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/* $XConsortium: XFont.c,v 11.38 91/12/19 18:14:14 rws Exp $ */
/* Copyright    Massachusetts Institute of Technology    1986	*/

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or
publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
written prior permission.  M.I.T. makes no representations about the
suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
without express or implied warranty.

#include "Xlibint.h"

static int _XQueryFont();

#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XFontStruct *XLoadQueryFont(
   register Display *dpy,
   _Xconst char *name)
XFontStruct *XLoadQueryFont(dpy, name)
   register Display *dpy;
   char *name;
    XFontStruct *font_result;
    register long nbytes;
    Font fid;
    xOpenFontReq *req;
    int seqadj = 1;
    int	error_status;

    GetReq(OpenFont, req);
    nbytes = req->nbytes  = name ? strlen(name) : 0;
    req->fid = fid = XAllocID(dpy);
    req->length += (nbytes+3)>>2;
    Data (dpy, name, nbytes);
#ifdef WORD64
     *  If a NoOp is generated, the sequence number will be off
     *  by one, so this temporarily adjusts the sequence number.
    if ((long)dpy->bufptr >> 61) seqadj = 2;
    dpy->request -= seqadj;
    error_status = _XQueryFont(dpy, fid, &font_result);
    dpy->request += seqadj;
    if (error_status) {
	font_result = (XFontStruct *) NULL;
	if (error_status == 1) {
	    /* if _XQueryFont returned 1, then the OpenFont request got
	       a BadName error.  This means that the following QueryFont
	       request is guaranteed to get a BadFont error, since the id
	       passed to QueryFont wasn't really a valid font id.  To read
	       and discard this second error, we call _XReply again. */
	    xReply reply;
	    (void) _XReply (dpy, &reply, 0, xFalse);
    return font_result;

XFreeFont(dpy, fs)
    register Display *dpy;
    XFontStruct *fs;
    register xResourceReq *req;
    register _XExtension *ext = dpy->ext_procs;

    while (ext) {		/* call out to any extensions interested */
	if (ext->free_Font != NULL) (*ext->free_Font)(dpy, fs, &ext->codes);
	ext = ext->next;
    GetResReq (CloseFont, fs->fid, req);
    if (fs->per_char)
       Xfree ((char *) fs->per_char);
    if (fs->properties)
       Xfree ((char *) fs->properties);
    Xfree ((char *) fs);

 * Returns:	0	success
 *		1	protocol error
 *		2	Xlib memory allocation failed
static int _XQueryFont (dpy, fid, xfs)	/* Internal-only entry point */
    register Display *dpy;
    Font fid;
    XFontStruct **xfs;	/* RETURN */
    register XFontStruct *fs;
    register long nbytes;
    xQueryFontReply reply;
    register xResourceReq *req;
    register _XExtension *ext;

    GetResReq(QueryFont, fid, req);
    if (!_XReply (dpy, (xReply *) &reply,
       ((SIZEOF(xQueryFontReply) - SIZEOF(xReply)) >> 2), xFalse))
	return 1;
    if (! (fs = (XFontStruct *) Xmalloc (sizeof (XFontStruct))))
	return 2;
    fs->ext_data 		= NULL;
    fs->fid 			= fid;
    fs->direction 		= reply.drawDirection;
    fs->min_char_or_byte2	= reply.minCharOrByte2;
    fs->max_char_or_byte2 	= reply.maxCharOrByte2;
    fs->min_byte1 		= reply.minByte1;
    fs->max_byte1 		= reply.maxByte1;
    fs->default_char 		= reply.defaultChar;
    fs->all_chars_exist 	= reply.allCharsExist;
    fs->ascent 			= cvtINT16toInt (reply.fontAscent);
    fs->descent 		= cvtINT16toInt (reply.fontDescent);
	xCharInfo *xcip;

	xcip = (xCharInfo *) &reply.minBounds;
	fs->min_bounds.lbearing = cvtINT16toShort(xcip->leftSideBearing);
	fs->min_bounds.rbearing = cvtINT16toShort(xcip->rightSideBearing);
	fs->min_bounds.width = cvtINT16toShort(xcip->characterWidth);
	fs->min_bounds.ascent = cvtINT16toShort(xcip->ascent);
	fs->min_bounds.descent = cvtINT16toShort(xcip->descent);
	fs->min_bounds.attributes = xcip->attributes;

	xcip = (xCharInfo *) &reply.maxBounds;
	fs->max_bounds.lbearing = cvtINT16toShort(xcip->leftSideBearing);
	fs->max_bounds.rbearing =  cvtINT16toShort(xcip->rightSideBearing);
	fs->max_bounds.width =  cvtINT16toShort(xcip->characterWidth);
	fs->max_bounds.ascent =  cvtINT16toShort(xcip->ascent);
	fs->max_bounds.descent =  cvtINT16toShort(xcip->descent);
	fs->max_bounds.attributes = xcip->attributes;
    /* XXX the next two statements won't work if short isn't 16 bits */
    fs->min_bounds = * (XCharStruct *) &reply.minBounds;
    fs->max_bounds = * (XCharStruct *) &reply.maxBounds;
#endif /* MUSTCOPY */

    fs->n_properties = reply.nFontProps;
     * if no properties defined for the font, then it is bad
     * font, but shouldn't try to read nothing.
    fs->properties = NULL;
    if (fs->n_properties > 0) {
	    nbytes = reply.nFontProps * sizeof(XFontProp);
	    fs->properties = (XFontProp *) Xmalloc ((unsigned) nbytes);
	    nbytes = reply.nFontProps * SIZEOF(xFontProp);
	    if (! fs->properties) {
		Xfree((char *) fs);
		_XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long)
			  (nbytes + reply.nCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo)));
		return 2;
	    _XRead32 (dpy, (char *)fs->properties, nbytes);
     * If no characters in font, then it is a bad font, but
     * shouldn't try to read nothing.
    /* have to unpack charinfos on some machines (CRAY) */
    fs->per_char = NULL;
    if (reply.nCharInfos > 0){
	nbytes = reply.nCharInfos * sizeof(XCharStruct);
	if (! (fs->per_char = (XCharStruct *) Xmalloc ((unsigned) nbytes))) {
	    if (fs->n_properties) Xfree((char *) fs->n_properties);
	    Xfree((char *) fs);
	    _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long)
			    (reply.nCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo)));
	    return 2;
	    register XCharStruct *cs = fs->per_char;
	    register int i;

	    for (i = 0; i < reply.nCharInfos; i++, cs++) {
		xCharInfo xcip;

		_XRead(dpy, &xcip, SIZEOF(xCharInfo));
		cs->lbearing = cvtINT16toShort(xcip.leftSideBearing);
		cs->rbearing = cvtINT16toShort(xcip.rightSideBearing);
		cs->width =  cvtINT16toShort(xcip.characterWidth);
		cs->ascent =  cvtINT16toShort(xcip.ascent);
		cs->descent =  cvtINT16toShort(xcip.descent);
		cs->attributes = xcip.attributes;
	nbytes = reply.nCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo);
	_XRead16 (dpy, (char *)fs->per_char, nbytes);

    ext = dpy->ext_procs;
    while (ext) {		/* call out to any extensions interested */
	if (ext->create_Font != NULL) 
		(*ext->create_Font)(dpy, fs, &ext->codes);
	ext = ext->next;
    *xfs = fs;
    return 0;

XFontStruct *XQueryFont (dpy, fid)
    register Display *dpy;
    Font fid;
    XFontStruct *font_result;

    if (_XQueryFont(dpy, fid, &font_result) > 0)
	font_result = (XFontStruct *) NULL;
    return font_result;