
#From: gdmr@dcs.ed.ac.uk
#Date: Mon, 26 Apr 93 11:03:57 BST
#Message-Id: <5447.9304261003@bruray.dcs.ed.ac.uk>
#To: Paul A Vixie <vixie>
#Subject: Re: send me your tools
#In article <9304251928.AA09770@cognition.pa.dec.com>, you write:
#> ... if you have something which converts to/from /etc/hosts to/from
#> hosts.txt to/from zone files ...
#Here (appended) is my /etc/hosts-to-zonefiles converter.  There were a couple
#of reasons I wrote it (apart from /etc/hosts format being well understood by
#our system support people):
#	it only generates stuff for configured-in networks (which doesn't
#	actually matter to us now, but did at the time I wrote it); and
#	it does something reasonable for multi-homed hosts
#There's some documentation at the top of the source file, and an example
#configuration file (which happens to be a copy of our working one).
#George D M Ross, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh
#     Kings Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH9 3JZ
#Mail: gdmr@dcs.ed.ac.uk      Voice: 031-650 5147      Fax: 031-667 7209

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of shell archive."
# Contents:  Configure-example Makefile makeDNS.c makeHS.c updateDNS
# Wrapped by bind@bruray on Mon Apr 26 10:58:57 1993
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f Configure-example -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"Configure-example\"
echo shar: Extracting \"Configure-example\" \(1831 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >Configure-example <<'END_OF_Configure-example'
X# makeDNS configuration file for cs & cs1
X# domains -- format is
X#"" domain zone-file headers-file "other"-zone-file MX-file
X0.0.0.0		dcs.ed.ac.uk New/zone.cs Headers/cs New/zone.cs.L
X# wires -- format is
X# subnet mask zone-file reverse-headers-file domain
X129.215.36.0	/dev/null     /dev/null		dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.56.0	/dev/null     /dev/null		dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.160.0	New/zone.160  Headers/reverse   dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.64.0	New/zone.64   Headers/reverse   dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.32.0	New/zone.32   Headers/reverse   dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.96.0	New/zone.96   Headers/reverse   dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.224.0   New/zone.224  Headers/reverse   dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.216.0	New/zone.216  Headers/reverse   dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.212.0	New/zone.212  Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.124.0	New/zone.124  Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.252.0	New/zone.252  Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.2.0   New/zone.2    Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.18.0	New/zone.18   Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.74.0	New/zone.74   Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.202.0	New/zone.202  Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.42.0	New/zone.42   Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.90.0	New/zone.90   Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.218.0	New/zone.218  Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.58.0	New/zone.58   Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X129.215.186.0	New/zone.186  Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X192.41.110.0	New/zone.41.110 Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
X192.41.131.0	New/zone.41.131 Headers/reverse	dcs.ed.ac.uk
if test 1831 -ne `wc -c <Configure-example`; then
    echo shar: \"Configure-example\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of overwriting check
if test -f Makefile -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"Makefile\"
echo shar: Extracting \"Makefile\" \(141 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >Makefile <<'END_OF_Makefile'
Xall: makeDNS makeHS
XmakeDNS: makeDNS.c
X	cc -O -o makeDNS makeDNS.c
X	strip makeDNS
XmakeHS: makeHS.c
X	cc -O -o makeHS makeHS.c
X	strip makeHS
if test 141 -ne `wc -c <Makefile`; then
    echo shar: \"Makefile\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of overwriting check
if test -f makeDNS.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"makeDNS.c\"
echo shar: Extracting \"makeDNS.c\" \(13157 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >makeDNS.c <<'END_OF_makeDNS.c'
X/* makeDNS.c -- generate DNS RRs from /etc/hosts
X * Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Department of Computer Science, University of
X * Edinburgh.  Non-commercial use and redistribution is permitted provided this
X * notice remains intact and any modifications are flagged.
X *
X * This software is offered "as is", with no warranty or support whatsoever.
X * Please send comments to gdmr@dcs.ed.ac.uk.
X */
X/* Generate a set of DNS RR files from /etc/hosts and some configuration
X * files, under a reasonable set of assumptions.  The program expects to
X * be running in the target directory.  It reads the file ".configure" in
X * that directory.  The file consists of a sequence of "wire" records, one
X * per line, each one listing the network number, netmask, RR file, header
X * file and full domain name for all hosts on that wire.  Alternatively,
X * a "domain" record consists of as network number, domain, RR file
X * and header file.
X *
X * The /etc/hosts file is read in, and hosts are added to a 2-way linked list,
X * sorted alphabetically by host name (ordering in the DNS doesn't matter,
X * and this sorting allows the program's assumptions to be implemented).
X * Primary names are held with their corresponding IP address, while aliases
X * have the name of the corresponding primary.
X *
X * Once the hosts file has been read in, the output files are opened and
X * the constant header information is written (with the sequence number
X * properly updated).  The hosts list is then scanned in ascending order
X * and the corresponding entries written according to the following
X * heuristics: if a host name has as its leading component one of the
X * preceding hosts then it is assumed to be a second interface on a
X * multi-homed host, and an additional A record is written; and the domain
X * of a host is taken to be that of its first A record, as defined in the
X * corresponding "wire" entry.  Finally the program exits with a zero status.
X *
X * Should any errors occur, the program will exit with a non-zero status.
X */
X#define HOSTS "/etc/hosts"
X#define CONFIG "Configure"
X#define LOG "Log"
X#define MAXWIRE 63
X#define MAXDOMAIN 5
X#define LINEBUFFER 120
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <stdlib.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <pwd.h>
X#include <sys/time.h>
X#include <fcntl.h>
X#include <time.h>
Xtypedef struct _domain {
X	char *domainname;
X	char *RRfile;
X	char *headerfile;
X	char *otherZonefile;
X	char *MXfile;
X	FILE *file;
X	FILE *other;
X	char *MXdata;
X} domain;
Xtypedef struct _wire {
X	long number;
X	long netmask;
X	char *RRfile;
X	char *headerfile;
X	char *domainname;
X	FILE *file;
X	domain *d;
X} wire;
Xtypedef struct _host {
X	struct _host *forward;
X	struct _host *backward;
X	long IP;
X	char *name;
X	struct _host *primary;
X	wire *w;
X} host;
Xstatic host *hostlist;
Xstatic wire wireTable[MAXWIRE];
Xstatic domain domainTable[MAXDOMAIN];
Xstatic int domains, wires;
Xvoid readconfig();
Xvoid readhosts();
Xvoid printhosts();
Xvoid openfiles();
Xvoid closefiles();
X{	readconfig();
X	readhosts();
X	openfiles();
X	printhosts();
X	closefiles();
X	return 0;
Xstatic void addhost(h)
Xhost *h;
X{	host *x;
X	if (hostlist == NULL) {
X		/* List empty, easy case */
X		h->forward = NULL;
X		h->backward = NULL;
X		hostlist = h;
X		return;
X	}
X	x = hostlist;
X	/* Skip to insertion point */
X	while (strcmp(x->name, h->name) < 0) {
X		if (x->forward) {
X			/* More, skip */
X			x = x->forward;
X		}
X		else {
X			/* Add at the tail of the list */
X			h->forward = NULL;
X			h->backward = x;
X			x->forward = h;
X			return;
X		}
X	}
X	/* Sanity check: duplicate? */
X	if (!strcmp(x->name, h->name)) {
X		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s duplicate!\n", h->name);
X		return;
X	}
X	/* Insert before x */
X	h->forward = x;
X	h->backward = x->backward;
X	if (x->backward) x->backward->forward = h;	/* Middle */
X	else hostlist = h;				/* Head */
X	x->backward = h;
Xstatic long IPconvert(ch)
Xchar **ch;
X{	long N1, N2, N3, N4;
X	N1 = strtol(*ch, ch, 10);  (*ch)++;
X	N2 = strtol(*ch, ch, 10);  (*ch)++;
X	N3 = strtol(*ch, ch, 10);  (*ch)++;
X	N4 = strtol(*ch, ch, 10);  (*ch)++;
X	return (N1 << 24) | (N2 << 16) | (N3 << 8) | N4;
Xstatic char *extractname(ch)
Xchar **ch;
X{	char *it;
X	char *name;
X	int n = 0;
X	while (isspace(**ch)) (*ch)++;
X	if (**ch == '\0' || **ch == '#') return NULL;
X	it = *ch;
X	while (!isspace(**ch)) {
X		(*ch)++;
X		n++;
X	}
X	**ch = '\0';  (*ch)++;
X	name = (char *) malloc(n + 1);
X	strcpy(name, it);
X	return name;
Xstatic wire *findWire(IP)
Xlong IP;
X{	int n;
X	wire *w;
X	if (IP == 0) return NULL;
X	for (n = 0, w = wireTable; n < wires; n++, w++) {
X		if ((IP & w->netmask) == w->number) {
X			return w;
X		}
X	}
X	return NULL;
Xstatic domain *findDomain(name)
Xchar *name;
X{	int n;
X	domain *d;
X	for (n = 0, d = domainTable; n < domains; n++, d++) {
X		if (!strcmp(name, d->domainname)) {
X			return d;
X		}
X	}
X	return NULL;
Xstatic void readhosts()
X{	FILE *hosts;
X	host *h, *ph;
X	char *ch;
X	char buffer[LINEBUFFER];
X	long IP;
X	char *primary;
X	char *alias;
X	wire *w;
X	if ((hosts = fopen(HOSTS, "r")) == NULL) {
X		(void) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", HOSTS);
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	for (;;) {
X		if ((ch = fgets(buffer, LINEBUFFER, hosts)) == NULL) break;
X		while (isspace(*ch)) ch++;
X		if (*ch == '\0' || *ch == '#') continue;
X		IP = IPconvert(&ch);
X		if ((w = findWire(IP)) == NULL) continue;
X		primary = extractname(&ch);
X		ph = (host *) malloc(sizeof(host));
X		ph->IP = IP;
X		ph->w = w;
X		ph->name = primary;
X		ph->primary = NULL;
X		addhost(ph);
X		while (*ch != '\0') {
X			alias = extractname(&ch);
X			if (alias == NULL) break;
X			h = (host *) malloc(sizeof(host));
X			h->IP = 0;
X			h->w = w;
X			h->name = alias;
X			h->primary = ph;
X			addhost(h);
X		}
X	}
X	(void) fclose(hosts);
Xstatic host *findPrincipal(like)
Xhost *like;
X{	host *h;
X	int l, n;
X	h = like->backward;
X	l = strlen(like->name);
X	while (h) {
X		if (*(h->name) != *(like->name)) return NULL;
X		n = strlen(h->name);
X		if ((n < l) && !isalnum(like->name[n]) &&
X				!strncmp(h->name, like->name, n)) {
X			return h;
X		}
X		h = h->backward;
X	}
X	return NULL;
X#define  printIP(file, IP) \
X	(void) fprintf(file, "%d.%d.%d.%d", \
X		(IP >> 24) & 255, (IP >> 16) & 255, (IP >> 8) & 255, IP & 255)
X/* printhosts has four cases:
X *   1	IP address, no principal entry -- write the name as it stands, plus
X *	the reverse name, again as it stands.
X *   2	IP address plus principal entry -- write out the address as for the
X *	principal entry, plus the current name as another A RR.  Write the
X *	reverse entry as pointing to the principal name.
X *   3	alias, no principal entry -- write a CNAME RR pointing to the primary.
X *   4	alias plus principal entry -- write an A RR with the primary's address.
X *
X * For example, suppose the /etc/hosts file has the following:
X *  baleshare baleshare-b agfahost
X * baleshare-gw baleshare-a
X * Then baleshare is case 1, baleshare-gw is case 2, baleshare-a and
X * baleshare-b are case 4, and agfahost is case 3.  Confused?  BTW, changing
X * baleshare-gw to fred, say, would break the algorithm -- the main name of the
X * second interface better be related to the main name of the first!
X */
Xvoid printhosts()
X{	host *h, *m, *x;
X	wire *w;
X	FILE *f;
X	int dotted;
X	h = hostlist;
X	while (h) {
X		m = findPrincipal(h);
X		if (h->IP) {
X			if (m) {
X				/* Case 2 */
X				/* A RR for name */
X				(void) fprintf(m->w->d->file,
X					"%-23s IN\tA\t", h->name);
X				printIP(m->w->d->file, h->IP);
X				(void) putc('\n', m->w->d->file);
X				if (m->w->d->MXdata) {
X					(void) fputs(m->w->d->MXdata,
X						m->w->d->file);
X				}
X				/* A RR for principal's name */
X				(void) fprintf(m->w->d->file,
X					"%-23s IN\tA\t", m->name);
X				printIP(m->w->d->file, h->IP);
X				(void) putc('\n', m->w->d->file);
X				/* back-pointer -> principal */
X				(void) fprintf(h->w->file,
X					"%d\tIN\tPTR\t%s.%s.\n",
X					h->IP & (~h->w->netmask),
X					m->name, m->w->d->domainname);
X				if (m->w->d->other) {
X					(void) fprintf(m->w->d->other,
X						"%-23s IN\tCNAME\t%s.%s.\n",
X						h->name, m->name,
X						m->w->d->domainname);
X				}
X			}
X			else {
X				/* Case 1 */
X				dotted = (int) index(h->name, '.');
X				if (!dotted) {
X					(void) fprintf(h->w->d->file,
X						"%-23s IN\tA\t", h->name);
X					printIP(h->w->d->file, h->IP);
X					(void) putc('\n', h->w->d->file);
X					if (h->w->d->MXdata) {
X						(void) fputs(h->w->d->MXdata,
X							h->w->d->file);
X					}
X					if (h->w->d->other) {
X						(void) fprintf(h->w->d->other,
X							"%-23s IN\tCNAME\t%s.%s.\n",
X							h->name, h->name,
X							h->w->d->domainname);
X					}
X				}
X				(void) fprintf(h->w->file,
X					dotted ? "%d\tIN\tPTR\t%s\n"
X						: "%d\tIN\tPTR\t%s.%s.\n",
X					h->IP & (~h->w->netmask),
X					h->name, h->w->d->domainname);
X			}
X		}
X		else {
X			if (m) {
X				/* Case 4 */
X				(void) fprintf(m->w->d->file,
X					"%-23s IN\tA\t", h->name);
X				printIP(m->w->d->file, h->primary->IP);
X				(void) putc('\n', m->w->d->file);
X				if (m->w->d->MXdata) {
X					(void) fputs(m->w->d->MXdata,
X						m->w->d->file);
X				}
X				if (m->w->d->other) {
X					(void) fprintf(m->w->d->other,
X						"%-23s IN\tCNAME\t%s.%s.\n",
X						h->name, m->name,
X						m->w->d->domainname);
X				}
X			}
X			else {
X				/* Case 3 */
X				x = findPrincipal(h->primary);
X				if (!x) x = h->primary;
X				(void) fprintf(x->w->d->file,
X					"%-23s IN\tCNAME\t%s.%s.\n",
X					h->name, x->name,
X					x->w->d->domainname);
X				if (x->w->d->other) {
X					(void) fprintf(x->w->d->other,
X						"%-23s IN\tCNAME\t%s.%s.\n",
X						h->name, x->name,
X						x->w->d->domainname);
X				}
X			}
X		}
X		h = h->forward;
X	}
Xstatic void readconfig()
X{	FILE *config;
X	long IP;
X	char *ch;
X	char buffer[LINEBUFFER];
X	wire *w;
X	domain *d;
X	if ((config = fopen(CONFIG, "r")) == NULL) {
X		(void) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", CONFIG);
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	for (;;) {
X		if ((ch = fgets(buffer, LINEBUFFER, config)) == NULL) break;
X		while (isspace(*ch)) ch++;
X		if (*ch == '\0' || *ch == '#') continue;
X		IP = IPconvert(&ch);
X		if (IP) {
X			/* Wire record */
X			w = wireTable + wires++;
X			w->number = IP;
X			w->netmask = IPconvert(&ch);
X			w->RRfile = extractname(&ch);
X			w->headerfile = extractname(&ch);
X			w->domainname = extractname(&ch);
X			w->file = stderr;  /* meantime */
X			w->d = findDomain(w->domainname);
X			if (!w->d) {
X				(void) fprintf(stderr, "Undefined domain %s:\n",
X					w->domainname);
X				(void) fputs(buffer, stderr);
X				(void) fputc('\n', stderr);
X				exit(2);
X			}
X		}
X		else {
X			/* Domain record */
X			d = domainTable + domains++;
X			d->domainname = extractname(&ch);
X			d->RRfile = extractname(&ch);
X			d->headerfile = extractname(&ch);
X			d->otherZonefile = extractname(&ch);
X			d->MXfile = extractname(&ch);
X			d->file = stderr;  /* meantime */
X			d->other = NULL;
X			d->MXdata = NULL;
X		}
X	}
X	(void) fclose(config);
Xstatic void writeheader(f, h, MXdata)
Xchar *h;
Xchar *MXdata;
X{	static struct passwd *pwd;
X	time_t tt;
X	static struct tm *ttm;
X	static char *t;
X	static char stamp[20];
X	FILE *hf, *l;
X	char buffer[LINEBUFFER];
X	if (!pwd) {
X		pwd = getpwuid(getuid());
X		endpwent();
X		tt = time(NULL);
X		ttm = localtime(&tt);
X		(void) sprintf(stamp, "%d%3.3d%3.3d",
X			ttm->tm_year, ttm->tm_yday,
X			((60 * ttm->tm_hour) + ttm->tm_min) >> 1);
X		t = asctime(ttm);
X		if (l = fopen(LOG, "a")) {
X			fprintf(l, "Generated by %s on %s", pwd->pw_name, t);
X			fclose(l);
X		}
X	}
X	(void) fprintf(f, ";; Generated by %s on %s\n", pwd->pw_name, t);
X	if ((hf = fopen(h, "r")) == NULL) {
X		(void) fprintf(stderr, "Can't open header file %s\n", h);
X		exit(4);
X	}
X	(void) fprintf(f, ";; Including %s\n", h);
X	for (;;) {
X		if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFFER, hf) == NULL) break;
X		(void) fprintf(f, buffer, stamp);
X	}
X	(void) fclose(hf);
X	(void) fprintf(f, ";; End of %s\n\n", h);
X	if (MXdata) {
X		(void) fputc('@', f);
X		(void) fputs(MXdata, f);
X		(void) fputc('\n', f);
X	}
Xstatic void openfiles()
X{	int i;
X	int MXfd;
X	int MXsize;
X	wire *w;
X	domain *d;
X	for (i = 0, d = domainTable; i < domains; i++, d++) {
X		if ((d->file = fopen(d->RRfile, "w")) == NULL) {
X			(void) fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n", d->RRfile);
X			exit(3);
X		}
X		if (d->otherZonefile) {
X			if ((d->other = fopen(d->otherZonefile, "w")) == NULL) {
X				(void) fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n",
X						d->otherZonefile);
X				exit(3);
X			}
X		}
X		if (d->MXfile) {
X			if ((MXfd = open(d->MXfile, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
X				(void) fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n",
X						d->MXfile);
X				exit(3);
X			}
X			d->MXdata = (char *) malloc(2048);
X			if ((MXsize = read(MXfd, d->MXdata, 2048)) < 0) {
X				(void) fprintf(stderr,
X						"Couldn't read from %s\n",
X						d->MXfile);
X				exit(3);
X			}
X			(void) close(MXfd);
X			*(d->MXdata + MXsize) = '\0';
X		}
X		writeheader(d->file, d->headerfile, d->MXdata);
X		if (d->otherZonefile)
X			writeheader(d->other, d->headerfile, d->MXdata);
X	}
X	for (i = 0, w = wireTable; i < wires; i++, w++) {
X		if ((w->file = fopen(w->RRfile, "w")) == NULL) {
X			exit(3);
X		}
X		writeheader(w->file, w->headerfile, (char *) 0);
X	}
Xstatic void closefiles()
X{	int i;
X	domain *d;
X	wire *w;
X	for (i = 0, d = domainTable; i < domains; i++, d++) {
X		(void) fclose(d->file);
X		if (d->other) (void) fclose(d->other);
X	}
X	for (i = 0, w = wireTable; i < wires; i++, w++) {
X		(void) fclose(w->file);
X	}
if test 13157 -ne `wc -c <makeDNS.c`; then
    echo shar: \"makeDNS.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of overwriting check
if test -f makeHS.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"makeHS.c\"
echo shar: Extracting \"makeHS.c\" \(789 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >makeHS.c <<'END_OF_makeHS.c'
X/* Copy stdin to stdout, substituting any %s for the current timestamp
X * (hacked out of makeDNS.c).  The idea is that the HS-class header should
X * just $INCLUDE anything it needs, which will have been generated separately.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/time.h>
X#include <time.h>
X#define LINEBUFFER 120
X#define LOG "/dev/tty"
Xint main()
X{	time_t tt;
X	struct tm *ttm;
X	char *t;
X	char stamp[20];
X	char buffer[LINEBUFFER];
X	tt = time(NULL);
X	ttm = localtime(&tt);
X	(void) sprintf(stamp, "%d%3.3d%3.3d",
X		ttm->tm_year, ttm->tm_yday,
X		((60 * ttm->tm_hour) + ttm->tm_min) >> 1);
X	t = asctime(ttm);
X	(void) printf(";; Generated on %s\n", t);
X	for (;;) {
X		if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFFER, stdin) == NULL) break;
X		(void) printf(buffer, stamp);
X	}
X	return 0;
if test 789 -ne `wc -c <makeHS.c`; then
    echo shar: \"makeHS.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of overwriting check
if test -f updateDNS -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"updateDNS\"
echo shar: Extracting \"updateDNS\" \(222 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >updateDNS <<'END_OF_updateDNS'
X#! /bin/sh
Xcd /var/named.Primary
Xecho "Update DNS database"
Xif [ $? != 0 ] ; then
X	exit
X/bin/cp New/zone.* .
Xif [ $? != 0 ] ; then
X	exit
Xecho "Reload DNS server"
Xkill -HUP `cat /etc/named.pid`
if test 222 -ne `wc -c <updateDNS`; then
    echo shar: \"updateDNS\" unpacked with wrong size!
chmod +x updateDNS
# end of overwriting check
echo shar: End of shell archive.
exit 0