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/* $XConsortium: XCrGC.c,v 11.38 92/03/04 09:22:18 rws Exp $ */
/* Copyright    Massachusetts Institute of Technology    1986	*/

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or
publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
written prior permission.  M.I.T. makes no representations about the
suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
without express or implied warranty.

#include "Xlibint.h"

#if __STDC__
#define Const const
#define Const /**/

static XGCValues Const initial_GC = {
    GXcopy, 	/* function */
    AllPlanes,	/* plane_mask */
    0L,		/* foreground */
    1L,		/* background */
    0,		/* line_width */
    LineSolid,	/* line_style */
    CapButt,	/* cap_style */
    JoinMiter,	/* join_style */
    FillSolid,	/* fill_style */
    EvenOddRule,/* fill_rule */
    ArcPieSlice,/* arc_mode */
    (Pixmap)~0L,/* tile, impossible (unknown) resource */
    (Pixmap)~0L,/* stipple, impossible (unknown) resource */
    0,		/* ts_x_origin */
    0,		/* ts_y_origin */
    (Font)~0L,	/* font, impossible (unknown) resource */
    ClipByChildren, /* subwindow_mode */
    True,	/* graphics_exposures */
    0,		/* clip_x_origin */
    0,		/* clip_y_origin */
    None,	/* clip_mask */
    0,		/* dash_offset */
    4		/* dashes (list [4,4]) */

static void _XGenerateGCList();

GC XCreateGC (dpy, d, valuemask, values)
     register Display *dpy;
     Drawable d;		/* Window or Pixmap for which depth matches */
     unsigned long valuemask;	/* which ones to set initially */
     XGCValues *values;		/* the values themselves */
    register GC gc;
    register xCreateGCReq *req;
    register _XExtension *ext;

    if ((gc = (GC)Xmalloc (sizeof(struct _XGC))) == NULL) {
	return (NULL);
    gc->rects = 0;
    gc->dashes = 0;
    gc->ext_data = NULL;
    gc->values = initial_GC;
    gc->dirty = 0L;

    valuemask &= (1L << (GCLastBit + 1)) - 1;
    if (valuemask) _XUpdateGCCache (gc, valuemask, values);

    GetReq(CreateGC, req);
    req->drawable = d;
    req->gc = gc->gid = XAllocID(dpy);

    if (req->mask = gc->dirty)
        _XGenerateGCList (dpy, gc, (xReq *) req);
    ext = dpy->ext_procs;
    while (ext) {		/* call out to any extensions interested */
	if (ext->create_GC) (*ext->create_GC)(dpy, gc, &ext->codes);
	ext = ext->next;
    gc->dirty = 0L; /* allow extensions to see dirty bits */
    return (gc);

 * GenerateGCList looks at the GC dirty bits, and appends all the required
 * long words to the request being generated.

static void
_XGenerateGCList (dpy, gc, req)
    register Display *dpy;
    xReq *req;
    GC gc;
    /* Warning!  This code assumes that "unsigned long" is 32-bits wide */

    unsigned long values[32];
    register unsigned long *value = values;
    long nvalues;
    register XGCValues *gv = &gc->values;
    register unsigned long dirty = gc->dirty;

     * Note: The order of these tests are critical; the order must be the
     * same as the GC mask bits in the word.
    if (dirty & GCFunction)          *value++ = gv->function;
    if (dirty & GCPlaneMask)         *value++ = gv->plane_mask;
    if (dirty & GCForeground)        *value++ = gv->foreground;
    if (dirty & GCBackground)        *value++ = gv->background;
    if (dirty & GCLineWidth)         *value++ = gv->line_width;
    if (dirty & GCLineStyle)         *value++ = gv->line_style;
    if (dirty & GCCapStyle)          *value++ = gv->cap_style;
    if (dirty & GCJoinStyle)         *value++ = gv->join_style;
    if (dirty & GCFillStyle)         *value++ = gv->fill_style;
    if (dirty & GCFillRule)          *value++ = gv->fill_rule;
    if (dirty & GCTile)              *value++ = gv->tile;
    if (dirty & GCStipple)           *value++ = gv->stipple;
    if (dirty & GCTileStipXOrigin)   *value++ = gv->ts_x_origin;
    if (dirty & GCTileStipYOrigin)   *value++ = gv->ts_y_origin;
    if (dirty & GCFont)              *value++ = gv->font;
    if (dirty & GCSubwindowMode)     *value++ = gv->subwindow_mode;
    if (dirty & GCGraphicsExposures) *value++ = gv->graphics_exposures;
    if (dirty & GCClipXOrigin)       *value++ = gv->clip_x_origin;
    if (dirty & GCClipYOrigin)       *value++ = gv->clip_y_origin;
    if (dirty & GCClipMask)          *value++ = gv->clip_mask;
    if (dirty & GCDashOffset)        *value++ = gv->dash_offset;
    if (dirty & GCDashList)          *value++ = gv->dashes;
    if (dirty & GCArcMode)           *value++ = gv->arc_mode;

    req->length += (nvalues = value - values);

     * note: Data is a macro that uses its arguments multiple
     * times, so "nvalues" is changed in a separate assignment
     * statement 

    nvalues <<= 2;
    Data32 (dpy, (long *) values, nvalues);


_XUpdateGCCache (gc, mask, attr)
    register unsigned long mask;
    register XGCValues *attr;
    register GC gc;
    register XGCValues *gv = &gc->values;

    if (mask & GCFunction)
        if (gv->function != attr->function) {
	  gv->function = attr->function;
	  gc->dirty |= GCFunction;
    if (mask & GCPlaneMask)
        if (gv->plane_mask != attr->plane_mask) {
            gv->plane_mask = attr->plane_mask;
	    gc->dirty |= GCPlaneMask;

    if (mask & GCForeground)
        if (gv->foreground != attr->foreground) {
            gv->foreground = attr->foreground;
	    gc->dirty |= GCForeground;

    if (mask & GCBackground)
        if (gv->background != attr->background) {
            gv->background = attr->background;
	    gc->dirty |= GCBackground;

    if (mask & GCLineWidth)
        if (gv->line_width != attr->line_width) {
            gv->line_width = attr->line_width;
	    gc->dirty |= GCLineWidth;

    if (mask & GCLineStyle)
        if (gv->line_style != attr->line_style) {
            gv->line_style = attr->line_style;
	    gc->dirty |= GCLineStyle;

    if (mask & GCCapStyle)
        if (gv->cap_style != attr->cap_style) {
            gv->cap_style = attr->cap_style;
	    gc->dirty |= GCCapStyle;
    if (mask & GCJoinStyle)
        if (gv->join_style != attr->join_style) {
            gv->join_style = attr->join_style;
	    gc->dirty |= GCJoinStyle;

    if (mask & GCFillStyle)
        if (gv->fill_style != attr->fill_style) {
            gv->fill_style = attr->fill_style;
	    gc->dirty |= GCFillStyle;

    if (mask & GCFillRule)
        if (gv->fill_rule != attr->fill_rule) {
    	    gv->fill_rule = attr->fill_rule;
	    gc->dirty |= GCFillRule;

    if (mask & GCArcMode)
        if (gv->arc_mode != attr->arc_mode) {
	    gv->arc_mode = attr->arc_mode;
	    gc->dirty |= GCArcMode;

    /* always write through tile change, since client may have changed pixmap contents */
    if (mask & GCTile) {
	    gv->tile = attr->tile;
	    gc->dirty |= GCTile;

    /* always write through stipple change, since client may have changed pixmap contents */
    if (mask & GCStipple) {
	    gv->stipple = attr->stipple;
	    gc->dirty |= GCStipple;

    if (mask & GCTileStipXOrigin)
        if (gv->ts_x_origin != attr->ts_x_origin) {
    	    gv->ts_x_origin = attr->ts_x_origin;
	    gc->dirty |= GCTileStipXOrigin;

    if (mask & GCTileStipYOrigin)
        if (gv->ts_y_origin != attr->ts_y_origin) {
	    gv->ts_y_origin = attr->ts_y_origin;
	    gc->dirty |= GCTileStipYOrigin;

    if (mask & GCFont)
        if (gv->font != attr->font) {
	    gv->font = attr->font;
	    gc->dirty |= GCFont;

    if (mask & GCSubwindowMode)
        if (gv->subwindow_mode != attr->subwindow_mode) {
	    gv->subwindow_mode = attr->subwindow_mode;
	    gc->dirty |= GCSubwindowMode;

    if (mask & GCGraphicsExposures)
        if (gv->graphics_exposures != attr->graphics_exposures) {
	    gv->graphics_exposures = attr->graphics_exposures;
	    gc->dirty |= GCGraphicsExposures;

    if (mask & GCClipXOrigin)
        if (gv->clip_x_origin != attr->clip_x_origin) {
	    gv->clip_x_origin = attr->clip_x_origin;
	    gc->dirty |= GCClipXOrigin;

    if (mask & GCClipYOrigin)
        if (gv->clip_y_origin != attr->clip_y_origin) {
	    gv->clip_y_origin = attr->clip_y_origin;
	    gc->dirty |= GCClipYOrigin;

    /* always write through mask change, since client may have changed pixmap contents */
    if (mask & GCClipMask) {
	    gv->clip_mask = attr->clip_mask;
	    gc->dirty |= GCClipMask;
	    gc->rects = 0;

    if (mask & GCDashOffset)
        if (gv->dash_offset != attr->dash_offset) {
	    gv->dash_offset = attr->dash_offset;
	    gc->dirty |= GCDashOffset;

    if (mask & GCDashList)
        if ((gv->dashes != attr->dashes) || (gc->dashes == True)) {
            gv->dashes = attr->dashes;
	    gc->dirty |= GCDashList;
	    gc->dashes = 0;

/* can only call when display is already locked. */

_XFlushGCCache(dpy, gc)
     Display *dpy;
     GC gc;
    register xChangeGCReq *req;
    register _XExtension *ext;

    if (gc->dirty) {
        GetReq(ChangeGC, req);
        req->gc = gc->gid;
	req->mask = gc->dirty;
        _XGenerateGCList (dpy, gc, (xReq *) req);
	ext = dpy->ext_procs;
	while (ext) {		/* call out to any extensions interested */
		if (ext->flush_GC) (*ext->flush_GC)(dpy, gc, &ext->codes);
		ext = ext->next;
	gc->dirty = 0L; /* allow extensions to see dirty bits */

void XFlushGC(dpy, gc)
     Display *dpy;
     GC gc;
    FlushGC(dpy, gc);

GContext XGContextFromGC(gc)
    GC gc;
    { return (gc->gid); }