
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)bibargs.c	2.13	5/27/93";
#endif not lint
        Authored by: Tim Budd, University of Arizona, 1983.
                version 7/4/83

        Various modifications suggested by:
                David Cherveny - Duke University Medical Center
                Phil Garrison - UC Berkeley
                M. J. Hawley - Yale University

	       version 8/23/1988
	 Adapted to use TiB style macro calls (i.e. |macro|)
	       A. Dain Samples

        read argument strings for bib and listrefs
        do name formatting, printing lines, other actions common to both
# include <stdio.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include "bib.h"
# define LINELENGTH 1024
# define MAXDEFS     500             /* maximum number of defined words */

/* global variables */
   char bibfname[120];          /* file name currently being read            */
   int  biblineno;              /* line number currently being referenced    */
   int  abbrev       = false;   /* automatically abbreviate names            */
   int  capsmcap     = false;   /* print names in caps small caps (CACM form)*/
   int  TibOption    = false;   /* expect files in TiB format                */
   int	TibxOption   = false;   /* to create files for bib2tib               */
   int  numrev       = 0;       /* number of authors names to reverse        */
   int  edabbrev     = false;   /* abbreviate editors names ?                */
   int  edcapsmcap   = false;   /* print editors in cap small caps           */
   int  ednumrev     = 0;       /* number of editors to reverse              */
   int	max_klen     = 6;	/* max size of key			     */
   int  sort         = false;   /* sort references ? (default no)            */
   int  foot         = false;   /* footnoted references ? (default endnotes) */
   int  doacite      = true;    /* place citations ?                         */
   int	redefWarning = false;	/* warnings on attempted redefs ?	     */
   int  hyphen       = false;   /* hypenate contiguous references            */
   int  ordcite      = true;    /* order multiple citations                  */
   char sortstr[80]  = "1";     /* sorting template                          */
   char trailstr[80] = "";      /* trailing characters to output             */
   char pfile[400];             /* private file name                         */
   int  personal = false;       /* personal file given ? (default no)        */
   char citetemplate[80] = "1"; /* citation template                         */
   struct wordinfo words[MAXDEFS];     /* defined words */
   struct wordinfo *wordhash[HASHSIZE];
   struct wordinfo *wordsearch();
   int  wordtop = 0;           /* number of defined words         */
   char letterSeen[128];   /* keeps track of keyletters
		       * so we know whether to emit a .ds
		       * or a .as 
		      /* */

/* where output goes */
   extern FILE *tfd;
/* reference file information */
   extern struct refinfo refinfo[];
   extern char reffile[];
#ifndef INCORE
   extern FILE *rfd;
#endif not INCORE
   extern int numrefs;
   extern char *programName;

char *usageArr[] = {
"-aa    abbreviate authors' first names",
"-arN   reverse first N authors' names; no N, do all",
"-ax    print authors' last names in Caps-Small",
"-cS    use template S for citations",
"-d	change the default directory",
"-ea    abbreviate editors' first names",
"-ex    print editors' last names in Caps-Small",
"-erN   reverse first N editors' names; no N, do all",
"-f     dump reference after citation for footnotes",
"-iFILE process FILE (e.g. a file of definitions)",
"-h     hyphenate sequences of citations (turns on -o)",
"-nS    turn off options; S is composed of the option letters 'afhosx'",
"-pFILE search these FILEs (comma separated list) instead of INDEX",
"-R	print warnings when duplicate definitions of names are ignored",
"-sS    sort references according to template S",
"-tTYPE use the style TYPE",
"-Tib   expect files to be in TiB format (which see)",
"-Tibx	write a file for converting bib to TiB-style |macros|",
usageErr(argv0, opt, str)
    char *argv0;
    char *opt;
    char *str;
    char  **p;
    fprintf(stderr, "Illegal invocation of %s.  Acceptable options:\n",
    fprintf(stderr, "Argument: %s\n", opt);
    fprintf(stderr, "Problem:  %s\n", str);
    for (p = usageArr; *p != 0; p++) {
        fprintf(stderr, "    %s\n", *p);

/* bibwarning - print out a warning message */
  bibwarning(msg, a1, a2)
  char *msg;
  fprintf(stderr,"%s: `%s', line %d: ", programName, bibfname, biblineno);
  fprintf(stderr, msg, a1, a2);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

/* doargs - read command argument line for both bib and listrefs
            set switch values
            call rdtext on file arguments, after dumping
            default style file if no alternative style is given

   int doargs(argc, argv, defstyle)
   int argc;
   char **argv, defstyle[];
{  int numfiles, i, style;
   char *p, *q, *walloc();
   FILE *fd;

   numfiles = 0;
   style = true;
   TibxOption = false;

   programName = argv[0];
   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      if (argv[i][0] == '-')
         switch(argv[i][1]) {
            case 'a':  for (p = &argv[i][2]; *p; p++)
                          if (*p == 'a' || *p == 0)
                             abbrev = true;
                           else if (*p == 'x')
                             capsmcap = true;
                           else if (*p == 'r') {
                             if (*(p+1))
                                numrev = atoi(p+1);
                                numrev = 1000;

            case 'c':  if (argv[i][2] == 0)
                          error("citation string expected for 'c'");
                          for (p = citetemplate,q = &argv[i][2]; *p++ = *q++; );

	    case 'd':  if (argv[i][2])
			    p = &argv[i][2];
		       else {  /* take next arg */
			    p = argv[i];

            case 'e':  for (p = &argv[i][2]; *p; p++)
                          if (*p == 'a')
                             edabbrev = true;
                           else if (*p == 'x')
                             edcapsmcap = true;
                           else if (*p == 'r') {
                             if (*(p+1))
                                ednumrev = atoi(p+1);
                                ednumrev = 1000;

            case 'f':  CASE_f:
		       foot = true;
                       hyphen = false;

            case 'i':  CASE_i:
		       if (argv[i][2])
                          p = &argv[i][2];
                       else { /* take next arg */
                          p = argv[i];

	    case 'l':  if (argv[i][2]){
                          max_klen  = atoi(&argv[i][2]);
			  if (max_klen > REFSIZE)
			      error("too long key size");
		       } else {
			  error("-l needs a numeric value");

            case 'h':  hyphen = ordcite = true;

            case 'n':  for (p = &argv[i][2]; *p; p++)
                          if (*p == 'a')
                             abbrev = false;
                          else if (*p == 'f')
                             foot = false;
                          else if (*p == 'h')
                             hyphen = false;
                          else if (*p == 'o')
                             ordcite = false;
                          else if (*p == 'R')
                             redefWarning = false;
                          else if (*p == 'r')
                             numrev = 0;
                          else if (*p == 's')
                             sort = false;
                          else if (*p == 'x')
                             capsmcap = false;
                          else if (*p == 'v')
                             doacite = true;

            case 'o':  ordcite = true;

            case 'p':  if (argv[i][2])
                          p = &argv[i][2];
                       else {  /* take next arg */
                          p = argv[i];
                       strcpy(pfile, p);
                       personal = true;

	    case 'R':  redefWarning = true;

            case 'r':  if (argv[i][2] == 0)  /* synonym -ar */
                          numrev = 1000;
                          numrev = atoi(&argv[i][2]);

            case 's':  sort = true;
                       if (argv[i][2])
                          for (p = sortstr,q = &argv[i][2]; *p++ = *q++; );

            case 't':  style = false;
		       goto CASE_i;

	   case 'T':   if (strcmp("Tib", &(argv[i][1])) == 0) 
			   TibOption = true;
		       else if (strcmp("Tibx",&(argv[i][1])) == 0) 
			   TibxOption = true;
		       else {
			    usageErr(argv[0], argv[i], 
				    "Did you want the Tib option?");
			    error("'%s' invalid switch", argv[i]);

            case 'v':  doacite = false;
		       goto CASE_f;

            case 'x':  capsmcap = true; /* synonym for -ax */

            case 0:    if (style) {  /* no style command given, take default */
                          style = false;
                          incfile( defstyle );

            default:   usageErr(argv[0], argv[i], "Invalid switch");
                       error("'%c' invalid switch", argv[i][1]);
      else { /* file name */
         if (style) {
            style = false;
            incfile( defstyle );
         fd = fopen(argv[i], "r");
         if (fd == NULL) {
            error("can't open file %s", argv[i]);
         else {
            strcpy(bibfname, argv[i]);

   if (style) incfile( defstyle );
   if (TibxOption) {
     Emits m4 macros that allow easy transformation of old bib-style
     bibliographic databases into tib-style.  The primary problem 
     (although not the only one) is the change of |macro| calls.
      reg struct wordinfo *wp;
      FILE *outf;
      outf = fopen("bib.m4.in","w");
      for (i=0; i<HASHSIZE; i++) {
	 for (wp = wordhash[i]; wp != NULL; wp = wp->wi_hp) {


	char *name;
   strreplace(COMFILE, BMACLIB, name);
   strreplace(DEFSTYLE, BMACLIB, name);
   strcpy(BMACLIB, name);
   wordrestuff("BMACLIB", BMACLIB);
   fprintf(tfd, ".ds l] %s\n", BMACLIB);

/* incfile - read in an included file  */
   char *np;
{  char name[120];
   FILE *fd;
   char *p, line[LINELENGTH], dline[LINELENGTH], word[80], *tfgets();
   int  i, getwrd();

   strcpy(line, bibfname); /* temporary save in case of errors */
   /* first try ./<yourfile> */
      strcpy(bibfname, np);
      fd = fopen(bibfname, "r");
   /* try BMACLIB/<yourfile> */
   if (fd == NULL && *np != '/') {
      strcpy(name, BMACLIB); strcat(name, "/"); strcat(name, np);
      strcpy(bibfname, name);
      fd = fopen(bibfname, "r");
   /* try BMACLIB/tibmacs/<yourfile> */
   if (TibOption && fd == NULL && *np != '/') {
      strcpy(name, BMACLIB); strcat(name, "/tibmacs/"); strcat(name, np);
      strcpy(bibfname, name);
      fd = fopen(bibfname, "r");
   /* try BMACLIB/bibmacs/<yourfile> */
   if (!TibOption && fd == NULL && *np != '/') {
      strcpy(name, BMACLIB); strcat(name, "/bibmacs/"); strcat(name, np);
      strcpy(bibfname, name);
      fd = fopen(bibfname, "r");
   /* try ./bib.<yourfile> */
   if (fd == NULL && *np != '/') {
      strcpy(name, "bib."); strcat(name, np);
      strcpy(bibfname, name);
      fd = fopen(bibfname, "r");
   /* try BMACLIB/bib.<yourfile> */
   if (fd == NULL && *np != '/') {
      strcpy(name,BMACLIB); strcat(name, "/bib."); strcat(name, np);
      strcpy(bibfname, name);
      fd = fopen(bibfname, "r");
   if (fd == NULL) {
      /* unsave old name */
      strcpy(bibfname, line);
      bibwarning("%s: can't find", np);

   /* now go off and process file */
   biblineno = 1;
   while (tfgets(line, LINELENGTH, fd) != NULL) {
      switch(line[0]) {

         case '#': break;

         case 'A': for (p = &line[1]; *p; p++)
                      if (*p == 'A' || *p == '\0')
                         abbrev = true;
                      else if (*p == 'X')
                         capsmcap = true;
                      else if (*p == 'R') {
                         if (*(p+1))
                            numrev = atoi(p+1);
                            numrev = 1000;

         case 'C': for (p = &line[1]; *p == ' '; p++) ;
                   strcpy(citetemplate, p);

         case 'D': if ((i = getwrd(line, 1, word)) == 0)
                      error("word expected in definition");
		   if (wordsearch(word)) { /* already there-toss rest of def.*/
			if (redefWarning)
			   bibwarning("Attempted redefine of %s ignored.",word);
			while(line[strlen(line)-1] == '\\' ) {
                            if (tfgets(line, LINELENGTH, fd) == NULL) break;
                   for (p = &line[i]; isspace(*p); p++) ;
                   for (strcpy(dline, p); dline[strlen(dline)-1] == '\\'; ){
                       dline[strlen(dline)-1] = '\n';
                       if (tfgets(line, LINELENGTH, fd) == NULL) break;
                       strcat(dline, line);
		   wordstuff(word, dline);

         case 'E': for (p = &line[1]; *p; p++)
                      if (*p == 'A')
                         edabbrev = true;
                      else if (*p == 'X')
                         edcapsmcap = true;
                      else if (*p == 'R') {
                         if (*(p+1))
                            ednumrev = atoi(p+1);
                            ednumrev = 1000;

         case 'F': foot = true;
                   hyphen = false;

         case 'I': for (p = &line[1]; *p == ' '; p++);

         case 'H': hyphen = ordcite = true;

         case 'O': ordcite = true;

         case 'R': if (line[1] == 0)  /* this is now replaced by AR */
                      numrev = 1000;
                      numrev = atoi(&line[1]);

         case 'S': sort = true;
                   for (p = &line[1]; *p == ' '; p++) ;
                   strcpy(sortstr, p);

         case 'T': for (p = &line[1]; *p == ' '; p++) ;
                   strcpy(trailstr, p);

         case 'X': capsmcap = true;     /* this is now replace by AX */

         default:  fprintf(tfd,"%s\n",line);
                   while (fgets(line, LINELENGTH, fd) != NULL)
                      fputs(line, tfd);

   /* close up */

/* error - report unrecoverable error message */
  error(str, a1, a2)
  char *str;
  bibwarning(str, a1, a2);
   *	clean up temp files and exit

#ifndef INCORE
** fixrfd( mode ) -- re-opens the rfd file to be read or write,
**      depending on the mode.  Uses a static int to save the current mode
**      and avoid unnecessary re-openings.
fixrfd( mode )
register int mode;
	static int cur_mode = WRITE;    /* rfd open for writing initially */

	if (mode != cur_mode)
		rfd = freopen(reffile, ((mode == READ)? "r" : "a"), rfd);
		cur_mode = mode;
		if (rfd == NULL)
		      error("Hell!  Couldn't re-open reference file %s",
#endif not INCORE

/* tfgets - fgets which trims off newline */
   char *tfgets(line, n, ptr)
   char line[];
   int  n;
   FILE *ptr;
{  reg char *p;

   p = fgets(line, n, ptr);
   if (p == NULL)
      for (p = line; *p; p++)
         if (*p == '\n')
            *p = 0;

/* getwrd - place next word from in[i] into out */
int getwrd(in, i, out)
   reg char in[], out[];
   reg int i;
{  int j;

   j = 0;
   while (isspace(in[i]))
   if (in[i] != '\0')
      while (in[i]  != '\0' && !isspace(in[i]))
         out[j++] = in[i++];
      i = 0;    /* signals end of in[i..]   */
   out[j] = 0;
   return (i);

/* walloc - allocate enough space for a word */
char *walloc(word)
   char *word;
{  char *i, *malloc();
   i = malloc(1 + strlen(word));
   if (i == NULL)
      error("out of storage");
   strcpy(i, word);

/* isword - see if character is legit word char */
#define iswordc(c) (isalnum(c) || c == '&' || c == '_')

   char *line;
{  char line2[REFSIZE], word[REFSIZE];
   reg	struct wordinfo *wp;
   reg	char *p, *q, *w;

   q = line2;
   if (TibOption) {
      /* expand only macro names in |name| vertical bars; name must exist */
      for (p = line; *p != '\0'; /* VOID */ ) {
	 if (*p == '|') {
	    w = word;
	    while (*p != '|' && *p != '\0' && !isspace(*p)) { *w++ = *p++; }
	    *w = '\0';
	    /* skip second '|', if present */
	    if (*p++ != '|') {
	       bibwarning("Unbalanced |macro| bars\n");
	    else if ((wp = wordsearch(word)) != 0) {
	       strcpy(word, wp->wi_def);
	       if (wp->wi_expanding) {
		  bibwarning("Recursive definition for |%s|\n", word);
	       else {
		  wp->wi_expanding = true;
		  wp->wi_expanding = false;
	    else {
	       char errword[REFSIZE];
	       bibwarning("word |%s| not defined\n", word);
	       strcpy(errword, "?");
	       strcat(errword, word);
	       strcat(errword, "?");
	       wordstuff(word, errword);
	       strcpy(word, errword);
	    for (w = word; *w != '\0'; *q++ = *w++);
	 else {
	    *q++ = *p++;
   else {
      for (p = line; *p != '\0'; /*VOID*/){
	 if (isalnum(*p)) {
	    for (w = word; *p && iswordc(*p); ) *w++ = *p++;
	    *w = 0;
	    if (wp = wordsearch(word)){
	       if (wp->wi_expanding) 
		  bibwarning("Recursive definition for %s\n", word);
	       else {
		  strcpy(word, wp->wi_def);
		  wp->wi_expanding = true;
		  wp->wi_expanding = false;
	    for (w = word; *w != '\0'; *q++ = *w++);
	 else if (*p == '\\' && *(p+1) != '\0') {
	    *q++ = *p++;
	    *q++ = *p++;
	 else {
	    *q++ = *p++;
   *q = 0;
   strcpy(line, line2);

/* wordstuff- save a word and its definition, building a hash table */
   wordstuff(word, def)
   char *word, *def;
   int i;
   if (wordtop >= MAXDEFS)
	error("too many definitions, max of %d", MAXDEFS);
   words[wordtop].wi_length = strlen(word);
   words[wordtop].wi_word = word ? walloc(word) : NULL;
   words[wordtop].wi_def = def ? walloc(def) : NULL;
   i = strhash(word);
   words[wordtop].wi_expanding = false;
   words[wordtop].wi_hp = wordhash[i];
   wordhash[i] = &words[wordtop];
   struct wordinfo *wordsearch(word)
   char *word;
   reg int lg;
   reg struct wordinfo *wp;
   lg = strlen(word);
   for (wp = wordhash[strhash(word)]; wp; wp = wp->wi_hp){
	if (wp->wi_length == lg && (strcmp(wp->wi_word, word) == 0)){
/* wordrestuff - save a word and its definition, but replace any existing
 * definition; this could be more efficient, but it is only used to
 * redefine BMACLIB at the present.  -ads 8/88
   wordrestuff(word, def)
   char *word, *def;
   struct wordinfo *wp = wordsearch(word);
   if (wp == NULL) wordstuff(word, def);
   else {
      if (wp->wi_word != NULL) free(wp->wi_word);
      if (wp->wi_def != NULL) free(wp->wi_def);
      wp->wi_length = strlen(word);
      wp->wi_word = word ? walloc(word) : NULL;
      wp->wi_def = def ? walloc(def) : NULL;
      wp->wi_expanding = false;

   int strhash(str)
   reg char *str;
   reg int value = 0;
   for (value = 0; *str; value <<= 2, value += *str++)/*VOID*/;
   value %= HASHSIZE;
   if (value < 0)
	value += HASHSIZE;

/* rdref - read text for an already cited reference */
   rdref(p, ref)
   struct refinfo *p;
   char ref[REFSIZE];
   ref[0] = 0;
#ifndef INCORE
   fixrfd( READ );                      /* fix access mode of rfd, if nec. */
   fseek(rfd, p->ri_pos, 0);
   fread(ref, p->ri_length, 1, rfd);
#else INCORE
   strcpy(ref, p->ri_ref);
#endif INCORE

/* wrref - write text for a new reference */
   wrref(p, ref)
   struct refinfo *p;
   char ref[REFSIZE];
#ifndef INCORE
    fixrfd( WRITE );                 /* fix access mode of rfd, if nec. */
    fseek(rfd, p->ri_pos, 0);        /* go to end of rfd */
    fwrite(ref, p->ri_length, 1, rfd);
#else INCORE
   p->ri_ref = walloc(ref);
#endif INCORE

/* breakname - break a name into first and last name */
   breakname(line, first, last)
   char line[], first[], last[];
{  reg char *t, *f, *q, *r, *p;

   for (t = line; *t != '\n'; t++);
   for (t--; isspace(*t); t--);

   /* now strip off last name */
   for (q = t; isspace(*q) == 0 || ((*q == ' ') & (*(q-1) == '\\')); q--)
      if (q == line)
   f = q;
   if (q != line) {
      for (; isspace(*f); f--);

   /* first name is start to f, last name is q to t */

   for (r = first, p = line; p != f; )
      *r++ = *p++;
   *r = 0;
   for (r = last, p = q, t++; q != t; )
      *r++ = *q++;
   *r = 0;


/* match - see if string1 is a substring of string2 (case independent)*/
   int match(str1, str2)
   reg char str1[], str2[];
{  reg int  j, i;
   char a, b;

   for (i = 0; str2[i]; i++) {
      for (j = 0; str1[j]; j++) {
         if (isupper(a = str2[i+j]))
            a = (a - 'A') + 'a';
         if (isupper(b = str1[j]))
            b = (b - 'A') + 'a';
         if (a != b)
      if (str1[j] == 0)

/* scopy - append a copy of one string to another */
   char *scopy(p, q)
   reg char *p, *q;
   while (*p++ = *q++)

/* rcomp - reference comparison routine for qsort utility */
   int rcomp(ap, bp)
   struct refinfo *ap, *bp;
{  char ref1[REFSIZE], ref2[REFSIZE], field1[MAXFIELD], field2[MAXFIELD];
   reg	char *p, *q;
   char *getfield();
   int  neg, res;
   int  fields_found;

   rdref(ap, ref1);
   rdref(bp, ref2);
   for (p = sortstr; *p; p = q) {
      if (*p == '-') {
         neg = true;
         neg = false;
      q = getfield(p, field1, ref1);
      fields_found = true;
      if (q == 0) {
	 res = 1;
	 fields_found = false;
      } else if (strcmp (field1, "") == 0) {	/* field not found */
         if (*p == 'A') {
            getfield("F", field1, ref1);
	    if (strcmp (field1, "") == 0) {
               getfield("I", field1, ref1);
	       if (strcmp (field1, "") == 0) {
	          res = 1;
		  fields_found = false;
	 } else {
	    res = 1;
	    fields_found = false;

      if (getfield(p, field2, ref2) == 0) {
	 res = -1;
	 fields_found = false;
      } else if (strcmp (field2, "") == 0) {	/* field not found */
         if (*p == 'A') {
            getfield("F", field2, ref2);
	    if (strcmp (field2, "") == 0) {
               getfield("I", field2, ref2);
	       if (strcmp (field2, "") == 0) {
	          res = -1;
		  fields_found = false;
	 } else {
	    res = -1;
	    fields_found = false;
      if (fields_found) {
         if (*p == 'A') {
            if (isupper(field1[0]))
               field1[0] -= 'A' - 'a';
            if (isupper(field2[0]))
               field2[0] -= 'A' - 'a';
         res = strcmp(field1, field2);
      if (neg)
         res = - res;
      if (res != 0)
   if (res == 0)
      if (ap < bp)
         res = -1;
         res = 1;

/* makecites - make standard citation strings, using citetemplate currently in effect */
{  char ref[REFSIZE], tempcite[100], *malloc();
   reg int  i;

   for (i = 0; i < numrefs; i++) {
      rdref(&refinfo[i], ref);
      bldcite(tempcite, i, ref);
      refinfo[i].ri_cite = malloc(2 + strlen(tempcite));
      if (refinfo[i].ri_cite == NULL)
         error("out of storage");
      strcpy(refinfo[i].ri_cite, tempcite);

/* bldcite - build a single citation string */
   bldcite(cp, i, ref)
   char *cp, ref[];
   int  i;
{  reg char *p, *q, *fp;
   char c;
   char field[REFSIZE];
   char *getfield(), *aabet(), *aabetlast(),
        *fullaabet(), *multfull();

   getfield("F", field, ref);
   if (field[0] != 0)
      for (p = field; *p; p++)
         *cp++ = *p;
   else {
      p = citetemplate;
      field[0] = 0;
      while (c = *p++) {
         if (isalpha(c)) {                      /* field name   */
            q = getfield(p-1, field, ref);
            if (q != 0) {
               p = q;
               for (fp = field; *fp; )
                  *cp++ = *fp++;
         else if (c == '1') {                   /* numeric  order */
            sprintf(field,"%d",1 + i);
            for (fp = field; *fp; )
               *cp++ = *fp++;
         else if (c == '2')                     /* alternate alphabetic */
            cp = aabet(cp, ref);
         else if (c == '3')                     /* Astrophysical Journal style*/
            cp = multfull(cp, ref, 3);
         else if (c == '4')                     /* Computing Surveys style*/
            cp = multfull(cp, ref, 2);
	 else if (c == '8')			/* Full alphabetic */
	    cp = fullaabet(cp, ref);
         else if (c == '9')                     /* Last name of Senior Author*/
            cp = aabetlast(cp, ref);
	 else if (c == '0') {			/* print nothing */
            for (fp = field; *fp; )
               *cp++ = *fp++;
         else if (c == '{') {                   /* other information   */
            while (*p != '}')
               if (*p == 0)
                  error("unexpected end of citation template");
                  *cp++ = *p++;
         else if (c == '<') {
            while (*p != '>') {
               if (*p == 0)
                  error("unexpected end of citation template");
                  *cp++ = *p++;
         else if (c != '@')
            *cp++ = c;
   *cp++ = 0;

/* alternate alphabetic citation style -
        if 1 author - first three letters of last name
        if 2 authors - first two letters of first, followed by first letter of
        if 3 or more authors - first letter of first three authors */
   char *aabet(cp, ref)
   char *cp, ref[];
{  char field[REFSIZE], temp[100];
   reg char *np, *fp;
   int j, getname();

   if (getname(1, field, temp, ref)) {
      np = cp;
      fp = field;
      for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
         if (*fp != 0)
            *cp++ = *fp++;
      if (getname(2, field, temp, ref))
         np[2] = field[0];
      if (getname(3, field, temp, ref)) {
         np[1] = np[2];
         np[2] = field[0];

/* alternate alphabetic citation style -
	first two characters of last names of all authors
	up to max_klen characters.
   char *fullaabet(cp, ref)
   char *cp, ref[];
{  char field[REFSIZE], temp[100];
   reg char	*fp;
   char	*lastcp;
   int getname();
   int i;

   lastcp = cp + max_klen;
   for (i= 1; getname(i, field, temp, ref); i++) {
      for (fp = field; *fp && (fp < &(field[3])); )
	 if (cp > lastcp)
         else if (isalpha(*fp))
	     *cp++ = *fp++;

/* alternate alphabetic citation style -
	entire last name of senior author
   char *aabetlast(cp, ref)
   char *cp, ref[];
{  char field[REFSIZE], temp[100];
   reg char	*fp;
   int getname();

   if (getname(1, field, temp, ref)) {
      for (fp = field; *fp; )
         *cp++ = *fp++;

  Multiple full authors last names (1, 2 or 3 full names).

  If maxauthors<3
        if 1 author - last name date
        if 2 authors - last name and last name date
        if 3 or more authors - last name et al. date
  If maxauthors>=3
        if 1 author - last name date
        if 2 authors - last name and last name date
        if 3 authors - last name, last name and last name date
        if 4 or more authors - last name et al. date */
   char *multfull(cp, ref, maxauthors)
   char *cp, ref[];
   int maxauthors;
{  char name1[100], name2[100], name3[100], temp[100];
   reg char *fp;
   int getname();

   if (getname(1, name1, temp, ref)) {
      for (fp = name1; *fp; )
         *cp++ = *fp++;
      if (((maxauthors >= 3) && (getname(4, name3, temp, ref)))
	  || ((maxauthors < 3) && (getname(3, name3, temp, ref)))) {
         for (fp = " \\*(e]"; *fp; )
            *cp++ = *fp++;
      else if (getname(2, name2, temp, ref)) {
         if (getname(3, name3, temp, ref)) {
            for (fp = "\\*(c]"; *fp; )
               *cp++ = *fp++;
            for (fp = name2; *fp; )
               *cp++ = *fp++;
            for (fp = "\\*(m]"; *fp; )
               *cp++ = *fp++;
            for (fp = name3; *fp; )
               *cp++ = *fp++;
         else {
            for (fp = "\\*(n]"; *fp; )
               *cp++ = *fp++;
            for (fp = name2; *fp; )
               *cp++ = *fp++;

/* getfield - get a single field from reference */
   char *getfield(ptr, field, ref)
   char *ptr, field[], ref[];
{  reg	char *p, *q;
   char	temp[100];
   int  n, len, i, getname();

   field[0] = 0;
   if (*ptr == 'A')
      getname(1, field, temp, ref);
      for (p = ref; *p != '\0'; p++)
         if (*p == '%' && *(p+1) == *ptr) {
            for (p = p + 2; isspace(*p); p++)
            for (q = field; (*p != '\n') && (*p != '\0'); )
               *q++ = *p++;
            *q = 0;
   n = 0;
   len = strlen(field);
   if (*++ptr == '-') {
      for (ptr++; isdigit(*ptr); ptr++)
         n = 10 * n + (*ptr - '0');
      if (n > len)
         n = 0;
         n = len - n;
      for (i = 0; field[i] = field[i+n]; i++)
   else if (isdigit(*ptr)) {
      for (; isdigit(*ptr); ptr++)
         n = 10 * n + (*ptr - '0');
      if (n > len)
         n = len;
      field[n] = 0;

   if (*ptr == 'u') {
      for (p = field; *p; p++)
         if (islower(*p))
            *p = (*p - 'a') + 'A';
   else if (*ptr == 'l') {
      for (p = field; *p; p++)
         if (isupper(*p))
            *p = (*p - 'A') + 'a';

/* getname - get the nth name field from reference, breaking into
             first and last names */
   int getname(n, last, first, ref)
   int  n;
   char last[], first[], ref[];
{  reg char *p;
   int  m;

   m = n;
   for (p = ref; *p; p++)
      if (*p == '%' & *(p+1) == 'A') {
         if (n == 0) {
            for (p = p + 2; *p == ' '; p++) ;
            breakname(p, first, last) ;

   if (n == m)          /* no authors, try editors */
      for (p = ref; *p; p++)
         if (*p == '%' & *(p+1) == 'E') {
            if (n == 0) {
               for (p = p + 2; *p == ' '; p++) ;
               breakname(p, first, last) ;

   if (n == m) {        /* no editors, either, try institution */
      first[0] = last[0] = '\0';
      getfield("I", last, ref);
      if (last[0] != '\0')


/* disambiguate - compare adjacent citation strings, and if equal, add
                  single character disambiguators */
{  reg int i, j;
	char adstr;

   for (i = 0; i < numrefs-1; i = j) {
      j = i + 1;
      if (strcmp(refinfo[i].ri_cite, refinfo[j].ri_cite)==0) {
         adstr = 'a';
         for(j = i+1;
	     j<numrefs && strcmp(refinfo[i].ri_cite,refinfo[j].ri_cite) == 0;
	     j++) {
            adstr = 'a' + (j-i);
	    refinfo[j].ri_disambig[0] = adstr;
	 refinfo[i].ri_disambig[0] = 'a';
  for (i = 0; i < numrefs; i++){
	strcat(refinfo[i].ri_cite, refinfo[i].ri_disambig);

/* bldname - build a name field
             doing abbreviations, reversals, and caps/small caps
   bldname(first, last, name, reverse)
   char *first, *last, name[];
   int reverse;
   char newfirst[120], newlast[120];
   reg char *p, *q, *f, *l;
   char *scopy();
   int  flag;

   if (abbrev) {
      p = first;
      q = newfirst;
      flag = false;
      while (*p) {
         while (*p == ' ')
         if (*p == 0)
         if (isupper(*p)) {
            if (flag)           /* between initial gap */
               q = scopy(q, "\\*(a]");
            flag = true;
            *q++ = *p;
            q = scopy(q, "\\*(p]");
         if (*++p == '.')
         else while (*p != 0 && ! isspace(*p))
      *q = 0;
      f = newfirst;
      f = first;

   if (capsmcap) {
      p = last;
      q = newlast;
      flag = 0;  /* 1 - printing cap, 2 - printing small */
      while (*p)
         if (islower(*p)) {
            if (flag != 2)
               q = scopy(q, "\\s-2");
            flag = 2;
            *q++ = (*p++ - 'a') + 'A';
         else {
            if (flag == 2)
               q = scopy(q,"\\s+2");
            flag = 1;
            *q++ = *p++;
      if (flag == 2)
         q = scopy(q, "\\s+2");
      *q = 0;
      l = newlast;
      l = last;

   if (f[0] == 0)
      sprintf(name, "%s\n", l);
   else if (reverse)
      sprintf(name, "%s\\*(b]%s\n", l, f);
      sprintf(name, "%s %s\n", f, l);

/* prtauth - print author or editor field */
   prtauth(c, line, num, max, ofd, abbrev, capsmcap, numrev)
   char c, *line;
   int  num, max, abbrev, capsmcap, numrev;
   FILE *ofd;
{  char first[LINELENGTH], last[LINELENGTH];

   if (num <= numrev || abbrev || capsmcap) {
      breakname(line, first, last);
      bldname(first, last, line, num <= numrev);
   if (num == 1)
      fprintf(ofd,".ds [%c %s", c, line);
   else if (num < max)
      fprintf(ofd,".as [%c \\*(c]%s", c, line);
   else if (max == 2)
      fprintf(ofd,".as [%c \\*(n]%s", c, line);
      fprintf(ofd,".as [%c \\*(m]%s", c, line);
   if (num == max && index(trailstr, c))
      fprintf(ofd,".ds ]%c %c\n", c, line[strlen(line)-2]);

/* doline - actually print out a line of reference information */
   doline(c, line, numauths, maxauths, numeds, maxeds, ofd)
   char c, *line;
   int numauths, maxauths, numeds, maxeds;
   FILE *ofd;
   int appending;

   switch(c) {
      case 'A':
          prtauth(c, line, numauths, maxauths, ofd, abbrev, capsmcap, numrev);

      case 'E':
          prtauth(c, line, numeds, maxeds, ofd, edabbrev, edcapsmcap, ednumrev);
          if (numeds == maxeds)
             fprintf(ofd,".nr [E %d\n", maxeds);

      case 'P':
          if (index(line, '-'))
             fprintf(ofd,".nr [P 1\n");
             fprintf(ofd,".nr [P 0\n");
          fprintf(ofd,".ds [P %s",line);
          if (index(trailstr, 'P'))
             fprintf(ofd,".ds ]P %c\n",line[strlen(line)-2]);

      case 'F': break;

      /* these now accumulate their entries */
      /* defined by official bib documentation */
      case 'K': case 'O': case 'W': 
      /* not defined by official bib documentation */
      case 'H': case 'L': case 'M': case 'Q': case 'U': case 'X': case 'Y': 
      case 'Z':
	 appending = letterSeen[c];
	 letterSeen[c] = true;
	 if (appending)
	    fprintf(ofd, ".as [%c , %s", c, line);
	    fprintf(ofd, ".ds [%c %s", c, line);
	 if (index(trailstr, c))
	    fprintf(ofd, ".ds ]%c %c\n", c, line[strlen(line) - 2]);

	  if (!isupper(c)) break; /* ignore what you don't understand */
          fprintf(ofd,".ds [%c %s", c, line);
          if (index(trailstr, c))
             fprintf(ofd,".ds ]%c %c\n", c, line[strlen(line)-2]);

/* dumpref - dump reference number i */
   dumpref(i, ofd)
   int i;
   FILE *ofd;
{  char ref[REFSIZE], line[REFSIZE];
   reg char *p, *q;
   char *from;
   int numauths, maxauths, numeds, maxeds;
   int j;

   if ( i < 0 ) ref[0] = 0; /* ref not found */
   else {
	   rdref(&refinfo[i], ref);
	   maxauths = maxeds = 0;
	   numauths = numeds = 0;
	   for (j=0; j < 128; j++) letterSeen[j] = 0;
	   for (p = ref; *p; p++)
	      if (*p == '%')
	         if (*(p+1) == 'A') maxauths++;
	         else if (*(p+1) == 'E') maxeds++;
	   fprintf(ofd, ".[-\n");
	   fprintf(ofd, ".ds [F %s\n", refinfo[i].ri_cite);
#ifndef INCORE
	   fseek(rfd, (long)refinfo[i].ri_pos, 0);
	   while (fgets(line, REFSIZE, rfd) != NULL) {
#else INCORE
	   for (q = line, from = refinfo[i].ri_ref; *from; /*VOID*/) { /*} */
		if (*from == '\n'){
			*q++ = '\n';
			*q = 0;
			q = line;
		} else {
			*q++ = *from++;
#endif INCORE
		case 0:
			goto doneref;
		case '.':
			fprintf(ofd, "%s", line);
		case '%':
			case 'A':	numauths++;	break;
			case 'E':	numeds++;	break;
			for (p = &line[2]; *p == ' '; p++) /*VOID*/;
			doline(line[1], p, numauths, maxauths, numeds, maxeds, ofd);