; pFP++)
	register char *pPropString;
	if((pPropString = NameForAtom(pFP->name)) && !strcmp(pPropString, pName))
	    return (int) pFP->value;
    return 0;

 *  Routine:	hpRealizeFont
 *		Optimize the font i.e. store it in offscreen memory
 *		This implementation (like our X10) only stores
 *		the characters defined by STARTCHAR thru LASTCHAR in
 *		offscreen.  It breaks them into offscreen chunks
 *  Inputs: pScreen points to the ScreenRec we'll try to optimize for
 *	    pFont points to the font we'll store in offscreen
 *  Returns: TRUE (always)
 *  Side Effects:  sets pFont->devPriv[pScreen->myNum] to point to an
 *		hpFontRec which identifies the location of the font
 *		in offscreen.

hpRealizeFont(pScreen, pFont)
  ScreenPtr pScreen;
  FontRec *pFont;
#if 0
    int index = pScreen->myNum;
    CharInfoPtr pCI = pFont->pCI;
    unsigned int chDefault =  FONTDEFAULTCH(pFont);
    unsigned int firstCol = FONTFIRSTCOL(pFont);
    unsigned int lastCol = FONTLASTCOL(pFont);
    int glyphWidth = FONTMAXBOUNDS(pFont,rightSideBearing) -
    int glyphHeight = FONTMAXBOUNDS(pFont,ascent) +
    hpFontRec *pHpFrec;
    hpCharRange *pRange;
    int i, prop, startChar, lastChar;

     * if it's right-to-left, or if the
     * glyphs are bigger than 24 pixels wide,
     * then don't optimize it.
    if (pFont->info.drawDirection || (glyphWidth > 24))
	pFont->devPriv[index] = (pointer) NULL;
	return TRUE;

     * allocate an hpFontRec
    pHpFrec = (hpFontRec *) xalloc(sizeof (hpFontRec));
    if (!pHpFrec)
	pFont->devPriv[index] = (pointer) NULL;
	return TRUE;

     * allocate the space for stippling a character
    if (!(pHpFrec->stippleChunk = hpBufAlloc(pScreen, glyphWidth, glyphHeight)))
	pFont->devPriv[index] = (pointer) NULL;
	return TRUE;
     * Check to see if the font has properties telling which characters
     * to optimize
    if (prop = lookUpProperty(pFont, "HPSTARTOPTIMIZE"))
	startChar = prop;
	startChar = STARTCHAR;
    if (prop = lookUpProperty(pFont, "HPENDOPTIMIZE"))
	lastChar = prop;
	lastChar = LASTCHAR;

     * allocate the offscreen, and put the chunk info in the hpFontRec
    if (!hpAllocFontMem(pScreen, pFont, pHpFrec, startChar, 
			lastChar, CHARSPERCHUNK))
	hpBufFree(pScreen, pHpFrec->stippleChunk);
	pFont->devPriv[index] = (pointer) NULL;
	return TRUE;

     * attach the hpFontRec to the devPriv field in the Font
    pFont->devPriv[index] = (pointer) pHpFrec;

    pRange = pHpFrec->pRange;

     * store the font in the offscreen memory
    for (i = 0; i < pHpFrec->NumChunks; i++)
	hpStoreFont(pScreen, pFont, i, startChar + (i * CHARSPERCHUNK), 
	pRange[i].startChar = startChar + (i * CHARSPERCHUNK);
	pRange[i].endChar = pRange[i].startChar + CHARSPERCHUNK - 1;
    pHpFrec->maxWidth = glyphWidth;
    pHpFrec->maxHeight = glyphHeight;
    pHpFrec->firstChar = startChar;
    pHpFrec->lastChar = lastChar;

     * check for the existence of the default glyph.  If it exists, then
     * hpStoreFont will have put it in place of any nonexistent glyphs.
     * If it doesn't exist, then the text output routines have to skip
     * any non-existent character.
    pHpFrec->fDefaultExists = !((chDefault < firstCol) || 
				(chDefault > lastCol) ||
				!pCI[chDefault - firstCol].exists);

    return TRUE;

 *  Routine:	hpUnrealizeFont
 *		If the font had been stored in offscreen memory
 *		then free all the associated memory.
 *  Inputs: pScreen points to the ScreenRec the font was realized for
 *	    pFont points to the font we're unrealizing
 *  Returns: nothing of importance
 *  Side Effects:  none

hpUnrealizeFont(pScreen, pFont)
     register ScreenPtr pScreen;
     register FontRec *pFont;
#if 0
    int index = pScreen->myNum;
    register hpFontRec *pHpFrec;
    register int i;

     * test to see if we ever optimized this font
    if (! pFont->devPriv[index])
	return TRUE; 
    pHpFrec = (hpFontRec *) pFont->devPriv[index];

     * mark the font as unoptimized
    pFont->devPriv[index] = (pointer) NULL;

     * free the offscreen chunks
    for (i = 0; i < pHpFrec->NumChunks; i++)
	hpBufFree(pScreen, pHpFrec->ppChunk[i]);
     * free the stippleChunk
    hpBufFree(pScreen, pHpFrec->stippleChunk);

     * free the chunk table

     * free the range array

     * finally, free the hpFontRec itself
    return TRUE;

 *  Routine:	hpAllocFontMem
 *		Get enough offscreen memory on the screen to optomize
 *		the font and store the locations in an hpFontRec
 *  Inputs: pScreen points to the ScreenRec we'll get the memory on 
 *	    pFont points to the font we're allocating for
 *	    phpFontRec we fill out telling where the memory is alloc'd
 *	    first and last specify the first and last glyphs to allocate for
 *	    size specifies the size of each chunk in glyphs
 *  Returns: 1 for success, 0 for not enough offscreen memory
 *  Side Effects:  none

static int
hpAllocFontMem(pScn, pFnt, pHpFrec, first, last, size)
     ScreenPtr pScn;
     FontRec *pFnt;
     hpFontRec *pHpFrec;
     int first, last, size;
    int i;
    int width, height; /* width & height of each chunk */
    int total = last - first + 1; /* total num chars to allocate for */
    int num_chunks = total/size;

    if (total%size) num_chunks++;

    pHpFrec->ppChunk = (hpChunk **) xalloc(sizeof(hpChunk *) * num_chunks);
    if (!(pHpFrec->ppChunk))
	return 0;  
    pHpFrec->NumChunks = num_chunks;

    pHpFrec->pRange = (hpCharRange *) xalloc(sizeof(hpCharRange) * num_chunks);
    if (!(pHpFrec->pRange))
	return 0;  

     * figure out how much memory we need
     * allocates enough memory to contain "total"
     * number of maximum-sized glyphs
    width = (FONTMAXBOUNDS(pFnt,rightSideBearing) -
	     FONTMINBOUNDS(pFnt,leftSideBearing)) * size;
    height = FONTMAXBOUNDS(pFnt,ascent) + FONTMAXBOUNDS(pFnt,descent);

    for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++)

	 * get offscreen memory
	if ((pHpFrec->ppChunk[i] = hpBufAlloc(pScn, width, height)) == NULL)
	     * if it fails, we've gotta free up all the data structures
		hpBufFree(pScn, pHpFrec->ppChunk[--i]);
	    pHpFrec->NumChunks = 0;
	    pHpFrec->ppChunk = (hpChunk **) NULL;
	    pHpFrec->pRange = (hpCharRange *) NULL;
	    return 0;
    return 1;

 *  Routine:	hpStoreFont
 *		Write font glyphs into previously allocated offscreen memory
 *		Stores a contiguous range of glyphs e.g. 32-63
 *		Calls hpWholeGlyph (LIE) to put the bits in the framebuffer
 *		with no clipping
 *  Inputs: pScreen points to the ScreenRec whose memory we write to
 *	    pFont points to the font we'll store in offscreen
 *	    index gets us to the chunk to store the glyphs in
 *	    start and num define the range of glyphs to store
 *  Returns: nothing of importance
 *  Side Effects:  none

static void
hpStoreFont(pScn, pFnt, chunkNum, startGlyph, numGlyphs)
     ScreenPtr pScn;
     register FontRec *pFnt;
     int chunkNum; /* index into array of chunks */
     int startGlyph;
     register numGlyphs;
#if 0
    int glyphNum = startGlyph;
    char *pCurrentGlyph;
    register CharInfoPtr pCi;
    int cellWidth = FONTMAXBOUNDS(pFnt,rightSideBearing) -
    int defaultChar = FONTDEFAULTCH(pFnt);
    hpChunk *pChunk = ((hpFontRec *)pFnt->devPriv[pScn->myNum])->
    hpPrivScreenPtr pPrivScn = getPrivScreenPtr(pScn);
    register x;
    int y;
    unsigned int firstCol = FONTFIRSTCOL(pFnt);
    unsigned int lastCol = FONTLASTCOL(pFnt);
    CharInfoPtr pDefaultCi = (CharInfoPtr) &(pFnt->pCI[defaultChar - firstCol]);
    char *pDefaultGlyph = FONTGLYPHS(pFnt) + pDefaultCi->byteOffset;
    int fDefaultExists = !((defaultChar < firstCol) ||
			   (defaultChar > lastCol) ||

    x = pChunk->x;
    y = pChunk->y;

    while (numGlyphs--)
	if (glyphNum > lastCol) break;

	pCi = &(pFnt->pCI[glyphNum - firstCol]);
	if ((glyphNum >= firstCol) && pCi->exists)
	    pCurrentGlyph = FONTGLYPHS(pFnt) + pCi->byteOffset;
	    (*pPrivScn->WholeGlyph)(pScn, pCurrentGlyph, pCi, x, y,
				    GXcopy, ~0, 0, pPrivScn->planesMask);
	    if (fDefaultExists)
		(*pPrivScn->WholeGlyph)(pScn, pDefaultGlyph, pDefaultCi, x, y,
					GXcopy, ~0, 0, pPrivScn->planesMask);
	x += cellWidth;