
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 93 17:45:39 GMT
From: Jorge Frazao de Oliveira <frazao@colombo.puug.pt>
Message-Id: <9304261745.AA02646@colombo.puug.pt>
Received: by NeXT Mailer (1.62)
To: vixie
Subject: Re: send me your tools


  I have implemented a package that allow to check several of the
 most usually problems in DNS.
  Find attached the introduction page of the manual.

  This package is available in ftp.ripe.net:/tools/dns/ddt.

  I'll appreciate your comments,

  Jorge Frazao

   May 6 1992                                                          ddt(1)
                                                    Domain Debug Tools Manual

     ddt - domain debug tools

     The DNS database is a distributed database where almost all the distri-
     buted bindings of the TCP/IP application level take place. This database
     is managed by several primary and secondary servers running in a
     master/slave fashion.  During updates, there are temporary inconsisten-
     cies that are more or less tolerated by the different user services.  By
     its nature, the database is managed in a descentralized way, with hun-
     dreds, or even thousands, of individuals envolved. This is a very
     interesting and valuable feature of this application.  However, in con-
     junction with the fact that inconsistencies must be tolerated, this col-
     lective managing style may lead to the introduction of hard to find
     errors.  Sometimes, some of these errors can introduce several problems
     and resource usage far from ideal.

     Ddt (domain debug tools) is a package to help zone administrators to
     avoid as much as possible these problems.  The package is a set of com-
     mands that allow administrators to analyze any portion of the DNS tree.

     Ddt works on cached data files because, as such, it can be reasonable
     efficient.  A command is available to try to cache the "real world"
     situation as close as possible.  This command, ddt-xfer(1), is a
     slightly modified version of the bind named-xfer(8) that allows the
     transfer to the cache of a zone and, optionally, all its descendents
     zones. If you have enough disk and bandwith, you can cache all the zones
     of the world with one only command.  Probably, at end, you should start
     again because some of the cached zones will not reflect the real ones

     All the available commands can receive one or more zone files as parame-
     ters.  So, one command can spread its analysis throughout a set of
     zones.  With the exception of ddt-xfer(1), all commands are written in
     gawk (GNU awk).

     The commands available are:

       ddt-xfer  to cache one or more zones.

       soac      to analyze the RRs that describe the top node of the zone,
                 i.e., the NS RRs that list the servers for the zone and a
                 single SOA RR that describe zone management parameters.

       rrc       to check the semantic of the RRs, like valid host names,
                 names without trailing dot, etc.

       grc       to analyze the glue records for a zone.

       mxc       to analyze the MX RRs defined within a zone.

       rmc       to analyze the reverse mapping.


   ddt(1)                                                          May 6 1992
   Domain Debug Tools Manual

     Besides the commands that allow the analysis of the zone, there are some
     small commands to obtain several accounts, like number of hosts, number
     of nets, number of domains, most popular names, etc.  In conjunction
     with some user written awk scripts, it is easy to obtain a lot of other
     information.  These commands are the following filters:

       expand       replaces the owner name of the RR by an absolute or fully
                    qualified name.

       hosts        returns all hosts in the zone.

       hosts-addr   returns all hosts with their ip-addresses.

       hosts-domain returns all domains defined in the zones with the number
                    of hosts per domain.

       cnames       returns all nicknames in the zone.

       nets         returns all nets in the zone with the number of hosts per

       names-stat   does some statistics about names.

     To make the interpretation of the several messages returned by the
     available commands easier, those messages are divided into four levels
     of severity:

       [Warning 1] You should investigate it now!

       [Warning 2] Don't forget this warning!

       [Warning 3] You should analyze it someday!

       [Comment] You can ignore it /
                 DDT has not enough data to take an effective decision.

     Messages belonging to [Warning 1] level are the most serious. On the
     other hand, messages belonging to [Comment] level are less important,
     but this doesn't mean that these messages can be completely ignored.
     Unfortunately,  there are some serious errors that were included in the
     this level because, when the message is displayed, DDT has not enough
     data (zone files) to take an effective decision.

     The DDT_LEVEL environment variable is used to select what messages
     should be displayed. If it has the value 1, only messages belonging to
     [Warning 1] level are displayed. If it is 2 are displayed all messages
     belonging to [Warning 1] and [Warning 2] levels and so on.


   May 6 1992                                                          ddt(1)
                                                    Domain Debug Tools Manual

     The commands ddt-xfer(1), grc(1), mxc(1), rrc(1) rmc(1) and saoc (1) are
     described in separate manual pages. The commands for gathering statis-
     tics about zones are described below with some examples.

     1) Get all zones below the domain fr. (inclusive):

       ddt-xfer -z fr -f . -r inria.inria.fr layon.inria.fr

     2) Get the zone ul.pt only if the serial number had changed:

       ddt-xfer -z ul.pt -f . -s 199202140 muttley.ul.pt dec4pt.puug.pt

     3) Generate the portuguese statistics of hostnames (All zones below pt.
        are in /usr/local/ddt.cache/pt directory):

       expand /usr/local/ddt.cache/pt/* | hosts | names-stat | sort -rn

     4) Count hosts in a zone beginning at the node inesc.pt (The zone
        inesc.pt is in the file /usr/local/ddt.cache/pt/inesc.pt):

       expand /usr/local/ddt.cache/pt/inesc.pt | hosts | wc -l

     5) Print the number of hosts by nets in Italy (All zones below it. are
        in /usr/local/ddt.cache/it directory):

       expand /usr/local/ddt.cache/it/* | hosts-addr | nets | sort -rn

     Comments and suggestions are welcome.

     ddt-xfer(1), soac(1), rrc(1), mxc(1), grc(1), rmc(1)

     Jorge Frazao